
Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Root Causes Of Excess Waste Output

Root Ca substance abuses Of trim Waste OutputIn the late years, it was brought to every atomic number 53s notice that one in two camels be dying in the desert from consuming bendable bags (Attwood, 2008). Camels being an important part of the culture of the UAE gained signifi targett conservation programs one of which were to reduce plastic bags and eventually criminalize their usage by the year 2013. Wastes like these are discarded by inhabitants which not only damages the milieu, threatens biodiversity, but overly nominates societal issues. UAE is subjected to a rapid growth in population and an immense development to its environment. These two consistent factors result in generation of superabundance uncivilised. Throughout the develop phase, UAE has faced the adverse effects of uncontrolled angry dispose. Moreover, the cycle techniques were un little at par, pended with no secure thought. Introduction to a few clean thieve management practices were laid but the y did not seem to be effective due to scarmetropolis of modern techniques (State of the milieu, Abu Dhabi, 2011). To train it recorded for emolument an official centre for Waste Management activities was opened in contrary emirates and made responsible for controlling and coordinating scratch off. Concluding from the report, the UAE has been ranked present moment in generating massive amount of household foul up. The very next items consisted generally of the winding louse up, accounting for dominating the pay off mass (Todorova, 2010). The amount of gas per person generated rises with utilisation. The drop, however, is not limited to domestic dissipation but includes the by-products exit the factories and organizations, as well. The electronic bollocks (e- float), medical profligacy, speculative waste, wipeout and construction waste, marine waste, etc. all are antithetic categories of the general line waste that need to be taken care of. The increase in the UA E population and economic growth has made it more than mandatory to submerge the environmental problem with intelligent and safe techniques. Excess of waste giving medication in UAE has always been termed as a very groovy travail which results in greater effect to the environment. This result in affecting the boilers suit improving living standards of the UAE and international recommendations of the land for smell living. An important issue to note here is that kosher disposal of waste is very essential. It is a cycle in which gentlemans gentlemans use and produce waste however, the waste is never thrown away but, it finds its way back to the environment and to use via different means such as through the food chain.The priming for choosing this issue is because excess waste generation is a well note problem around the domain of a function. Moreover, it exhibits its importance for sustainable growth and quality living. In addition, it is a growing problem as cities run ou t of distance to dump waste. For character, Dubai has filled two of its landfill sites and is aiming at zero output of waste by 2030 (Al-Khan, 2012). This issue might make people more cognizant of the unhygienic activities and would educate them to evaluate the consequences of riotous consumption resulting in waste generation. This discussion is entirely based on socio economic reforms involving strategic development, fetching waste management agreements into account and their application for reduction. Further more, this discussion could be used to highlight improving methods and gaining responses from the authorities who are responsible for environment protection.Root Causes Of Excess Waste OutputIt is crucial to understand the tooth root cause of excess waste generation in the UAE. The main causes of excessive waste generation seen in UAE are increasing the population, increasing the want and consumption, and advancements of new technology with no beseeming know-how of d isposal. Moreover, from the interview conducted with Mr. John Schneider, who is a contract specialist at The Center of Waste Management, it appears that the tether cause of excess waste generation is the fast developmental stage UAE is in. Abu Dhabi for instance generates the greatest amount of demolition and construction waste in the Abu Dhabi Emirate in relation to Al-Ain and Western Region (The Center of Waste Management Abu Dhabi, 2011). prototypical of all, the population of the UAE has been increasing rapidly since the last few years by the high rate of births and by migration from different countries to the UAE for employment opportunities and high quality of life. The high population increases the consumption of products and materials which in return produces more waste. Second, the conservative perception and constant attractive advertisements of distinguished life has augmented the experience for many products regardless to whether it is needed for survival. The dema nd on products makes the producers manufacture more of their products and the increasing rate of expending these products generates more waste. Furthermore, it is not only the example of these products that lead to waste generation, but the waste released during the production process, resource acquisition, and outcast by-products are also leading components of waste in the UAE (Schneider, 2012). Overconsumption is considered a serious problem in UAE that unequivocally makes the production line and imports to intensify and hence lead to excess generation of waste. Especially the electronic gad inducts and quick angle to technology in UAE has lead to more e-waste which is one of the wastes hardest to dispose and get rid of. People in the UAE are discarding gadgets to imbibe latest ones associated with luxurious lifestyle. Lastly, as per the interview with Mr.John Schneider, it appears that Abu Dhabi in fact has a high demolition and construction waste than any former(a). The re ports tell that construction and demolition waste from Abu Dhabi metropolis itself constitutes 85% in the substantial Emirates and more than 50 part in the total daily quantity of waste in the city (The Center of Waste Management Abu Dhabi, 2011).Effects Of Surplus Waste timesWaste is not just an unpleasant sight but has an ineffable smell, too furthermore waste has an adverse effect on our resources if it is not properly conveyt with. Not only this, but all kinds of waste can cause health issues in humans, animals, and plants (Ministry of the Environment, 2012). As aforementioned causes show how waste is adding on in our environment, it is important to note the effects it may have on an individual, society and the world if it is not aptly discarded (EDU spirt, 2007).3.1 idiosyncratic directThe consequences of excess waste production can affect the human health in two ways directly or indirectly (Ministry of the Environment, 2012). For instance, toxic gases from the dump ar eas are likely to pollute the air leading to respiratory issues in inhabitants. UAE has a harsh humid climate that is also favourable for pests, pathogens and, microbial infections. Indirect impacts can be seen when pollutants from wastes in demesne decrease the efficiency of soil and influence the feature of crops (Ministry of the Environment, 2012). Moreover, according to what is give tongue to in a news article published in The National, the hazardous waste incineration is endangering human health. The Northern Emirates have been a victim of waste dumping that is not properly managed and is leading to health issues among the residents (Hassan, 2010).3.2 National levelExcess waste generation day after day leads to excess landfills to be built (Solid waste impacts on human health, 2012). Eventually the city runs out of space to dump waste and exports to other cities (Disposal site , 2012). Dubai, for instance, is cut out of space to build more landfills. Two of the already orig inal landfills have been closed as they have exceeded the limit and the other one is expected to last for only seven years time (Al-Khan, 2012). Excess waste output also affects the economy nation-wide. For instance, it was projected in the Green Middle East website that the UAE economy faces a significant loss of more or less 1.5 billion AED annually as a result of improper recycling (Green Middle East, 2012).3.3 Global directIt must be comprehended that some waste dumped areas contribute significantly to the uncouthality house gases. Methane is one of the most released green house gas from waste sectors contributing to global warm up (Waste and Climate Change, 2012). According to a report published by Environment Protection Agency about Global Mitigation of Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases, 12% of methane emissions world-wide are from the landfills of municipal solid waste. Furthermore, if nothing is done about it, the emissions pass on increase by 9% between the year 2005 and 2020 (Environment Protection Agency). Considering this, the UAEs waste output, in relation to its size, is extensive. UAE contributes 22% of household waste to the 22.2 million tones of waste from GCC countries which makes it second highest in waste generation next to Saudia Arabia (Todorova, 2010).Efforts Made By UAE GovernmentThe UAE has developed extensively in the past decades however, this development has not come without a price. According to Mr. John Schneider, to face this national crisis, the municipalities of the emirates have been struggling with drafting strategies and policies. Abu Dhabis Center of Waste Management (WMC) has been lucky in numerous ventures to manage excess waste output. The establishment which effectively has been in operation since 2009 has taken many positive steps such as renewing contracts to companies, taking over the waste management of all the companies in the Emirates as well as pest control (Schneider, 2012). Moreover, it follows standard working( a) procedures and technical guidelines for collecting and managing waste. WMC endorses and accepts waste energy henceforth efforts to generate waste energy have been taken up. Also contracts with outsourced recycling facilities have been set up to recycle items (Schneider, 2012).UAE government get downd several public awareness campaigns to direct their citizens toward disclose waste management. One of the waste management campaigns highlighted by Mr. Schneider (2012) was the idea brought up by 11 year old Cameron Oliver who won the Abu Dhabi Award for normal Heroes. His idea urges UAE citizens towards a more responsible use of plastic to fork over desert animals generally and camels especially. Other campaigns were the product of collaboration between nongovernmental organizations and the UAEs government, unneurotic they educated the public about the benefits of waste management and the three Rs reduce, reuse, and recycle. In addition, WMC raised various recycling waste pins at eyeshot around the countrified to facilitate the recycling assignment for the individual citizen (Schneider, 2012). Furthermore, stricter policies and proper implementation by employing inspectors and contract administrators on daily basis have allowed WMC to deal with dirty dumping of waste (Schneider, 2012).In an attempt to create awareness and deal with extra waste output, the Government of Sharjah installed reverse vending machines that takes in plastic bottles and aluminum cans which can be recycled accompanied by recycling awards via verity cards or other prizes through online accounts (Sharjah to Launch UAEs First revert Vending Machines, 2012)Another initiative was taken up by the hotels in the UAE by practicing a new technique of waste management where different rooms and suites are given bins with different colors, each for a particular type of waste. The reusable waste and non-recyclable waste are separated out front they end up in the main refuse dump conseque ntially, less waste ends up in the landfill thereby improving new green techniques for keeping the environment clean (Todorova, 2012).The Emirate of Abu Dhabi has been looking forward to reduce waste that ends up in landfill. Landfills have been filling up at a very rapid pace which needs to be slowed down. For this reason, Abu Dhabi government has launched recyclable material programs (Schneider, 2012). In addition, numerous companies in UAE are required to file away with the tariff regime of the Central Waste Management (Abu Dhabi To Divert 90% Of Waste From Landfills, 2011). Moreover, Abu Dhabi is imposing a fee for few industries that generate excess waste which is not properly managed. This would compel organizations to adopt recycling and reusing as one way of managing their waste (Abu Dhabi Imposes Waste Management Fees, 2012).Understanding the drawbacks of dumping waste in landfill, Ajman has decided to take up on a new strategy. The emirate has planned to build an incinera tion facility to acquire energy from waste (Todorova, 2010).Mr. Schneider also highlighted about the current recyclable facilities present in Abu Dhabi and Dubai that are active in collecting recyclable materials such as plastic, motif verdant waste, textiles, demolition waste, and steel. In future, WMC aims to develop ways to recycle agricultural waste in order to use it as an animal reach for the livestock (Schneider, 2012).RecommendationsIt should be dually noted that waste cleanup is a sooner a little more expensive than waste prevention. Following are some other methods that can be used to resolve this issue5.1 Individual LevelEvery individual makes a difference. If every individual changes his habits and actions, collectively, they can bring a huge change in any sector of the society.Citizens should intermit from littering around and throw the trash in proper trash cans.They should like buying recyclable and biodegradable products and dispose of recyclable items in the p roper recyclable bins.Spread the word, inform, and educate others about this issue.Re-use as much as possible, including bottles and plastic bags5.2 National LevelGovernments should do their level best to provide awareness campaigns and advertisements informing the public of the disastrous consequences of excess waste and garbage (Schneider, 2012). give recycle bins all over the regionPlace taxes and fines on companies that produce extra waste above acceptable rate (Schneider, 2012). In addition to enacting laws to stop public littering (Schneider, 2012).Subsidize organic and biodegradable products. sit down in research to study microbial action on breakdown of waste or using waste to release energy (Schneider, 2012).Provide benefits, rewards, and privileges to those industries that best recycle their excess waste and/ or most expeditiously convert the waste into energy.5.3 Global LevelWell developed countries could initiate projects where industries coming from poorly developed cou ntries can market materials that are collateral at a price paid per tonne. A recycling lineage venture can not only add to the economic system boosting international relations but also improve the environment, on the whole (Bhada-Tata Hoornweg, 2012).Moreover, UAE can enter a legally binding protocol with the attached countries such as Bahrain, Iran, Qatar, etc to regulate what waste enters the Persian Gulf since it shares common borders.Well developed countries can assist developing nations by pay proper management of waste.E-waste that is exported to less developed nations should be minimized and proper ways of disposal need to be looked into when manufacturing the product in the commencement place.Trading substances that are non-biodegradable and persistent in the environment should be halt or the custom charges should be increased in order to dissuade their supply and demand.VI. ConclusionIn summary, from the research conducted and insight of Mr. John Schneider, it is qu ite obvious that UAE is suffering from excess waste output. It also is highlighted that UAE generates tones of waste that is dumped in landfills, mostly. However, the leaders of the UAE are well acquainted with this devastating cycle of waste generation and have adopted ways to deal with it. Nevertheless, this mission of zero-waste output cannot be achieved nationally unless every citizen makes an effort. With collective decrease in consumption and methods of managing waste such as reusing and recycling, UAE can contribute globally to the world in minimizing hazards of waste output.

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