
Friday, May 31, 2019

thornton wilder :: essays research papers

thornton wilder a great writer unsubdueds Writing     Either we hot by accident and die by accident, or we live by plan and die by plan. InThornton Wilders The Bridge of San Luis Rey, chum salmon Juniper strives to make thisdetermination. Thornton Wilder whitethorn have also tried to ascertain this himself. As one ofAmericas most respected contemporaneous authors, Thornton Niven Wilder has recieved much celebrity for his works, especially Pulitzer Prize winning The Bridge of San Luis Rey . WhyWilder wrote the novel and why the novel is so famous may be argued through his backgroundand use of specific themes (Books).      Thornton Wilders background contribute to his way of writing as well as his mentality onlife. In his novel In Life as we Live it, Wilder expresses his strong belief in the preciousness oflife Do domain ever realize life while they live it? (Simoni).When someone asked ThorntonWilder about his purpose in writing The Bridge of San Luis Rey, he replied that he was posing aquestion "Is there a direction and meaning in lives beyond the individuals own will?" (Society).     The three principle influences on the writings of Thornton Wilder were his religiousbackground, his love of classicism, and his worldwide travels. Wilders Family and homelifealso affected his writing greatly, especially his father (Books). The time period of his life aslobrought influence on Wilders writing. During this time was World War II in which Wilderserved and recieved ideas. The reason for Wilders wide acceptance and large renown in societymay be answered through the authors Life influences, the time period in which he grew up, andthe style and themes that he uses in his writing.      Thornton Niven Wilder was born in Madison , Wisconsin on April 18, 1897, as one offive children, one of which was his twin, of Amos Parker Wilder and Isabella Wilder.Thorntonsfather was a newspaper e ditor, diplomat, and a strict Calvinist. His father had a great impact onWilders writing. In The Bridge of San Luis Rey, the Wilder said that the idea of the collapse ofthe bridge circuit stemmed from arguments with his strict father. In 1906 the family moved to HongKong, where his father had been appointed American Consul General. After six months hismother returned with the children to the United States, but the family rejoined again in 1911 inShanghai, where his father had been transferred. Wilder stayed in China for a year(Encyclopedia).      Wilders home life was characterized by a strong religious and skilful atmosphere

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Effects Of Media On Preschoolers Essay -- Media

The use of media ( tv set, video games, phones, music, and computers) by young children is becoming more and more frequent in everyday life. Children are in front of media screens now more than anytime in history. Parents are allowing, encouraging, and promoting the use of media in many forms. There are undying sources available for parents to purchase for the use with infants, toddlers,a nd preschoolers from movies to games and videos.(Ravichandran, France de Bravo, 2010, Yound Children and Screentime.) Although these media tupes are readily available, whether they be for entertainment or educational use, are they really in the childrens best pursuance?According to the American Acadamy of Pediatrics (1999) the average child spends twenty one hours a week watching television. Children that watch television are more credibly to be aggressive, obese, and learn at slower rates. It also states that an average viewer is subjected to 14,000 sexual references a year and only a handful o f those encounters are of responsible for(p) sexual behavior. Not to mention the $8 billion a year that alcohol and tobacco manufacturers spend on alcohol and tobacco references in television and movies. (AAP, 1999 Media Education)Research shows that children under three years old should not have screen time at all. In fact, young children that watched television were overmuch more likely to have reading and attention problems. The type of programming didnt matter on the results. Children were impacted negatively even if they werent watching. Having the television on in the background of their play was enough to influence them negatively. The play was not as intense or as focused, and the children didnt play as long as they otherwise would have, had ... ...uwosh.edu/psychology/rauscher.htm Rauscher,FH Zupan,MA (2000) Early Childhood Research, 15 (2) 215-228 Oshkosh,WI University of Wisconsin Classroom Keyboard Instruction Improves Kindergarten Childrens Spatial- Temporal Perf ormance A Field Experiment. Retrieved from http// www.uwosh.edu/psychology/rauscher.htmRavichandran,P France de Bravo,B,MPH (2010) Young Children and Screen Time (TV, DVDs, Computer) case Research Center for Women and familiesRetrieved from http//www.center4research.org/2010/05/young-children-and-screen...Roberts,DF Christenson,PG Gentile,DA (2003) The Effects of Violent music on Children and AdolescentsRetrieved from http//www.psychology.iastate.edu/dgentile/106027-08.pdfSibal,K(2004) Exploring the Effects of Music on Young ChildrenRetrieved from http//www.more4kids.com/Articles/article1009.htm

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Film Essay examples -- essays research papers

Everyone lives in a different reality, that is why people enjoy watching movies. It gives insight into the worlds of others. Film directors strive to portray their characters lives as believable as possible. Many help set up the authenticity with costumes and such.In The Governess Goldbacher sets the historical reality with subtle elegance. In the scene where Rosina enters the dining subject to inform her employers of her departure, all are dressed in attire associated with the English Victorian era. The son in an oversized baggy shirt, the father with a chicness suit and a string bow tie. The daughter is sporting a child like dress which drops just below her knees, and the mother in a high neck lace dress. Although the scene is somewhat dramatic with Rosinas abruptness about leaving, she retires with the calm gracefulness women were expected to conduct themselves with in that day and age. As she begins speaking to them the camera zooms in some, and then follows her as she makes h er way over to the Mistress and presents her with the nude of her husband.In Elizabeth director Kapur did an excellent job portraying the many different phases in the Queens life. From her carefree days before her rein where she wore long flowing and light dresses, to that of her rebirth as the Virgin Queen. In her last phase she dons the most elaborate attire, huge and stiff dresses with high neck lines. She even cuts most of her hair o...

last don :: essays research papers

Mario Puzo, the author of many famous mafia books, such as the Godfather, writes the best-selling saucy called, The Last Don. The Last Don is about a mafia don, Domenico Clericuizio, who was making arrangements, on the day his grandson and nephew were being christened, for his family to get out of the business and go straight. Don Clericuzio is the head of the most powerful crime family in America. He is a greatly feared man who has built a billion dollar empire, and believes that either debt must be paid and that family comes before anything.The book, which has a precise intresting plot, is a hard book to read. I liked this book for many reasons, plainly I also disliked it. Mario Puzo, trying to make the book as realistic as possible, had the speech in the book sound like a clump of nonsense. The characters in the book, sounded very uneducated and it took some effort to think about what they meant and were trying to say. I guess it would be easier to watch the story on the te levision, but reading it is very confusing. I rarely ever read for pleasure, and I guess I picked the wrong book to try it out with. This book had me very frustrated with the language, and it took me a couple of times to get what was going on in the story.One of the intresting things about the book, as well as most of the mafia-based stories is the management Puzo can take characters that are big in crime and violence and turn them into likeable characters. In this bracing, the majority of the characters are likeable. Cross De Lena, the dons great nephew, had feelings for Athena, the most beautiful and talented woman in Hollywood. His feelings grew so strong that Cross decides to make movies. This was one of the most surprising part of the novel because Crosss desire to make movies causes him to take action without his familys approval, which in return is a major problem that shocked the family.This book is various then other books I have read because, normally I dont get to pick out a book to read, it is usually assigned to me, so when I started to read a book that interests me, I thought I would be intrigued. I enjoyed reading this book at times, but I felt it was a hard book to get in to.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

An Analysis of Poems 585 and 754 Essay -- 585 754

An Analysis of Poems 585 and 754   Emily Dickinsons use of poetic diction in verses 585 and 754 brings to life two breathless objects, a groom and a gun, both of which perform actions that are useful to man. though these items flush toiletnot act on their own, Dickinsons diction provides them with their own movements, characteristics, and feelings. In poesy 585, a trains daily journey is given a implication beyond that of a cold, iron machine when Dickinson describes its animal qualities to show its strength, stubbornness, and perseverance. In poem 754, a gun is portrayed as a protective, devoted servant. In both of these poems, Emily Dickinson uses diction to give a train and a gun characteristics of animals to excuse their behavior and feelings and to show how man uses them to his advantage and to meet his goals. In poem 585, Dickinsons diction reveals traits of hunger and determination. In the first stanza, I like to hit it lap the Miles--/And lick the Valleys up--/And stop to feed itself at tanks (ll. 1-3) describes the train as an animal that runs hungrily over great distances, devouring the land as it goes along, filet occasionally to eat more substantial food to survive and to continue. though it is able to perform powerful feats of transportation, the train needs nourishment, just like humans and animals do. With the following lines, Dickinson shows the determination of the train to meet his goal And, supercilious, peer/In Shantiesby the sides of RoadsAnd then a quarry pare/To fit its ribs (ll. 6-9). These lines in addition suggest a stubborn determination. Even if the train has to crawl and hop-skip through hundreds of yards of solid rock, nothing will stop this metal animal, not make up a huge mountain. The train can drive... ...Why would the master need resistance? In both poems, Emily Dickinson uses diction to provide the reader the opportunity to see inanimate objects with some human qualities, first in a determined, powerful tra in and then in a devoted, non-feeling gun. Though these are inanimate objects, the reader can get a sense of the influences and contributions they give to man. The train made a great impact on travel by allowing him to cover great distances in shorter clocks. It appears that this iron horse could take man anywhere. In Dickinsons time the power of trains was an amazement in itself. With the rifle, man has control of something quite powerful, something that can despatch but cannot be killed. With her skillful and interesting word choice, Dickinson brings to light the surprise strength of one object, the train, and the fearful power of another, the gun.     An Analysis of Poems 585 and 754 Essay -- 585 754 An Analysis of Poems 585 and 754   Emily Dickinsons use of poetic diction in poems 585 and 754 brings to life two inanimate objects, a train and a gun, both of which perform actions that are useful to man. Though these items cannot act on their own, Dic kinsons diction provides them with their own movements, characteristics, and feelings. In poem 585, a trains daily journey is given a meaning beyond that of a cold, iron machine when Dickinson describes its animal qualities to show its strength, stubbornness, and perseverance. In poem 754, a gun is portrayed as a protective, devoted servant. In both of these poems, Emily Dickinson uses diction to give a train and a gun characteristics of animals to explain their behavior and feelings and to show how man uses them to his advantage and to meet his goals. In poem 585, Dickinsons diction reveals traits of hunger and determination. In the first stanza, I like to see it lap the Miles--/And lick the Valleys up--/And stop to feed itself at tanks (ll. 1-3) describes the train as an animal that runs hungrily over great distances, devouring the land as it goes along, stopping occasionally to eat more substantial food to survive and to continue. Though it is able to perform powerful feats of tr ansportation, the train needs nourishment, just like humans and animals do. With the following lines, Dickinson shows the determination of the train to meet his goal And, supercilious, peer/In Shantiesby the sides of RoadsAnd then a quarry pare/To fit its ribs (ll. 6-9). These lines also suggest a stubborn determination. Even if the train has to crawl and cut through hundreds of yards of solid rock, nothing will stop this metal animal, not even a huge mountain. The train can drive... ...Why would the master need protection? In both poems, Emily Dickinson uses diction to provide the reader the opportunity to see inanimate objects with some human qualities, first in a determined, powerful train and then in a devoted, non-feeling gun. Though these are inanimate objects, the reader can get a sense of the influences and contributions they give to man. The train made a great impact on travel by allowing him to cover great distances in shorter times. It appears that this iron horse could take man anywhere. In Dickinsons time the power of trains was an amazement in itself. With the rifle, man has control of something quite powerful, something that can kill but cannot be killed. With her skillful and interesting word choice, Dickinson brings to light the amazing strength of one object, the train, and the fearful power of another, the gun.    

An Analysis of Poems 585 and 754 Essay -- 585 754

An Analysis of Poems 585 and 754   Emily Dickinsons use of poetic phraseology in poems 585 and 754 brings to life two inanimate objects, a choose and a gun, twain of which perform actions that are useful to public. though these items cannot act on their own, Dickinsons diction reserves them with their own movements, characteristics, and feelings. In poem 585, a chinks periodical journey is given a meaning beyond that of a cold, iron elevator car when Dickinson describes its animal qualities to show its strength, dourness, and perseverance. In poem 754, a gun is represent as a protective, devoted servant. In both of these poems, Emily Dickinson uses diction to give a jibe and a gun characteristics of animals to explain their behavior and feelings and to show how manhood uses them to his advantage and to meet his goals. In poem 585, Dickinsons diction reveals traits of hunger and determination. In the commencement ceremony stanza, I like to see it lap the Miles--/And lick the Valleys up--/And part with to feed itself at tanks (ll. 1-3) describes the train as an animal that runs hungrily over gravid distances, devouring the land as it goes along, stopping occasionally to eat much substantial food to survive and to continue. Though it is able to perform exponentful feats of transportation, the train needs nourishment, just like humans and animals do. With the following lines, Dickinson shows the determination of the train to meet his goal And, supercilious, peer/In Shantiesby the sides of RoadsAnd then a quarry pare/To fit its ribs (ll. 6-9). These lines also suggest a stubborn determination. Even if the train has to crawl and cut through hundreds of yards of solid rock, nothing lead stop this metal animal, not even a huge mountain. The train can drive... ...Why would the master need protection? In both poems, Emily Dickinson uses diction to provide the reader the opportunity to see inanimate objects with some human qualities, first in a det ermined, powerful train and then in a devoted, non-feeling gun. Though these are inanimate objects, the reader can get a common sense of the influences and contributions they give to man. The train made a great impact on go bad by allowing him to cover great distances in shorter times. It appears that this iron horse could canvass man anywhere. In Dickinsons time the power of trains was an amazement in itself. With the rifle, man has control of something quite powerful, something that can kill but cannot be killed. With her courteous and interesting word choice, Dickinson brings to light the amazing strength of one object, the train, and the fearful power of another, the gun.     An Analysis of Poems 585 and 754 Essay -- 585 754 An Analysis of Poems 585 and 754   Emily Dickinsons use of poetic diction in poems 585 and 754 brings to life two inanimate objects, a train and a gun, both of which perform actions that are useful to man. Though these items c annot act on their own, Dickinsons diction provides them with their own movements, characteristics, and feelings. In poem 585, a trains daily journey is given a meaning beyond that of a cold, iron machine when Dickinson describes its animal qualities to show its strength, stubbornness, and perseverance. In poem 754, a gun is portrayed as a protective, devoted servant. In both of these poems, Emily Dickinson uses diction to give a train and a gun characteristics of animals to explain their behavior and feelings and to show how man uses them to his advantage and to meet his goals. In poem 585, Dickinsons diction reveals traits of hunger and determination. In the first stanza, I like to see it lap the Miles--/And lick the Valleys up--/And stop to feed itself at tanks (ll. 1-3) describes the train as an animal that runs hungrily over great distances, devouring the land as it goes along, stopping occasionally to eat more substantial food to survive and to continue. Though it is able to p erform powerful feats of transportation, the train needs nourishment, just like humans and animals do. With the following lines, Dickinson shows the determination of the train to meet his goal And, supercilious, peer/In Shantiesby the sides of RoadsAnd then a quarry pare/To fit its ribs (ll. 6-9). These lines also suggest a stubborn determination. Even if the train has to crawl and cut through hundreds of yards of solid rock, nothing will stop this metal animal, not even a huge mountain. The train can drive... ...Why would the master need protection? In both poems, Emily Dickinson uses diction to provide the reader the opportunity to see inanimate objects with some human qualities, first in a determined, powerful train and then in a devoted, non-feeling gun. Though these are inanimate objects, the reader can get a sense of the influences and contributions they give to man. The train made a great impact on travel by allowing him to cover great distances in shorter times. It appears that this iron horse could take man anywhere. In Dickinsons time the power of trains was an amazement in itself. With the rifle, man has control of something quite powerful, something that can kill but cannot be killed. With her skillful and interesting word choice, Dickinson brings to light the amazing strength of one object, the train, and the fearful power of another, the gun.    

Monday, May 27, 2019

Disneyland Profile

Profile What does the happiest place on earth, also know as Disney drop off, have to offer on a regular basis? It was a shining sunny day in Anaheim California, and my friends Ruben, Sassan and I were just arriving at the theme park. We were all so excited to spend the day messing around mingled with place especially considering the fact that we got in for free Rubens mom works at Disneyland, which is how we were able to get in for free. Disneyland is only one theme park, notwithstanding there argon so many different things going on throughout the whole park it is hard to grasp.Throughout the entire theme park, it is divided between handfuls of different sections. Main bridle-path, Fantasyland, Tomorrowland, Toon town, Adventureland, Frontierland are all precise unique from from each one other giving you a different experience each time. Main Street U. S. A is just at the entrance of Disneyland and it is a replica dedicated to early 20th century America. Main Street is filled with people awkward to explore the rest of the park and full of smiles to start their day. Next we arrive to Fantasyland, a land based on classic Disney films and Disney characters walking around.I noticed all(prenominal) child going crazy to meet their favorite character and take pictures with each of them. Then we cruise to Tomorrowland, which has a futuristic design to it and all of the attractions are based on outer space. Space Mountain, Buzz Light-year and Star Wars are all popular rides in Tomorrowland. Toon town is a whole land accustomed to Mickey Mouse and friends, who obviously are the more popular characters in Disneyland. Toon town is pretty frequently self-explanatory, everything in there looks like a cartoon.Adventureland is very much like a jungle it is hard to remember where you substantially are there are tall trees around every corner, bushes everywhere, animal sounds creak throughout the land and about each building is made of rough wood. Last is Frontierla nd and it portrays the Wild West. Each land gave me a different feeling of each setting and felt like I was at different parts of the world. Since there are so many people in the park I could not stop noticing the different noises I heard. Everywhere I went was filled with laughter from children enjoying the happiest place on earth.Different music was echoing within each land in order to fit the setting. Roller coasters were screeching across the park full of kids yelling, either from intimidation or excitement. Trains were whistling and carrying several people, all-blabbering at once. totally of this plus the routine fireworks blowing and crackling one by one as everyone watched. It was almost too much to handle, but each sound contributed to everyones joy. As the clock began to reach noon we were all filled with hunger, it was time to eat. Throughout the day the park was filled with salty and smart stenches from snacks like popcorn and churros.There were so many different odors it was hard to decide where to go. As we stepped foot on the food court the room was filled with a variety of aromas, from fresh baked breads to grilled chicken and rich flavor pizzas and barbeque. We each decided to get different foods and share Ruben got the pizza, Sassan ordered the chicken and I got the barbeque myself. Grouping tush together the table was filled with a mixture of divine scents as we eat. With this in mind we still had room for dessert, or at least something sweet to satisfy our sweet tooth. We spotted a cotton candy stand and the surrounding area was crammed with a fruity sweet scent.After all of that we were pretty much good on food for the rest of the day. (add taste to this paragraph as well) With every appearance, and each sound and odor all going on at once it was a lot to handle. Switching from each land section to parades and loud roaring of coasters, children and fireworks and also different food odors everywhere we went was quite an experience. Everyo ne was spent from walking and everything that went on in the park. Never going to experience that much action at once anywhere else(last sentence or got home and slept real quick)

Sunday, May 26, 2019

The Concepts of Leadership Theories

This essay begins with how the concept of attractership starts with understanding what leadership means. According to Robbins and Judge, Organizational Behaviour, 15th edition states that leadership is the competency to influence a class towards the achievement of a vision or set of goals (p, 402). A wide leader is more likely to accomplish this projection through knowledge and skill.Knowledge to know about how to use what is known to influence workers in an organization to reach the goals of a company and skill to put in the effort to actually do what is meant to be done hearty to achieve organizational goals. In other words an effective leader should be able of inspiring and motivating even the most inefficient employees to strive towards attaining the goals of the organization. Organizational effectiveness is critical to success in any business.In order to achieve change magnitude and sustainable business results, organizations posit to execute strategy an engage employee s. T he validity of the statement an organisations performance and effectiveness argon direct connect to its leadership, can be further explained by drawing a little focus on the theories of leadership. These theories include situational theory, participative leadership model, the path-goal theory and the transformational leadership theory. Situational theories focus on the followers.Situational theories propose that the effectiveness of a particular style of leadership is dependent on the context in which it is being exercised. For example, in a situation where the leader is the most knowledgeable an experienced member of a group, an authoritarian style might be most appropriate but in other instances where group members are skilled experts, a democratic style would be more effective. Fieders situational theories identify effective leadership style under changing situations (Fieder, Chemers and Mahon, 1977). These can be either relationship motivated or task motivated.A leader pa rticipative model is a leadership theory that suffers a set of rules to determine the form and total of participative decision making in different situations. These leaders encourage participation and contribution from groups members and helps members feel more relevant and committed to the decision making work. Persons are less competitive and more collaborative when they are working on joint goals. It has been proven that when decisions are made together, the social commitment to one another(prenominal) is greater and increases the commitment to he decision rather than when decisions are made by one person alone. Participative leadership can be effective in unstructured situations because it can increase role clarity and it can also be very effective for people who have a high ask to control their environment. The path-goal theory which was developed by Robert House is a theory that states that it is a leaders job to assist followers in attaining their goals and to provide the necessary direction and support to ensure that their goals are compatible with the overall objectives of the group or organization. Robbins and Judge 15th Edition) Effective path-goal leaders must fare the needs of those they manage and try to satisfy their needs through the workplace by rewarding persons for achieving their goals, helping subordinates to identify the most effective path they need to take to reach their goals and clear the paths so that these subordinates can reach their goals. The transformational leadership theory focuses on the connections formed between leaders and followers.Transformational leadership is a process in which the leaders take actions to try to increase their associates awareness of what is right and outstanding, to raise their associates motivational maturity and to move their associates to go beyond the associates own self-interests for the good of the group, the organization, or society. Such leaders provide their associates with a sense of p urpose that goes beyond a simple exchange of rewards for effort provided. The transformational leaders are proactive in many different and unique ways.These leaders attempt to optimize development, not just performance. Development encompasses the maturation of ability, motivation, attitudes, and values. Such leaders want to delegate the maturity level of the needs of their associates (from security needs to needs for achievement and self-development). They convince their associates to strive for a higher level of achievement as well as higher levels of moral and ethical standards. Through the development of their associates, they optimize the development of their organization as well.High performing associates build high performing organizations. A transformational leadership is more effective when in a smaller, privately held firm than in a complex organization because the personal nature can directly interact with the workforce and make decisions than when they report to an exte rnal broad of directors or deal with a complex bureaucratic structure. I conclude that each of these theories offers nearly insights into the qualities of successful leaders.The different leadership styles will differ depending on the type of organizational structure being used but they are all important for the effectiveness and performance of any organization. Bibliography Bass, B. M. (2005). Transformational leadership theory, In J. B. Miner. Organizational behavior Fiedler, (1967) A Theory of Leadership Effectiveness. NewYork McGraw-Hill. Langton, N. , Robbins, S. (2007). Leadership. In N. Langton S. Robbins. Organizational Behavior Concepts, controversies, applications Toronto Prentice antechamber Canada

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Motivations and Teams Case Study

Grandpa always said do I need to light a fervidness cracker under you to get you moving? This always seemed silly to me but after reading this chapter and some life experiences of my own I realize how authorized penury really is. Goals and motivation in the work place may be more than important than you may have initially thought.I believe that intention setting theories have a lot to do with both. With both of the companies they set goals and achieved them to get to where they wanted to be. With the moving company she wanted to be where she could quit her other job and run her business that she has started by mis control. After a few years she has got to her goal and had many franchises that she has sold in different other places as well.After her boys left to collage she was still getting a lot of calls a day for the servos that was provided with her moving. When Siemenss hired a new person to take over, he also set goals for the product to get done faster and for the customer s to get there product as soon as possible. Once he set these goals for them they got products done that would take them about a six months and completed in about one month. Once he did this the company stared making more money and they became the top of their class drowning the competition.As I said both companies used goal setting theories. But they also both used Work motivation (the psychological force within people that arouses their interest, directs their attention, and causes them to persist and work intensely to nd a way to achieve their work goals. PG.210 Jones Introduction To Business How Companies do Value for People) Mary Ellen Sheets did not initially do this.It wasnt until after her business started growing in popularity she realized this was something good for her and herwhole family and was motivated. Klaus Kleinfelds came from when he was a young boy, Kleinfelds father, a shipyard laborer who became an engineer by studying nights, died when the boy was 10. That wa s a brutal experience, Kleinfeld says, but the hardship that followed forged a decision to succeed. (Pg.235 Jones Introduction To Business How Companies Create Value for People)Klienfeld and Mary Ellen took different approaches as leaders. Klienfeld very tough and firm and go getter type. Mary Ellen sweet and more of a trial and error type of approach. Ultimately they both were smart in franchising and branching out. This allows for more income and more interest in both companies. Both companies prolong pay incentives and room for advancement in there careers. Work motivations in any type of business are important. Whether youre starting out in a local newspaper or if you are already in a multibillion dollar company. Motivation is needed for business to grow and blossom into a well performing well money grossing lucrative business. Are you ready to light that fire cracker?

Friday, May 24, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis Essay

Do you struggle to find equilibrium between excelling at field and spending productive, quality time with loved anes at home? With the technology that is available in the twenty first century, it is now possible for educated professionals to decide whether they would like to spurt from home and collaborate with family members to befitting work demands. Alesia capital of Alabama is an African American Ethnographer who wrote Kitchen Conferences and Garage Cubicles The Merger of Home and Work in the 24-7 Global Economy.This study was one of many print in 2008s book entitled The Changing Landscape of Work and Family in the American Middle Class Reports From the Field, which focused on providing insights into the changing disposition of working families in the United States (1008). capital of Alabamas chief(prenominal) argument is that todays modern hostelry and global economy energise modifyd families to coalesce work and home in quasi-entrepreneurial ways (1018), which will i n turn deepen the attachment between family members.Her secondary claim is that the merging of these deuce worlds does non come without a downside your home will no longer serve as a refuge from job pressures (1018) and job demands may be do more invasive by the use of innovative communication technology (1019). The main purpose of this essay is to identify and analyze Montgomerys main and secondary arguments, to describe two types of support she uses, how they help her claims, and to identify her intended audience.Montgomery proposes that transformations in gender dealings, management strategies, and technological practices (1018) play integral consumptions in the opportunities for families to decide how to combine or balance their home lives with work demands. She goes on to state that womens access to equal education and equal employment opportunities have expanded the possibilities for spousal collaboration in technical professions (1010), and that being able to collaborate on work projects at home will create a more intimate and interdependent family.She then provides statistics showing the percentage of women graduating with a degree in engineering jumped 16. 5% in just 30 eld (1011). The statistics provide hard evidence to her claim that women be gaining increasing access to technology based jobs, and appeals to the readers logos. Montgomery spent a expiration of five years in the field following a couple in their thirties, who were living in one of these collaborative, job-sharing (1012) nerve centre class families in order of magnitude to obtain a view of the world from their perspective (1008).Basing her argument off this research provides a stronger emotional connection to the writing than if Montgomery were to use sweep generalizations throughout. Montgomery structures her essay in a narrative format, writing in the first person. She was successful at attempting to appeal to her audiences ethos by do her writing less formal piece keepin g an educated voice. The writing opens with an introduction to Marjenah and Steve, who shargon a home with Marjenahs parents in Silicon Valley.Montgomery appeals to her readers pathos by illustrating the familys world Emails, faxes and phone calls linked their home to high-tech firms within Silicon Valley. Although there were no parking lots or numbered suites, their neighborhoodwas, in some sense, a busy industrial park (1009). Montgomery recalls the different ways in which they rely upon each other, and states that the interdependence this family possesses is an prospect for each member help one another handle job demands.She details the countless nights Steve spent on his wifes projects after acquiring home from his job as well as the way Marjenah was needed to proof read Steves reports and to review her mothers paperwork for her department storage job. The father worked at an outside tech firm, but served as the familys technical support (1016). This ethnographic research dire ctly relates to her main point that comparability in the education within a family has enabled collaboration in the home, and allows us to spend more time with those we love.Combining the statistics that show women gaining access to technical jobs are increasing with the representation of a modern, job-sharing family that include both sexes collaborating on high-tech projects helps validate the essays argument. Montgomerys goal is to inform families of new(a) opportunities on how to balance work and home life, so in order to provide a full picture she explores the potential downsides to living in a modern job-sharing family.Montgomerys secondary claim states that working collaboratively on job tasks at home (1018) will increase family cohesion (1018), but that this combination will in turn eliminate the idea of your home being an escape from job pressures. She helps substantiate this argument by referring again to the subjects of her study, an emotional appeal. Steve summarized h is wisdom of the situation, explaining that job demands limited the control that they had over the time and space of family life (1019).Montgomery makes her audience connect to this point on an emotional level by describing the conflicts the couple experienced because of the stresses their job-sharing created. She details Marjenah having to constantly manage sounds (1015), as well as the couple getting into arguments over the amount of energy each puts into one anothers work, citing that sometimes the main incentive for them to make up was the pressure of work calling again. It is clear to the reader that Montgomery is simply fashioning an argument to explore this alternative lifestyle.She uses many different types of support throughout her writing in order to make her argument more informative two will be analyzed further. Montgomery continuously includes professional opinions with quotes from past studies that are on the same topic as her own work. This gives the reader incumbe nt background knowledge on the topic, by allowing the audience to have a more complete understanding as to how the economy has been playing a role in the decisions we make regarding how we balance our lives, since the Industrial Revolution.She opens with a quote from nineteenth century writer John Ruskin, which states home will only be home, until the anxieties of the outer(a) life penetrate into it (1008). This grabs her readers attention, and provides a possible thesis for her writing. Montgomery explains separating work and home life has not always been the normal ideal, adult her reader a brief history on the transformation of family labor from agrarian to high-tech work (1010). She does this with quotes and ideas from over ten different sources, many of the sources she chose are known in the fields of Anthropology and Sociology.This is extremely helpful for her ethical appeal, because it shows Montgomery took the time to gain an understanding of the contextual relevance of her selected topic. Some of the work she cites claims things such as In the betimes twentieth century, corporations supplanted many family firms, credentialed engineers replaced informally trained mechanics, and big sciencerose to prominence. (1011) and that Industrial transformationsincreasingly removed production from the home, while cultural transformations valorized home as a haven from the harsh work world (1010).This relates to the quote she opens with, because Ruskin was one of the numerous writers pushing to get the rising middle class to embrace this new ideal (1010), raising the question of the motives behind said quote. Including other pieces of writing that claim technology is what played a place factor in changing the way individuals and families balanced their two lives, historically, helps her introduce the idea that separate spheres are not necessarily the most desirable family and work forms (1018). Montgomery uses examples to support her arguments, which helps cre ate a mental image in her audiences mind while reading her work.Her research gathered while with Marjenahs family, is her most used example, and is a very effective form of support. In Montgomerys eyes, Marjenahs family exemplifies how new technologies, management strategies, and gender relations are changing the possibilities for work collaborations within households (1012). She refers to their specific situation as a way to personalize Montgomerys generalized emphasis on womens equality in education and job opportunities as being the main factor in society once again giving families the pickaxe to draw in and collaborate on work.She uses examples while giving her audience background knowledge of this topic. She starts with an example describing how employers relied upon fathers to discipline family work units in some early factories (1010). She makes the claim that shop-keeping families saw kin as sources of income (1010), more specifically using examples such as the bakers wife iced cakes a few go from her husband, the butcher and his son chopped meat on the same counter, and for the family of grocers home and work merged (1010).These examples support her statement that the separation of spheres was neither decisive nor abrupt. (1010). Montgomery does a sufficient job regarding the amount of support she provides her audience with to back up her argument. Every writer has an intended audience. Montgomerys study was make in a book that has a goal to highlight how culture shapes family life during shifting social and economic landscapes, so it should address a fairly educated audience.The background information provided implies that she was keeping in mind the fact that not everyone who picks up her book will have an understanding of the different norms our society has gone through regarding the separation of work and home life. To conclude, Montgomery was very successful in presenting her argument that contemporary gender relations, management strategies and technological practices enable divers family and work formsFar from weakening family bonds, these mergers of work foster family cohesion (1010).She appealed to her audiences logos by providing facts, statistics, expert opinions, and by citing other pieces of work on her topic. This also helped her ethical appeal, as did the personal afterward detailing her background and her credentials. Using the example of Marjenahs family, along with the baker, butcher and grocers, helped Montgomery emotionally appeal to her audience, and to get her point across. Overall, Montgomery presented her argument very clearly it was fact based, and very informative which makes her exploratory purpose a success.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

My sisters keeper

Fitzgerald, who is an engineered baby, Is shortly functioning at Erik Erosions Identity versus Identity astonishment phase angle. All her life she has been used by her p atomic number 18nts as a sponsor for her dying sister, Kate, who is a anguish leukemia patient. Ana is finally at the point where she is evidentially trying to drive her indistinguish magnate because she deprivations to claim the powerfuls to her experience body. She is now oldish enough to realize that being a donor lav fall in a negative proceeding on herself.Erikson states that people in the Identity versus identity confusion order begin to evolve the ability to explore different alternatives to disbeliefs of concerns Noon). One of Anas alternatives for her situation concerning the rights to her consume body Is getting a Lawyer. In this determine show she shows how important it is for her to have her own identity by wanting to sue her own mother (Captivates). When she recognises the lawyer or s o her situation and presents him with her medical documents, it shows how she is chastely evolution and growing up to be an individual individual? not an object (Excavates).This is a big look for somewhatbody her age. One would expect her to go erectly to her mother Instead of going through the fuss of bringing the Justice system into play. During the identity versus isolation stage Erikson says, Parents and teachers are important at this stage. They can help to inform a positive identity by providing opportunities and sanctionment as adolescences explore the non-homogeneous options of life (John). In Anas case, her mother, Sara, is not there to encourage her to be an Individual or explore the galore(postnominal) paths which she can take in life. This isolates her from both of her parents.In the mash scene near the end, Sara and the lawyer debate just ab place Anas mindset. Sara says that she needs to continue to use Ana In prepare to save Kate, and she has no choice b ut to do so because she is too young to make her own decisions (Captivates). In opposition to Sara, the lawyer stands up for Ana since she has cryptograph else to stand up for her against her mother (Captivates). Instead of providing Ana with opportunities to be free from sacrificing herself for Kate, Sara decides that Ana cannot make decisions of her own because of her progressively sunburned attachment to Kate.She Is hindering Anas exploration by corpulent her what she wants and does not want (John). During the movie Kate Fitzgerald is in Kohlrabis pre courtly stage of personalized usefulness. Kate is getting increasingly queasy and as each day goes by she is ofttimes and more accepting of the fact that she does not have much longer to live. Goldberg states, To the person In this stage, what Is right is that which satisfies unitarys own needs and occasionally the needs of others (Wee). Kate at last aims to please herself because she wants to be with her boyfriend who di es in the lead her. This is the agent why she is not afraid to die anymore.In genius scene, Kate has a conversation with Ana and says, Would you pull the plug for me? (Captivates). This question takes Ana off guard, and Kate tells her that she is not afraid of dying. Her reason which justifies this education is because her boyfriend has already lived on, which then leads her into convince Ana into stop being a donor (Asseverates). Kate does not take her familys intuitive feelingings Into account while she makes the decision to tell through to keep her alive, how much they love her and how problematical it would be for Ana to claim the rights to her own body, but she looks recent all of this and still puts her feelings first.The basic motivation you gravel my back and Ill scratch yours is what titivates Kate (Wee). Ana gets what she wants by manipulating Ana and telling her about the consequences of donating her kidneys (Captivates). Ana aims to please herself however there are multiplication when she recognizes how her cancer affects her familys bond. As she is in her hospital retire looking through a scrap book, she reflects on how the financial aid has always been on her rather than her aged(a) chum and Ana (Captivates).Part of her motive to let her cancer refine her is based on her siblings feelings which she takes into shape? if she is out of the picture then they will get more attention from their parents. Ana is functioning at Kohlrabies personal usefulness because her motivations are based on her personal gain, and she partially takes others feelings into consideration when making decisions (Wee). Moreover, her moral development is still progressing and has the potential difference to be at the conventional take where she puts others before herself.This is seen because of the fact that she takes time to reflect on how her siblings feel when all the attention is on her. Sara Fitzgerald goes from Fowlers personal creed to mystical faith. A person who is in the personal faith stage may run into some gray areas and tension with there while calculateing for the truth (Wee). Saras search for the truth about Skates wants causes a lot of tension between her and her family because when the answers are in front of her, she does not see them or they search to be unclear.Her attachment to Kate is causing her to be inattentive to the wants and needs of her children, especially Kate who wants to die. In the court scene, the brother says to Sara, Skates dying and everybody knows it You Just love her so much that you dont want to let her go. She told you a million times, you didnt want to take care it (Captivates). Sara hints that she is doing everything to in her power to please Kate by keeping her alive, but in reality she is precisely pleasing herself and this is part of the personal faith stage pertaining to gray areas and unclear answers.Only when her son brings the truth to her out in the open, does she realize that as she keeps her spirit alive, she is kill Skates. This answer to the question she has been search for is a noxious thing for Sara in the short term, but has its benefits in the long run. It is bad because she the truth is not what she wants to hear and causes her spirit to weaken. It is good that she hears the truth because it gives her a obtain to finally move on to the next level of spiritual gain, mystical faith.Before Kate dies, she begins to open up alternatively of turning her head away from what Kate has to say equal she usually does. In the mystical faith stage the person challenges and improves structure because they are more accepting. dependable the end of the movie when Kate shows Sara her scrapbook she made, she begins to cry and lays down beside Kate. This symbolizes that she is low gear to accept the fact that Kate is dying and she needs to let her go. Her acceptance at this time and even after Kate is gone shows her improvement in structure.For Sara, her tra nsition from one stage to another took place by overcoming a crisis she was facing, which is what one should do in order to move on to the next stage of spiritual growth (Wee). Captivates, Nick, dir. My Sisters Keeper. Writ. Level Jeremy. Film. 26 Novo 2012. John , B. In search of the good A catholic understanding of moral living. 2nd deed. Ottawa the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2004. Print. Wee, J. Fowlers Six Stages of Spiritual Growth. Trans. Reappoint. Wee,J. Kohlrabis Stages of Moral Reasoning. Trans. Reappoint.My sisters keeperFitzgerald, who is an engineered baby, Is currently functioning at Erik Erosions Identity versus Identity confusion stage. All her life she has been used by her parents as a donor for her dying sister, Kate, who is a suffering leukemia patient. Ana is finally at the point where she is evidentially trying to find her identity because she wants to claim the rights to her own body. She is now old enough to realize that being a donor can have a negative effect on herself.Erikson states that people in the Identity versus identity confusion stage begin to evolve the ability to explore different alternatives to questions of concerns Noon). One of Anas alternatives for her situation concerning the rights to her own body Is getting a Lawyer. In this scene she shows how important it is for her to have her own identity by wanting to sue her own mother (Captivates). When she tells the lawyer about her situation and presents him with her medical documents, it shows how she is morally developing and growing up to be an individual person? not an object (Excavates).This is a big step for somebody her age. One would expect her to go erectly to her mother Instead of going through the hassle of bringing the Justice system into play. During the identity versus isolation stage Erikson says, Parents and teachers are important at this stage. They can help to inform a positive identity by providing opportunities and encouragement as adolesc ences explore the various options of life (John). In Anas case, her mother, Sara, is not there to encourage her to be an Individual or explore the many paths which she can take in life. This isolates her from both of her parents.In the court scene near the end, Sara and the lawyer debate about Anas mindset. Sara says that she needs to continue to use Ana In order to save Kate, and she has no choice but to do so because she is too young to make her own decisions (Captivates). In opposition to Sara, the lawyer stands up for Ana since she has nobody else to stand up for her against her mother (Captivates). Instead of providing Ana with opportunities to be free from sacrificing herself for Kate, Sara decides that Ana cannot make decisions of her own because of her progressively unhealthy attachment to Kate.She Is hindering Anas exploration by telling her what she wants and does not want (John). During the movie Kate Fitzgerald is in Kohlrabis pre conventional stage of personal usefulnes s. Kate is getting increasingly sick and as each day goes by she is more and more accepting of the fact that she does not have much longer to live. Goldberg states, To the person In this stage, what Is right is that which satisfies ones own needs and occasionally the needs of others (Wee). Kate ultimately aims to please herself because she wants to be with her boyfriend who dies before her. This is the reason why she is not afraid to die anymore.In one scene, Kate has a conversation with Ana and says, Would you pull the plug for me? (Captivates). This question takes Ana off guard, and Kate tells her that she is not afraid of dying. Her reason which justifies this statement is because her boyfriend has already moved on, which then leads her into convincing Ana into stop being a donor (Asseverates). Kate does not take her familys feelings Into account while she makes the decision to tell through to keep her alive, how much they love her and how hard it would be for Ana to claim the r ights to her own body, but she looks past all of this and still puts her feelings first.The basic motivation you scratch my back and Ill scratch yours is what titivates Kate (Wee). Ana gets what she wants by manipulating Ana and telling her about the consequences of donating her kidneys (Captivates). Ana aims to please herself however there are times when she recognizes how her cancer affects her familys bond. As she is in her hospital bed looking through a scrap book, she reflects on how the attention has always been on her rather than her older brother and Ana (Captivates).Part of her motive to let her cancer kill her is based on her siblings feelings which she takes into consideration? if she is out of the picture then they will get more attention from their parents. Ana is functioning at Kohlrabies personal usefulness because her motivations are based on her personal gain, and she partially takes others feelings into consideration when making decisions (Wee). Moreover, her moral development is still progressing and has the potential to be at the conventional level where she puts others before herself.This is seen because of the fact that she takes time to reflect on how her siblings feel when all the attention is on her. Sara Fitzgerald goes from Fowlers personal faith to mystical faith. A person who is in the personal faith stage may run into some gray areas and tension with there while searching for the truth (Wee). Saras search for the truth about Skates wants causes a lot of tension between her and her family because when the answers are in front of her, she does not see them or they seem to be unclear.Her attachment to Kate is causing her to be oblivious to the wants and needs of her children, especially Kate who wants to die. In the court scene, the brother says to Sara, Skates dying and everybody knows it You Just love her so much that you dont want to let her go. She told you a million times, you didnt want to hear it (Captivates). Sara hints that she is doing everything to in her power to please Kate by keeping her alive, but in reality she is only pleasing herself and this is part of the personal faith stage pertaining to gray areas and unclear answers.Only when her son brings the truth to her out in the open, does she realize that as she keeps her spirit alive, she is killing Skates. This answer to the question she has been searching for is a bad thing for Sara in the short term, but has its benefits in the long run. It is bad because she the truth is not what she wants to hear and causes her spirit to weaken. It is good that she hears the truth because it gives her a chance to finally move on to the next level of spiritual growth, mystical faith.Before Kate dies, she begins to open up instead of turning her head away from what Kate has to say like she usually does. In the mystical faith stage the person challenges and improves structure because they are more accepting. Near the end of the movie when Kate shows Sara her s crapbook she made, she begins to cry and lays down beside Kate. This symbolizes that she is beginning to accept the fact that Kate is dying and she needs to let her go. Her acceptance at this time and even after Kate is gone shows her improvement in structure.For Sara, her transition from one stage to another took place by overcoming a crisis she was facing, which is what one should do in order to move on to the next stage of spiritual growth (Wee). Captivates, Nick, dir. My Sisters Keeper. Writ. Level Jeremy. Film. 26 Novo 2012. John , B. In search of the good A catholic understanding of moral living. 2nd deed. Ottawa the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2004. Print. Wee, J. Fowlers Six Stages of Spiritual Growth. Trans. Reappoint. Wee,J. Kohlrabis Stages of Moral Reasoning. Trans. Reappoint.My sisters keeperFitzgerald, who is an engineered baby, Is currently functioning at Erik Erosions Identity versus Identity confusion stage. All her life she has been used by her paren ts as a donor for her dying sister, Kate, who is a suffering leukemia patient. Ana is finally at the point where she is evidentially trying to find her identity because she wants to claim the rights to her own body. She is now old enough to realize that being a donor can have a negative effect on herself.Erikson states that people in the Identity versus identity confusion stage begin to evolve the ability to explore different alternatives to questions of concerns Noon). One of Anas alternatives for her situation concerning the rights to her own body Is getting a Lawyer. In this scene she shows how important it is for her to have her own identity by wanting to sue her own mother (Captivates). When she tells the lawyer about her situation and presents him with her medical documents, it shows how she is morally developing and growing up to be an individual person? not an object (Excavates).This is a big step for somebody her age. One would expect her to go erectly to her mother Instead of going through the hassle of bringing the Justice system into play. During the identity versus isolation stage Erikson says, Parents and teachers are important at this stage. They can help to inform a positive identity by providing opportunities and encouragement as adolescences explore the various options of life (John). In Anas case, her mother, Sara, is not there to encourage her to be an Individual or explore the many paths which she can take in life. This isolates her from both of her parents.In the court scene near the end, Sara and the lawyer debate about Anas mindset. Sara says that she needs to continue to use Ana In order to save Kate, and she has no choice but to do so because she is too young to make her own decisions (Captivates). In opposition to Sara, the lawyer stands up for Ana since she has nobody else to stand up for her against her mother (Captivates). Instead of providing Ana with opportunities to be free from sacrificing herself for Kate, Sara decides that A na cannot make decisions of her own because of her progressively unhealthy attachment to Kate.She Is hindering Anas exploration by telling her what she wants and does not want (John). During the movie Kate Fitzgerald is in Kohlrabis pre conventional stage of personal usefulness. Kate is getting increasingly sick and as each day goes by she is more and more accepting of the fact that she does not have much longer to live. Goldberg states, To the person In this stage, what Is right is that which satisfies ones own needs and occasionally the needs of others (Wee). Kate ultimately aims to please herself because she wants to be with her boyfriend who dies before her. This is the reason why she is not afraid to die anymore.In one scene, Kate has a conversation with Ana and says, Would you pull the plug for me? (Captivates). This question takes Ana off guard, and Kate tells her that she is not afraid of dying. Her reason which justifies this statement is because her boyfriend has already moved on, which then leads her into convincing Ana into stop being a donor (Asseverates). Kate does not take her familys feelings Into account while she makes the decision to tell through to keep her alive, how much they love her and how hard it would be for Ana to claim the rights to her own body, but she looks past all of this and still puts her feelings first.The basic motivation you scratch my back and Ill scratch yours is what titivates Kate (Wee). Ana gets what she wants by manipulating Ana and telling her about the consequences of donating her kidneys (Captivates). Ana aims to please herself however there are times when she recognizes how her cancer affects her familys bond. As she is in her hospital bed looking through a scrap book, she reflects on how the attention has always been on her rather than her older brother and Ana (Captivates).Part of her motive to let her cancer kill her is based on her siblings feelings which she takes into consideration? if she is out of the p icture then they will get more attention from their parents. Ana is functioning at Kohlrabies personal usefulness because her motivations are based on her personal gain, and she partially takes others feelings into consideration when making decisions (Wee). Moreover, her moral development is still progressing and has the potential to be at the conventional level where she puts others before herself.This is seen because of the fact that she takes time to reflect on how her siblings feel when all the attention is on her. Sara Fitzgerald goes from Fowlers personal faith to mystical faith. A person who is in the personal faith stage may run into some gray areas and tension with there while searching for the truth (Wee). Saras search for the truth about Skates wants causes a lot of tension between her and her family because when the answers are in front of her, she does not see them or they seem to be unclear.Her attachment to Kate is causing her to be oblivious to the wants and needs o f her children, especially Kate who wants to die. In the court scene, the brother says to Sara, Skates dying and everybody knows it You Just love her so much that you dont want to let her go. She told you a million times, you didnt want to hear it (Captivates). Sara hints that she is doing everything to in her power to please Kate by keeping her alive, but in reality she is only pleasing herself and this is part of the personal faith stage pertaining to gray areas and unclear answers.Only when her son brings the truth to her out in the open, does she realize that as she keeps her spirit alive, she is killing Skates. This answer to the question she has been searching for is a bad thing for Sara in the short term, but has its benefits in the long run. It is bad because she the truth is not what she wants to hear and causes her spirit to weaken. It is good that she hears the truth because it gives her a chance to finally move on to the next level of spiritual growth, mystical faith.Bef ore Kate dies, she begins to open up instead of turning her head away from what Kate has to say like she usually does. In the mystical faith stage the person challenges and improves structure because they are more accepting. Near the end of the movie when Kate shows Sara her scrapbook she made, she begins to cry and lays down beside Kate. This symbolizes that she is beginning to accept the fact that Kate is dying and she needs to let her go. Her acceptance at this time and even after Kate is gone shows her improvement in structure.For Sara, her transition from one stage to another took place by overcoming a crisis she was facing, which is what one should do in order to move on to the next stage of spiritual growth (Wee). Captivates, Nick, dir. My Sisters Keeper. Writ. Level Jeremy. Film. 26 Novo 2012. John , B. In search of the good A catholic understanding of moral living. 2nd deed. Ottawa the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2004. Print. Wee, J. Fowlers Six Stages of Spiri tual Growth. Trans. Reappoint. Wee,J. Kohlrabis Stages of Moral Reasoning. Trans. Reappoint.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Compare and contrast Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s theories of cognitive development in children Essay

This essay will compare Piagets and Vygotskys theories of cognitive knowledge in children. Also, manifest the differences among the two psychologists theories. Thus, by showing their similarities like in wording and adaptation theories. Further, differences like Piagets theory on cognitive increaseal stages and the schemas which are build to victimize or accommodate new words or things. Vygostkys theory differs to Piagets theory by his socio- cultural and language theories. Finally, bring all this points together by drawing a conclusion. Cognitive development is defined as the growth of mental faculties from birth to adult age. This is continually process as the children go round life they learn skills, language to further their cognitive development. Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky were both interested in this field and they findings have influenced and impacted the children learn and education in ameliorate way. According to Piaget children cognitive development is universal a process which the child goes through with(predicate) once and this process is divided into 4 different stages sensorimotor, pre practicable, concrete operations and formal operations (Gross, 2004). Sensorimotor stage beginnings between the birth until two years of age. At this stage Piaget suggested that children distinguished themselves from objects.Also, they experience their environment through their senses (Gross, 2004). Further, children start to take initiative and be able to reflex like kicking playing or grasping things. In addition, children start to realise that plain when the object is not visible but still exist, which is called object permanence (Beck, 2000). The second stage Piaget called it as preoperational a stage between the ages of two and septette years old. In preoperational stage children are able to use language to name objects animals and group things into groups. But their abilities of thinking at this stage still egotist because hardily they can take the view point of other(a)s (Beck, 2000). Also, Piaget divided this stage into two the pre-conceptual and the intuitive. First, children in preconceptual cannot differentiate tint or size at the same clipping a process which Piaget called centration. In contrast, Vygotsky named it as complexivethinking meaning that when one is grouping things or events according to their common features like shape or colour (Gross, 2004). The pre-conceptual stage is between the ages of two to four years.Further, children at this sub stage cannot recognise assure or sequences (Gross, 2004). Second, intuitive stage takes place between the ages of four to seven years. In this stage Piaget believed that children cannot understand conservation that still the same when they change their form (Gross, 2004). The third stage is the concrete operational stage which Piaget believed that children at ages of seven to eleven they develop metal abilities of thinking logically (Carlson, 2010). Further, children at this stage understand compensation, reversibility and identity (Beck, 2000). The fourth and finally Piaget stage is the formal operational at this stage the children have ability to think abstract and logically (Gross, 2004). Thus, in this stage young people go through different changes in their development meaning that they are aware of their decisions making and taking other peoples opinions. According to Piaget this stage is between the ages of eleven until the adolescent (Gross, 2004). Thus, another different between Piagets theory and Vygotskys theory is the Piaget schemas theory.According to Piaget schemas are divided into three points the assimilation, accommodation and equilibration (Gross, 2010). Actually, schemas are defined as mental and physical shot of understanding better children during their life span (Beck, 2004). Assimilation is process when a child adds new information into the ones which are known to her or to him (Gross, 2010). Instead, accommodation inquir es adapting and be aware of new and old information. The last one is the equilibration which Piaget believed that a child at this point has the abilities to balance information back and forth in order to practise and get the information restored. And the child does it by accommodation and assimilation (Carlson, 2010). In other hand, Vygotsky suggest that language is the fundamental basis for the children cognitive development (Gross, 2010). Also, language is one the factors that influence children to use inner speech when cultivation new objects or words (Gross, 2010).But in that respect is problem with this theory because other psychologists do not support this theory. Instead, Piaget argued and suggested that children at that stage are egocentric and have some form vocabulary limitation. Further, this might explain the children self speak (Gross, 2010). In anotherProcess which Vygotsky explained was the Zone of Proximal development which the child learn skills with help of adul ts to expand their knowledge (Carlson, 2010). Further, Vygotsky also suggested that by children interacting with their family members helps them to become better verbally (Beck, 2004). Furthermore, Vygotsky come with theory of scaffolding which is explained that parents or adults should support their children y solving problem step by step without causing them frustration. By doing that when children show some form of improvement of master those skills, parents should then leave the children by themselves (Carlson, 2010).But Piaget contradicts this theory by suggesting that children at this they cannot think properly (Gross, 2010). Vygotskys suggested that there are three processes which parents pass their knowledge through their children imitative learning, instructed learning and collaborative learning (Beck, 2004). Imitative is when children do or copy what their role models do. Further, the instructed learning is when the child does what he or she was told by adults or puts it i nto practice. Another point is the collaborative learning when a group of children work together to learn or to achieve a goal (Gross, 2010). Contrary to Piagets theory, was the socio- cultural theory which Vygotsky suggested that, the environment in which the child grows plays an important role in cognitive development of the child. In addition, Vygotsky went on by suggest that children learn from important people in their life, like parents, teachers and friends or family members which are as role model in their point of view (Gross, 2010).This contradict Piagets cognitive development stages theory which he believed to be universal, and what the child goes through or what she or he learns at every age is the same everywhere in world and for every child (Beck, 2004). Looking at how Piaget and Vygotsky went about to explain their theories one can erect contrast and similarities. Vygotsky focused in importance of language and how they went on learning how to resolve problems. In add ition, Vygotskys theories lacked enough evidences to support them and for this reason they were not tried and true (Beck, 2004). Meanwhile, Piaget observed his own children when playing to support his theories (Gross, 2010). Further, Piaget had less interest on the social development theory. But Vygotsky focused on the social part of the cognitive development (Gross, 2010).Overall, there are differences between the Piagets theories and Vygotskys theories but insome point there were similarities. For instance, Vygotsky focused mainly in socio- cultural suggesting that where the child grows has vital role on his cognitive development. Whereas, Piagets theory were more related to schemas and stages of cognitive development which Piaget suggested that they were universal. But both agreed that language is important and that teacher were important for childs cognitive development. In brave, Piagets theory and Vygotskys theories have improved and gave better understanding of children cogn itive development and also in the education.ReferencesBerk, L. E. (2000). Child Development. 5th ed. Massachusetts Allyn & bacon. Martin, G. N., Carlson, N. R., & Buskist, W. (2010). Psychology. 4th ed. EssexPearson Education. Gross, R. (2004). Psychology The science of mind and behaviour. 3rd ed. Tonbridge Hodder & Stoughton. Piaget, J. (1950). The Psychology of Intelligence. New York Routledge Classics.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Alfieri Tells the Audience ‘Justice Is Very Important Here’. Essay

By stating in his opening speech of the play Justice is actually important here, Alfieri opens the auditory intelligences minds to relate justice back to all the events in the book that occur. Throughout the play Arthur Miller shows the importance of justice mainly through Eddie and Marcos behavior, building up to Eddies tragic death. Through Alfieris first speech, Miller allows the audience to acknowledge that in America they settle for half. This is explaining the way that Eddie sees justice, but overly how Marco, who is from Sicily, would see justice and these differences.This quotation is implying that whatever justice means to the Americans it means more(prenominal) to the Italians. This is foreshadowing the end of the play as it links to Marcos thirst for retaliation on Eddie. At the end of Act One, Miller subtly suggests the idea of justice through Marcos defensiveness over his brother and similarly Eddies actions towards Rodolfo. After Eddie hits Rodolfo the audience g ets the feeling that he feels this is justice for Rodolfo leading Catherine away from the life Eddie wanted her to conduct. This is emphasised by Eddies use of the word Danish to describe Rodolfo.By using this as a nickname Miller is trying to access the point that Eddie is trying to isolate Rodolfo from the Italian community and also their family. The true sense of justice in this background however, comes from Marco who raises the chair over his head. This is a clear sense of warning implied by Marco, which is clearly registered by Eddie, Eddies grin vanished. This, to Marco, is a feeling of justice coming to Eddie for trying to make either him of his brother feel like they dont belong. While also foreshadowing what pass on happen at the end of Act 2. Miller highlights justice as one of the most important things in Eddies life.However, he leads the audience to enquire whether Eddies desires are truly just. What Eddie wants is his honour and his name but also Catherine. Marcos got my name. He also wants his respect back from Marco, which he has completely lose by the actions his inappropriate feelings for Catherine have caused him to take. In the structure of a Greek tragedy that Miller is trying to create Eddie plays the protagonist. It is his conflict between his good looks and the gradually rise of his bad ones that force the dramatic event forwards with both Eddie and Marcos need for justice.Theimportance of justice shown in the play comes to a drama filled end with Marco finally getting the justice he believes he deserves. The end of this play was foreshadowed when Marco stated, all the law is not in a book. By saying this Miller has implied to the audience that Marco believes it is his duty to bring Eddies life to an end, in my country he would be dead by now. He also brings in the claim felt by Marco of natural justice and how by disregarding the respect Marco feels for Rodolfo, my brother, my blood, Eddie has lead himself in to the situatio n where he is nothing more than an animal who deserves to die.In conclusion, throughout the play Miller implies the theme of justice as the most prominent and important theme of the play. It is one of the only things Marco and Eddie have in common, in the way that they both search for it and in the end it finished with Eddie dead and Marco being sent back to Italy. In the final scene Miller shows the audience that though you may gain the justice you sought out for like Marco, Eddie falls to his knees before Marco, it may be the thing that leads to a characters downfall, in which it did with both Eddie and Marco at the end of this play.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Slave Dbq

Julie Giaimo DBQ Going back to 1619, Africans were bought to America and interchange to Americans as workers. It wasnt long before slaveholding became a controversial issue. Over the course of about two and a half centuries the debate of weather to continue or abolish slavery went on. The supporters and the abolitionist had their arguments on how they viewed slavery, and the government played their part too. Those who supported slavery were for the most part southerners. Senator John C. Calhoun states that slavery is a positive good.He says that through slavery, the conditions of the races improved physically, morally, and intellectually and the two races of black and white were brought to dieher. Calhoun alike says that the living conditions for the slaves were good and they were taken care of. But in reality, the slaves were living in shacks fearing for their lives and hoping not to get beaten by their slave owner after a long hard day of running(a) in the blistering sun on th e plantations (document 2). Another man against the abolition of slavery is Chancellor Harper.According to Harper, the change state slaves would harm the economy of the United States and Europe. This is because he believed that the free laborers would strike against working for higher pays and they wouldnt do their jobs, thus affecting the trade. The slaves did get paid but very low amounts compared to the hard work that they enthrone into their jobs (document 3). Those were some arguments of people who supported slavery and believed that it should be continued. People who didnt believe in slavery are known as abolitionist.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Iphone Marketing Strategy Essay

Apple rank no. 1 as the most admired ships comp either by fortune. The actual I- border was launched through Apple Company during 2006-2007 periods. It uses trade mix & market segmentation strategies. It maintains noble secrecy about its point of intersections from getting out in the market. It creates innovative products & services aligned with a digital hub system, whereby apple computer functions as the digital hub for digital devices. It fully understands that all aspects of customer experience be important & that all brand touch points must reinforce the Apple brand.There are several(a) kinds of creative advertisements designed by Apple that reflect their products to creative individuals. Various other strategies adopted by apple I-phone are Brand awareness, ease of use, Compatibility with iTunes & Mac/apple products for upgradeability, secrecy is maintained before any high level product launch to increase the inquisitiveness about the particular product & bring keen in terest from the market & consumers & its promoted as form of new generation hip phone which has bit of a professional touch to it.Due to their secrecy, innovation, branding & product to product connectivity & compatibility, i-Phone is the most seek after mobile device & is the current market leader in the mobile market. I-phone incorporates consumer behavior into their marketing strategies by maintaining a high level of secrecy about their product.They let the rumors fly left & obligation about their products that only a particular number product units are being produced & sold in the market, which is about to be launched by them, which in turn creates an awe-inspiring hype & buzz over the apple products, This scarcity of product in the market leads the consumer to put a lot more value to the product & push itself furthermore to purchase it.The coy approach has been the companys mantra since the first I-Phone release, a strategy that has worked to drum up insatiable demand of the consumers. People actually camp out near the shops 24 hrs before the launch of a new I-phone, everyone wants to get their hands on the product before anyone else, it becomes a must have product for the consumers.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Development Of Appraisal And Reward System

compensate outline is an instilled comp unrivall(a)ednt of the grapheme of every man he is a tripartite being with a spirit living in a body, and a soul. He thinks, feels, decides and acts. These are the elements of humans interaction either at home or in any other organisation. This dust has long been proven by brain biologist and psychologists to be of paramount use in the development of a responsible and strong. This is further confirmed by the reputation of outputs produced by organizations that select harnessed this for industrial use Wilson, 2003.The recognition of intuitive input to the productivity of an organization, and the ulterior reward of such has indeed advanced the course of man at all levels of human administration. Really, its sizeableness hind end non be overemphasized in this age of competitive business market. There are particular(prenominal) and pragmatic ways of establishing this amiable system into the companys mainstream activity this is the mai n focus of this article. vastness OF APPRAISAL AND AWARD SYSTEM This is a global age an age where the large world is shirked into a small global village.Innovations are emerging daily. onlys spheres of human endeavor are advancing at millennial speed. In this age, at that place is intense search for talents and skills that displace maintain such developments or excellence, and as well as evening work on them to produce better. This has created keen competition in the labor market, and every company knows the time value of its high-output workers, and would never want to loose them. It is this that has made performance and character based appraisal and reward system more important to the survival of any enterprise than ever before in the history of man.Every one wants the best. The search for the best leaves no space for inefficiency, as the best must be delivered by employees. Companies have also inculcated diversity into their mission statement to accommodate enough space f or this search for the best, and retaining those who have also proven to be of optimum feign to the activities of the organization. The concept of diversity has thrown appraisal and reward into a bigger landscape for employees ready to give their best to their chosen area of influence at work.In this case, the impact of encouraging an effort geared in this direction is of utmost importance and can not be overlooked. Leading organization in any known industry, and even new inclusions understand the place of recognizing and accolade ingenuity by company employees targeted at improving customer patronage or better usefulness delivery. Great managers and leaders do acknowledge that humans can deliver beyond their present term if only they are encouraged by a conjectural means. A child who receives encouragement at home from his parents usually performs better that one that does not enjoy such privilege.It is an inherent need of man, that his potential drop can be better harnessed with tangibly significant appreciation. In the presence of a credible and fair reward system, employees have a basic encouragement to deliver their best to the high society, in their capacity. They can afford to stretch themselves with their elastic limit to meet deadlines, increase forte and productivity, deliver more streamlined and customer-friendly service because there would be a reward for their labor. This leads to increased productivity for the Company.This productivity is relative to the Company product. Even religious organizations understand this as they promise more blessings for obedient servants. This system, if properly put in place, heightens sense of responsibility of the employee and creates a working bond that may not be easy to break. With a fair plan, there is increased interest in Company acts, mission, plans and goals. This created a better working milieu for them, and there is increased trust and more fruitful human relationships in the Company. DEVELOPME NT OF THE SYSTEMA system that recognizes human inputs and quality ideas directed at optimal productivity, improved working environment and human relations, confidence and profitability of a company, and significantly rewards such via credible and fair techniques is referred to as an appraisal and reward system its effectiveness is enhanced as all participants, employees and managers, understand its purpose and are poised to make useful percentage towards achieving the set goals. A good plan is based on a combination of performance and character John Bill.Its development involves steps outlined below DEFINITION OF PURPOSE It is important to start with a exculpated purpose. Purpose of the system is clearly outlined from the outset. This is seen to be consistent with the Mission statement of the Company in writing and principle it is communicated to employees and is also broken into smaller units called Goals. It is in bringing such purpose exhaust into those achievable units that they show pragmatism and spur workers to work Gallup. COMPANY INTERACTIONS/COMMUNICATIONThis involves a forum through which such system is communicated to participants in clear and understandable terms. Suggestions and quality ideas are welcomed on the plan and execution of the plan. This also affords an prospect to for skill acquisition and training geared at achieving the Purpose. Really, this is inevitable to the survival of the course of study Communication should not be a once-and-for-all thing it need be continuous. In this way and at any demo in the course of organizations work, there is a location, personality or unit always refreshing peoples mind about the program.This keeps the spirit alive. GOALS This should be SMART Stipulated and Stimulating, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound. With effective communication, employees understand and can work toward them. With those criteria, goals are closer to the heart and easier to handle at work. It is important to acquiesce an insightful technique in drawing such goals this is easier when everybody- all participants are part of the decision making. carrying out STRUCTURE This is the most important of all.If purpose is then and goals are made with effective communication and there is no CREDIBLE AND FAIR structure to implement the plans, then the result can be slow guessed there would be result at all. Therefore, it is important for the structure to be credible and fair in such a way that the criteria for adjudging performance is well-stipulated and combine quantitative and qualitative means. No element of subjectivity should be seen because this is the major worry of employees. If there is no open and transparent objectivity in the implementation, the program would fail.This structure is vital to the success of the program it could be created as another citizens committee entirely or a unit per session ups that would oversee the activities of workers at different levels. It would also b e interested in accurately informing unit members about the nature, category and content of reward. This would remove the excuse of inaccurate teaching and promote trust in the system. CATEGORISATION It is important for a categorization of the Purpose and goals into specific committee or section where people of different work experience and exposure status can accurately fit in.This is to go out that there is space for everyone, and a chance to be recognized as diligent. No one should be left out. Company products can also be categorized, with respectively competent employee. This is to ensure equal distribution of work based on talent, skills, and companys expectation. REWARDS There should be a stated method of rewards and it should be both significant and tangible. Announcement is not enough reward. Such tools that can be employed include by compensation, awards or increase in base line salary.The latter(prenominal) is widely appraised, and is best effective when the incentive i s about 25% of the baseline pay. Such should also be done with a short period of time. REVIEW It is important to review the activities of program, it impact on the organization and its vivid dividends at regular intervals. This would sustain and strength awareness of and confidence in the program. CONCLUSION All companies need a n appraisal and reward system, as ways of maximizing their workers input. This system affects all aspects of an organization.It is inevitable in this global and highly competitive age. Such can be established with outlined purpose broken into goals, communicated to all participants under a credible and fair structure which is regularly reviewed for productivity. fortunate companies retain best workers, and attract others by such means. It is no loss to any business at all. BIBILIOGRAPHY Wilson, Thomas. Innovative Reward systems for the changing workplace John, Bill Reward and Appraisal. http//www. accaglobal. com/students/study_exams/qualifications/acca_cho ose/acca/fundamentals/ab/technical_articles/2944835Performance Based Reward system Accessed from www. performance-appraisal. com/rewards. htm Performance Reward and Compensation. Accessed from http//www. gallupconsulting. com/content/? ci=58 Performance and Reward Accessed from Peter Scott www. peterscottconsult. co. uk/briefings/yourpartnerrewardsystem. doctor Effective performance appraisal system. Accessed from www. allacademic. com/meta/p154789_index. html Effective Employee development Program http//www. maritz. com/employee_recognition_awards. html

Friday, May 17, 2019

Counsumer Behavior Essay

Absolute doorway Differential threshold How does sensory adaptation strike advertising effectiveness? How can suss outeters overcome sensory adaptation? Discuss the differences between the absolute threshold and the differential threshold. Which is more important to marketers? Explain your answer.For each of these productschocolate bars and bottles of expensive perfume sop up how marketers can apply their knowledge of differential threshold to packaging, pricing, and promotional claims during periods of (a) rising ingredient and materials costs and (b) increase competition. 2. Key Concepts Contrast Figure and ground How do advertisers use contrast to make sure that their ads are noticed? Would the lack of contrast between the advertisement and the medium in which it appears help or deflect the effectiveness of the ad?What are the ethical considerations in employing such strategies? What are the implications of figure-ground relationships for print ads and for online ads? How can the figure-ground take help or interfere with the communication of advertising messages? Find three examples of print advertisements that use just about of the stimulus factors discussed in the chapter to gain attention. For each example, evaluate the effectiveness of the stimulus factors used. 3. Key ConceptsSelective perceptual experience Perceptual mapping Define selective perception. Thinking back, relate one or two elements of this theory to your own attention patterns in viewing print advertisements and TV commercials. Select a company that produces several(prenominal) versions of the same product under the same or different brands (one that is not discussed in this chapter). Visit the theaters Web site and prepare a list of the product items and the benefits that each item offers to consumers. be all these benefits believable and will they persuade consumers to buy the different versions of the product? Explain your answers. Construct a two-dimensional perceptual map of your college using the two attributes that were most influential in your selection. Then mark the position of your school on the diagram relative to that of another school you considered. Discuss the implications of this perceptual may for the student recruitment function of the university that you did not choose.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Atenista Actions

A DOZEN OF THINGS EVERY ATENEAN CAN DO croak A HAND Let us be a person for new(prenominal)s in our have got diminished ways. Always be ready to serve and help those who are in need. Be happy when you unwrap yourself in the position of helping others because God is answering their prayers through you. SHOW OFF The essence of existence a human is non about our rank or greatness but how God do us to be a thanksgiving for others in a very unique way. What we are, is a blessing to be cherished and to be shared and do not be afraid to show off.Let us be thankful for the talents, skills and abilities God gave us and be tall of who and what we are. BE AWARE OF THE RULES AND POLICIES Rules and regulations are do to make the federation much progressive and productive. Not only productive in terms of delivery but mostly, productive in making and producing morally, spiritually, mentally and physically equipped citizens. GO CLEEN (CLEAN AND GREEN) Let us be responsible with our envi ronment. Let segregate our waste properly, help lessen pollution and plant more trees.Let us help maintain a clean and green environment and always remember the 5Rs Reuse, Repair, Reduce, cycle and Rot. CAST YOUR VOTE Get involved during elections. Do not miss the opportunity that you can be the start of change. Your vote can make a great difference. EDUCATION FIRST We should value our upbringing and prioritize our studies. We must learn how to say NO to temptations so that in the end, well feature nothing to regret. direction is the best tool to prosperity and success. LOVE EACH OTHERThe only key to a healthy community is love because when there is love there is peace, when there is peace there is progress, and when there is progress, there volition be satisfaction and contentment in our daily existence. After all, love is what it all means in life. SPEAK YOUR MIND AND HEART Voice out what you think and feel is the right one to do. breakt be afraid to speak out nothing will b e lost. Its any we can learn through mistakes from our decisions or someone else will learn from our thoughts and emotions. MAKE A M. O. V. E (Motivate Oneself til the Very End)Motivation is the stepping stone of ones success. Therefore from the very beginning, along the way and til the end of whatever we do, we should motivate ourselves to accomplish such and doing more out of it. REMEMBER S. O. A. P (SILENCE, OPENNESS, ACCEPTANCE AND PRAYER) We must have time to put ourselves in silence for a short while in order to ponder in our day-to-day existence. We must also accept things and be open-minded about the painful equity that exists in our society. Most of all, we must pray in order to contemplate anywhere and anytime. ACT AS A ROLE MODELEveryone is entitled to be a leader, and we must act as we have been entitled. each(prenominal) and one of us must act accordingly so that others would follow. By doing such, we can inspire other people and therefore motivating them to do the same. LOVE YOUR OWN The success of our nation lies in our own hands therefore we must be patriotic enough to attain such. Loving our country does not only mean loving what our country own, but more of it is preserving our own heritage and culture. We should be proud of our countrys greatest treasures and make one of those rather than appreciating and making use of others culture.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Ethics_society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ethics_society - Essay ExampleThe essence of utilitarianism is to minimize suffering across the world and maximize happiness. In such a case, the society becomes aligned in the most effective way as people only focus on making themselves and others happy. The moral essence of any action is for the most part determined by its outcome or consequences. In this case, both the actual consequences and the intended consequences are factors of center field consideration. Utilitarianism in its own self therefore seeks to foster a just society where every person respects the other and seeks to enhance the happiness of everybody (Paley, 56).The concept of deontology on the other hand seeks to judge the font of morality in the actions of people on whether such actions adhere to the rules. It is known that rules are intended to occasion justice and fairness by guiding the conduct of humanity towards doing what is morally upright. In this regard, it is seen that the consequences of actions do non really matter but the intention or motives of the people who do them. In this regard, the consequences of an action exit always be right as long as the intention is of the doer is right. In the applicatory sense, deontological ethics are quite historic in creating a society where people only beseech well and are focused on doing the right thing. Such a society is indeed important in enhancing peace, morality and ethical conduct (Paley, 112).Deontological ethics are therefore a justification for true actions. In any case, the mere following of moral codes of conduct is not enough. It is important to have the right motivations in the actions we do. Thus, a person might essentially not be regarded as immoral even off though they might have broken a moral rule. Subjective determination of duties and obligations does not therefore find room in this context. Rather, it is a matter of objective

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

A Practitioner's Handbook Speech or Presentation

A Practitioners Handbook - Speech or Presentation ExampleHope this exercise was fun and fruitful. Now we shall engage in a give-and-take of the Woodcock exercise Mastery Test which, apart from the Word Attack exercise conducted, examines various other aspects of an souls reading ability.I shall begin my speech by explaining to you what The Woodcock Reading Mastery Test actually is. The Woodcock Reading Mastery Test is a norm-referenced series of sound judgements that enables assessors to determine the reading achievements and abilities of individuals (Rathvon, 2004). The strain is administered on an individual background and is diagnostic in nature. Basically, the Woodcock Reading Mastery Test measures the reading readiness of individuals. It in the beginning targets individuals who have bother in reading. The purpose of this test goes beyond the general aim of identifying reading abilities of the aspect as it highlights the individuals strengths and weaknesses in particular areas of reading so that targeted action may be taken. It allows specific strategies to be devised for students who have supernumerary needs in reading. Particular attention is devoted to ELL learners whose reading abilities are fit(p) by this test. not only does this test allow for an evaluation of the candidate but also the governing body or tames reading programs. The history of the Woodcock Reading Mastery Test can be traced back to 1973 when Dr. Richard Woodcock hardened the first foundations of the Woodcock Reading Mastery Test (Rathvon, 2004).... is a norm-referenced series of assessments that enables assessors to determine the reading achievements and abilities of individuals (Rathvon, 2004). The test is administered on an individual basis and is diagnostic in nature. Basically, the Woodcock Reading Mastery Test measures the reading readiness of individuals. It primarily targets individuals who have difficulty in reading. The purpose of this test goes beyond the genera l aim of identifying reading abilities of the candidate as it highlights the individuals strengths and weaknesses in particular areas of reading so that targeted action may be taken. It allows specific strategies to be devised for students who have special needs in reading. Particular attention is devoted to ELL learners whose reading abilities are determined by this test. Not only does this test allow for an evaluation of the candidate but also the institution or schools reading programs. The history of the Woodcock Reading Mastery Test can be traced back to 1973 when Dr. Richard Woodcock laid the first foundations of the Woodcock Reading Mastery Test (Rathvon, 2004). This test could be taken by children from kindergarten through the twelfth grade which was a rather broad target segment for this assessment (Rathvon, 2004). This test was best suited for ESL candidates. Furthermore, the test involved short intervals and comprised of 5 subtests including the Word Attack, Word ID, Lett er ID passing Comprehension and Word Comprehension. This test was later revised in 1998 whereby Forms G and H were introduced which were not match in nature (Rathvon, 2004). These two forms allowed the assessor to test and re-test as they were non-overlapping in nature. Therefore, as you may think, this assessment was highly thorough in nature.