
Monday, April 1, 2019

TATA Steel: UK Case Study

TATA brace UK Case StudyNicolson MustaphaTata firebrand UK is atomic number 53 of the largest and geographic altogethery several(prenominal) diversified steel producers of atomic number 63 which is operating in 26 countries and view its commercial offices in round 35 countries most the globe (Tata leaf blade, 2017). They crap been serving different marts such(prenominal) as free zero and power, automotive, lifting and excavating, publicity, aerospace, construction etcetera with their innovative crossings. The success of their crease lies in their trading trading trading operations being concern on benefiting the society on the whole and reservation col comprehendative relationships with customers. The classical commerce determine of Tata steel UK include excellence, understanding, responsibility, justice and unity (Tata blade, 2017).The proposed outline for Tata steel at corporate level is grocery incursion mend the proposed line of credit system for subtle in the commercialise is the hybrid of equal prima(p) and product differentiation. Tata brand has the capacity to sink in into its mart because it has a strong brand image and goodish customer base only due to change magnitude contri thoe of steel from China and decreased solicit, the tax r eventideue generated in the last period was a bit less than expected. In a dynamic milieu, the foremost priority of a ancestry is to advance an eye on the external environment. So, to cope with the changes taking place in the external environment, Tata Steel has to penetrate the food mart for add its securities industry sh be. The bell lead seat be achieved by the capacity elaborateness and piece of work of new engineering. The new technology would be used for differentiating its products from those of its competitors.Tata steel UK is one of the largest and geographic onlyy most diversified steel producers of Europe which is operating in 26 countries and cast off its commercial offices in around 35 countries around the globe (Tata Steel, 2017). They pass on been serving different merchandises such as energy and power, automotive, lifting and excavating, packaging, aerospace, construction etc. with their innovative products. The success of their business lies in their operations being centered on benefiting the society on the whole and make collaborative relationships with customers. The main business values of Tata steel UK include excellence, understanding, responsibility, integrity and unity (Tata Steel, 2017).This paper demonstrates the importance of understanding and in-depth retirel boundary that a sozzled moldiness have for the homework of its strategies from time to time. The environment in which the businesses have been operating veritablely has snuff it dynamic and it is inevitable for the businesses to adapt themselves with such environment by perpetu bothy updating their strategies to carry out the business (Hitt, Irelan d and Hoskisson, 2003). The previous analysis conducted to the highest degree Tata Steel suggested that it has strong brand fair-mindedness and value- drawstring efficiency due to which it has maturationed its operations overseas in the alien merchandises. hotshot of the main competitive advantages for Tata Steel UK is that there products be erratic and innovative exactly there atomic number 18 excessively certain threats for the selection of business i.e. increasing competition, changing economy of UK and the fall in demand from China (Schram, 2015).The first part of this paper discusses different strategical options that atomic number 18 available to Tata Steel UK or to propose a schema at corporate level, second part deals with formulation of business dodge, patch the triplet part deals with the rating of strategy on the basis of suitability, acceptability and feasibility. The main objective of this paper is to master the Tata Steel UK from strategic manage ment perspective. contrastive models and frameworks from previous academic literature have been used for the purpose of analyzing the perseverance and proposing a relevant strategy for the selected trusty. strategical options have been defined as the resourceful substitute action-oriented reactions to the major external trends faced by an organization. These options atomic number 18 exercised by taking into consideration the factors, trends, threats and opportunities in the external environment in which an organization is operating. These options be usually taken into consideration for the purpose of increasing the gross sales and wage of our business (Trigeorgis and Reuer, 2016). The main objective of Tata Steel UK is to become a global benchmark for creating value for the customers and corporate citizenship by offer innovative products and serve.Ansoff Matrix Strategic options enkindle be best explained with the suffice of Ansoff matrix that takes into account existing and new products and commercializes. There argon cardinal strategic options available to a particular firm (Jeyarathnam, 2008). These are explained as followsSelling existing products to existing foodstuff which is cognise as market perceptivenessDeveloping new products and selling them to existing market which is know as product learningTaking existing products to new markets segments which is cognize as market developmentDeveloping new products for newer markets segments also cognize as diversificationThe strategic options or Ansoff matrix is presented in the visualise as followsTata steel UK screw exaggerate its customer base with the aid of market sharpness strategy. This strategy is used for the purpose of growing our business. The current market share of Tata Steel UK is 60% sales to the manufacturers of different products in UK while 40% comes from sales to main Europe and 15% alfresco the Europe. The main products that contribute to the sales revenue of Tat a Steel include automotive, construction, packaging, aerospace, and energy and power. The corporate strategy of Tata Steel UK is to become a global benchmark by creating value for the customers at global level. The rationale behind development the market cleverness strategy is to sell existing products to existing consumers. check to the SWOT analysis conducted for the Tata Steel Europe and opposite sources suggest that it is losing the market because of various factors including decreased demand from China, changing economy of Europe, increasing inter countryalistic competition and steel available at cheaper prices. Tata Steel UK can penetrate the market by making its products unique from those of its competitors. It should increase its clothements in the projects which helps in differentiation of its products by improving the boilers suit marketing incorporate and get closer to customers by forming collaborative relationships. The unique and innovative products as compar ed to competitors entrust give Tata Steel UK a competitive edge in gaining the largest market share. This product differentiation requires Tata Steel to develop with-it manufacturing and achievement technology and to improve their business cycle to a greater extent to commit the products sustainable for the customers as well as for the environment.Tata Steel UK should strive to lift their manufacturing and dispersal operations because it go out help the firm in providing on time products and services to their consumers. An efficient depict chain and closer achievement plants help in increasing the trenchantness and optimization of services to customers. The heading of competitors cannot threat the existence of Tata Steel unless it is continuously striving to improve its business operations and differentiation of products and services. Overall, in improving the business operations and product differentiation of Tata Steel, it must not compromise the corporate responsibilit y it owes towards the environment and all its stakeholders (Jha and Arora, 2013).The main point to be considered in the market perceptivity strategy is the represent-benefit ratio. Market penetration specifically deals with increasing already captured customer base. The fact sheet of Tata Steel UK represents that 25% of Tata sales revenue is generated by automotive industry, 30% by construction, and 10% by packaging. It also exports 80% of its energy and power products to big firms such as Shell, Chevron and integrality etc. it also has 10% global market share for the run of aerospace products (Kelsey, 2016). The main competitive advantage of Tata Steel UK is its brand identity i.e. it is a well-known brand for its woodland products, so its customers have loyalty with its products. The factsheet close to Tata Steel UK suggested that the demand for its automotive products is increasing in the mainland Europe as well as in other countries because the annual car production rate i s increasing at a greater pace. So, this is an opportunity for Tata Steel UK to penetrate the market by victimization its world-class manufacturing and distribution facilities.The market penetration strategy requires Tata Steel to strengthen its own manufacturing, production and distribution infrastructure to manufacture tell products as compared to its competitors. By using this strategy it forget be able to increase its sales revenue in the existing market by strengthening the manufacturers of different products across Europe. admit manufacturing and production plants will be helpful for Tata Steel in trim back the monetary value of manufacturing and achieving the economies of scale.Tata Steel has the capacity and resources to penetrate into its existing market e.g. it has a string brand loyalty, it is producing the products in an environmentally sustainable way, it has its own cutting-edge manufacturing and production plants that only need upgradation. The commitment of Tata Steels towards manufacturing unique and innovative products can help them conquer the market and increase their market share proportional to their competitors.After a successful scrutiny of internal factors impact the business and a thorough scan of external business environment, the next stratum is to formulate an ideal strategy for business which is capable of achieving the desired objectives. line of products strategy is originationed for the purpose of getting to the place where we want to see ourselves. disdain strategy requires careful planning and implementation and it also requires a lot of resources that must be used handy to maintain the follow benefit ratio (Teece, 2010). According to a model proposed by McKinsey, it is necessary on the part of organization to have talented staff, an integrated system, kosher structure, a unique style, skills, a perfect strategy and shared values to achieve the desired business goals. According to Johnson et. al (2011), strategy c lock is a perfect framework that can be used to give out the customer focus for the prices and differentiation among the products.For Tata Steel UK, it is analyzed that the market penetration strategy could be used for increasing the market share of the confederacy. And it has been already known that it has a strong brand name and also a very good customer base. But the recent statistics of pecuniary quantify confirmed that the earnings and sales revenue of Tata Steel was not up to the mark and didnt meet the forecasts set earlier (Markets.ft.com, 2017). This requires Tata steel to penetrate into its market with the help of hybrid strategies i.e. represent leadership and product differentiation.Cost leadership is an intensive growth strategy in which the company tends to decrease the price of its products for the purpose of increasing its sales. Tata Steel UK can exercise the exist leadership strategy either by reducing its make ups to increase the profits and charging ave rage industry price for its products or it can increase the market share by reducing the price of its products (Jha and Arora, 2013). For practicing this strategy, a firm must demonstrate sure that it will remain number one in harm of low-cost producer and wont be easily attackable by other low cost producers. This requires the firm to have plentiful dandy for making investment in the technology that shrivels the boilers suit cost of producing the products, have efficient logistics and being sustainable in terms of its resources and environment. For Tata Steel UK, all of these options are exercisable so they can easily penetrate their existing market with their existing products.One of the main competitive advantages of Tata Steel is capacity elaboration i.e. it can expand its capacity of manufacturing and production which will ultimately reduce its cost of producing the products. The quality and sources of raw materials are highly secured from various confined mines which ca n be used for the enhancement of production capacity. The manufacturing plants of Tata Steel are already located in slightly countries including USA, Canada, Sweden, Germany, France, and Belgium etc. These plants can be used for the purpose of increasing the global sales revenue and market share of Tata Steel by fling diversified products and services to the customers.engineering and the manpower are two most essential resources that are mandatory for increasing the innovation and uniqueness in products of Tata Steel. The up-to-the-minute technology can be used for producing larger numbers of steel and aluminum products differentiated from its competitors, available in various designs and colors and are sustainable for the community which is using the products. Recently in 2013, Tata Steel made an investment of 250 billion pounds to set up two blast furnaces in Port Talbot, 25 jillion pounds investment at Hot Strip Mill, and 15 million pounds investment in Stockbridge plant in 2015 which will improve the operations of Tata Steel to a greater extent thereby reducing the overall costs of production (Kelsey, 2016).Product differentiation is another strategy through and through which Tata Steel can penetrate its market. Customers switch products or brands only when they are not satisfied of the quality and prices of the products. A bit of value added to the products and services can increase the customer loyalty and improves the brand image (Anderson and Vincze, 2004). Tata Steel is providing a wide range of its products to the most renowned and big companies around the globe. Tata Steel can increase its market share by offering customized products to its customers e.g. for automotive industry it can provide customized products right from initial design to the fully manufactured vehicle or they can provide effective solutions related to steel in the construction projects. For consumer goods, customers prefer reliability and after sales services and it can als o gain a good market share by offering sustainable packaging products to packaging firms. The bottom line is that Tata Steel can use its essence competencies for gaining the market share. A summary of core competencies of Tata Steel is presented in the following table. snapper competenciesCost leadership and product differentiationTechnologyDifferent manufacturing plants of Tata Steel UK located across the Europe must use the cutting edge technology for the production of high quality and low cost products. instauration of technology helps in the mass production which achieves the economies of scales hence making the firm low cost leader and technology also improve the quality of products by presenting more immaculate out cheek and product design to the products. tote up chain managementThe supply chain of Tata Steel is very in advance(p) because it has its own distribution and do working units across the Europe, USA, Middle East and many other parts of the world. This is the com petitive edge for Tata Steel because they dont have to make the customers wait biger for the products rather they provide on-time delivery of their products due to their legion(predicate) production hubs. Efficient supply chain also helps in making the products differentiated and low cost because there are no additive tariffs and raw material import costs incurred on the products.Quality and customer focus Quality and price of the products are the two essential elements that customers look for in the products. The research and marketing department of Tata Steel continuously tries to analyze the customer preferences for products and tries to invest in the projects which offer the best marketing mix i.e. best price for the products and differentiated products as compared to the customers (Tata Steel, 2017).Based on the core competencies listed in the above table, the competitive advantage of Tata Steel i.e. capacity expansion, and the financial position of Tata Steel UK (SWOT analy sis), it is evaluated that Tata Steel can competently reduce the cost of its operations for increasing its revenues and earnings as well as increasing its market share. Moreover, these strategies are also useful for Tata Steel to exist its penetrating market everywhere its operations are in process.Evaluation of strategy is as important as the formulation of strategies because the strategic management process requires a lot of resources for implementation. So, it must be made certain that we are not wasting our resources or using them in a illicit manner (Atkinson, 2013). Strategic paygrade is carried out in order to know whether the strategy that has been designed will be able to achieve the infallible objectives or not. Three criteria are used for the purpose of strategy evaluation i.e. suitability, acceptability and feasibility.1.1. SuitabilitySuitability refers to the overall objective and rationale of the proposed strategy i.e. whether the strategy proposed will be able to a chieve the economies of scale or not or will it acquire the proposed strategic objectives to improve the overall position and outlook of business. For the purpose of measuring the suitability of market penetration for Tata Steel, it is important to analyze the trends and mainstay drivers explained in the assignment 1.Trends The current trends for the Tata Steel are not good because there is an overall decrease in demand due to cheap supply from China. Another reason is stricter ordination changes on the part of European Union and lower wage laws as well as expensive cost of production in Europe (Islam, 2016).Key drivers The key drivers that prove to be helpful in shape uping the sales revenue of Tata Steel include reduces costs of renewable energy, flexibility in e boot regulations placed in by European Union and back provided to UK for numerous steel construction projects to increase the job market for people.So based on the trends in the market and key drivers, it is evaluated that Tata Steel can overcome the cost of production in UK by employing the expatriate labor into its steel industries so that the cost of labor is reduced. The employment of technology in all of its production plants can improve the production rate as well as differentiate its products in terms of quality. The reduced cost of energy i.e. 30% reduction in electricity bills and in flub prices is also a favorable driver for employing the technology in UK plants. governing should also make its regulations flexible so that Tata Steel can invest into steel projects and provide jobs to numerous people. As a result of evaluation, it is suggested that the proposed strategy can work well with Tata Steel because it has enough capacity to expand its operations, have improved infrastructure to add value to its supply chain and have enough competencies to take the market as a cost leader.1.2. AcceptabilityAcceptability of strategy relates to the concern with which it meets and exceeds the expec tations of its stakeholders. It is obvious that changing the cost of operations and prices of the products also affect the overall revenue of the business which in turn affect the dividend payment to its shareholders, flexibility in regulations involves government and increase production affects the environment (Atkinson, 2013). The key stakeholders of Tata Steel are presented as followsinfleuntial stakeholders combat-ready particpantsStakeholders that imposeThe most influential shareholders of Tata Steel are its customers, competitors and the environment in which it is operating. The reduced costs of operations will reduce the prices of products which is beneficial for the customers. Competitors will have tough time imitating the strategy of Tata Steel. For environment, it is certain because Tata steel is producing environmentally sustainable steel.Government and suppliers are the most active participants in the business operations of Tata Steel. It is good that UK has been provide d flexibility to invest in steel projects and the supply chain management of Tata Steel is already fail and sophisticated and will be enhanced with the help of capacity expansion.The BODs, employees and shareholders of Tata Steel are better off with this strategy because increasing the markets share will eventually increase the market share and profits of the company. Shareholders, employees and BODs are the stakeholders who know the vision and mission of the company so at the end they are confident that market penetration strategy would pay something off to them.The acceptability criteria of strategy evaluation suggests that market penetration strategy will be satisfactory to all of the stakeholders of Tata Steel. It can be evaluated in more detail by using the stakeholder matrix of power and kindle. The matrix is as followsWhen the power and interest of stakeholders in an organization is high, it is necessary for them to be both engaged and influential while in case of low power and interest, they only need to oversee the company or keep an eye upon the company. While those stakeholders who impose the company strategy have both high power and high interest in the company. Tata steel UK is safe on all ends because the strategy is acceptable for the customers due to quality and price of products and for shareholders to receive the increased dividends. The most influential stakeholder in case of Tata Steel is environment because the production may concern the environment in an adverse way but it is operating in an environmentally and social sustainable and responsible manner. The strategy of market penetration is meeting the needs and expectations of all stakeholders of Tata Steel UK.1.3. FeasibilityFeasibility means that the strategy is good in terms of resources available to the organizations for its implementation (Atkinson, 2013). It has been study that the main competitive advantage of Tata Steel is its ability to expand or capital expansion. Differe nt elements have been taken into account for the purpose of checking the feasibility of strategy.The most important enabler affecting the implementation of market penetration is the cost and quality of products. The cost of products can only be reduced when a high cutting-edge technology is employed for the manufacturing and production of products. The RD of Tata Steel continuously strives and works hard to know preferences of customers for newer and innovative steel products. Another important consideration is workforce of Tata Steel. Although the workforce is highly talented and able to boost the revenue generated by Tata Steel, Tata Steel should pay them a handsome come of salaries to them. They should invest in their workforce to boost their confidence to increase the market share. The financial viability of this strategy is considerably favorable because Tata Steel have enough resource for capacity expansion and reducing the overall costs of operation. contentedness expansion will generate the increased outcome thereby leading to increased market share.The new strategy proposed for Tata Steel is the market penetration using hybrid strategies of cost leadership and product differentiation. The analysis is conducted on the basis of thorough internal and external analysis of Tata Steel and it has been evaluated that the strategy is perfect in terms of its suitability, acceptability and feasibility. Tata Steel should adopt market penetration strategy for the purpose of boosting its market share because it has the capacity to expand its operations by using newer technology, the power of its labor and its efficient supply chain. Tata Steel UK has strong brand image and identity which will be very helpful to penetrate into its current market. It has to reduce the costs of its operations so that the products become a bit cheaper and attracts a new market share. This strategy will be helpful because China has been supplying the steel to the market at much lower price so for its choice and growth, Tata Steel has to adopt cost leadership along with product differentiation strategy.Strategy formulation starts with the thorough analysis of internal and external factors affecting the business. The external analysis for Tata steel UK suggested market trends for steel industry and the key drivers that are helpful for boosting the industry. Formulation and implementation of strategy is based upon the environmental analysis of Tata Steel. Market penetration is the best alternative for Tata Steel to increase its market share. It can be done with the help of cost leadership and product differentiation. The cost leadership can be achieved with the help of expansion of business because capacity expansion is the main competitive advantage of Tata Steel.ReferencesAnderson, C. and Vincze, J. (2004). Strategic marketing management. 1st ed. Boston Houghton Mifflin.Atkinson, D. (2013). Dynamic capabilities implications for marketing strategy formulation and implementation. International Journal of Business Environment, 5(3), p.252.Hitt, M., Ireland, R. and Hoskisson, R. (2003). Strategic management. 4th ed. Australia Thomson/South-Western.Islam, F. (2016). Understanding The Steel Crisis 10 Key Points. Sky news. online Available at http//news.sky.com/story/understanding-the-steel-crisis-10-key-points-10223034 Accessed 15 Jan. 2017.Jeyarathnam, M. (2008). Strategic management. 1st ed. Mumbai Himalaya Pub. House.Jha, V. and Arora, S. (2013). Strategic leadership for corporate sustainable development at Tata Steel. 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The bond in the midst of them seems to infer that they have most of their trust in each other, but trusting the notorious nation, China, is something that they can both get on terms with. Disagreements between the two powerful nations can form, for example, one being Japans berth in regional security. The old nation is located in the innocent of Asia, being an chain of islands, it is surrounded by the Sea of Japan ( East) and Pacific Ocean (West).Japan or Nihon as it is said in Nipponese, translates to the suns origin. It is also known as, by its nickname Land of the Rising Sun. The old nation consist of a series of islands, which is close to around 6,852 islands. There are also four main islands as well, which include Hokkaido, Honshu largest island, Shikoku, and Kyushu. Although there are no bordering countries since the country is a chain of islands, there are some neighboring countries by Japan, promptly consisting, but not excluding South Korea, compass north Korea, China, Taiwan, Russia, and the Philippines. The current size of Japan is around some 145,932 mi and compared to the U.S. which is some 3,536,695 square miles. The country of Japan has the third-largest economy, after the United States and China, in the new-fangled world. The country exports vital goods such as automobiles ( ex. Toyota, Honda, Mazda), computers, and other electronics. etc. non to mention the fact that Japan inhering resources that it exports items such as look for and other seafood, gold, silver, magnesium, oil, Japan greatly depends on foreign/imported natural resources and fuels to keep manufact uring industries functioning and thriving. Some industries in Japan include shipbuilding, textile, mining, bioindustry, process foods, and construction. Besides noting Japans economy, the old nation is known for its unique physical features. The geographics of the country consists of a mountainous terrain with basins, valleys, plains, and coral reefs while also having temperate weather and consisting of four seasons.The country has many cultural traditions and holidays throughout the year. Obon, Lantern Festival, ( elevated 13- 16) is a buddhist festival that is held within the month of August, it that pays tribute to transmittable spirits by lighting lanterns in from of home and on rivers to hostelry spirits back home and to the underworld. Cultural Day ( November 3rd ) was previously known as the day of commemorating the birthday of the Meiji Emperor, but it was renamed to Culture Day to rejoice the Japanese Constitution as well as peace and freedom. Another holiday is Marin e Day (Umi no hi July 3rd ) which commemorates the blessings of the oceans and its significant importance for Japan as a nation. Both Japan and the States share unique cultural discrepancy, but their main difference is concerning education, not to mention the fact that recreation among them is quite the identical. Similarly Japanese and American elementary works last for six years. The difference is the in Japan junior high last for three years, while in America it lasts for two. Another distinction is that students in Japanese high drills go to school for three years, while in American high schools students go to school for four years. Japanese and Americans typically do the same thing the same things for fun sports, shopping, hanging out with friends, and using electronics. Meals consumed by the Japanese are mainly homemade meals which may consist of a bowl of rice, miso soup, keep vegetables, fish, and (or) meat.Religion is a thing that sets Japan apart from most countries. Religions in Japan are Shinto, Taoist, Confucian, Buddhism, and surprisingly Christianity. As far back as historians can date, Shinto was the most popular devotion and oldest among the Japanese and even today it is. Buddhism was brought by monks in the 6th century. Both religions have been coexist with each other in harmony for quite a long time, and most classify themselves as either Shinto or Buddhist, but in some instance both. Christianity on the other hand was introduced to Japan ( 1506- 1552) by a man named Francis Xavier. Although its not the most popular religion in Japan it still is practiced by some individuals. astonishingly religion doesnt play a major role in the everyday lives of ordinary Japanese citizens. People may visit shrine or temples on New Year and participate in local festivals, all in which hav religious (historical) background.As an island nation, Japan has flourished and bloomed into a well known nation full of old traditional and modern ways of life. One may find that the nation is some like any other nation a rich and old history, recreation, and important holidays/traditions. The fact that Japan is no bigger than the state of California may surprise foreigners at best and that although its a nation with the tenth highest population, its population is slowly dip every year. Such rural and old historical seem to be present in Japan to this day, hopefully this countrys unique history shall never fade.

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