Thursday, January 31, 2019
Shakespeare is Important :: essays research papers
Shakespeare is ImportantWilliam Shakespeares plays are being made into box office film hits at an incredible rate. Films such(prenominal) as Much Ado About Nothing with Kenneth Branagh and Emma Thompson, Hamlet with Mel Gibson and Glenn Close, Othello with Laurence Fishbourne and atomic number 1 V with Kenneth Branagh have been seen by a surprising number of teenagers. a great deal they have not understood it all, or even half of it, plainly they have been affected by the powerful characters and by the Shakespearean misrepresentation which has affected audiences around the world for centuries. They want to know more, they want to understand, and what let on motvation can any teacher ask for than that students WANT ? That alone is competent reason for any English teacher to start a fly the coop in Shakespeare. The other reason is that Shakespeare is a man for our time. He whitethorn have been a man "for all times". He sure speaks directly to the students in my charge. The passions and emotions which he describes find deep echoes in the patrol wagon of the youngsters at the close of the 20th century. He probably was modern when he wrote his dramas. He has retained that modernity seemingly for three centuries. Thirdly, he is the go of all western playwrights. Everybody from Ibsen to ONeil uses techniques and ideas which can be traced back to Shakespeare. Whatever playwright in whatever language you are required to study, familiarity with Shakespeare can tho be an advantage. Finally, it is free rein to study drama. It is fun to dramatise and dress up and fall over dead behind improvised curtains and fence with blackboard pointers and cook up a witches brew and come to school with a spade over your shoulder for the Graveyard Scene. It is fun, and while all the fun is being enjoyed an incredible amount of language is pouring into these students heads, through listening, reading, observance vide os and learning lines off by heart.
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
New York Times v. Sullivan Essay
IntroductionCommunication refers to the exchange of ideas or information in the midst of two or more population. Information composes of voice (e.g. telephone, handy garrulous etc), data (short message services/SMS, facsimile etc), and video (video streaming, video assembly etc). Although the types of information argon still the same, their importance always gets stronger regular(a)tually.Information is the start of actions and finds more important in this information age. This is because its importance has even doubled, tripled, or even infinite as great deal in this age clear the necessities to learn about incidences in other part of the world and become more knowledgeable to use appropriate information for their advantages.As the palpate of knowing give reasons and confidence to act towards materialisations, information, if delivered rectitudefully, fuck be the instruments of striking deeds. In contrast if the information is manipulated it will lead people to pitch-d ark wrongful acts.Televisions, newspapers, magazines, radios and the internet be now becoming main sources of unexclusive information where we can find out what happened in the world. The media, therefore, train been remarkable sources of information although it faces great challenges since readers now seriously question about the truth of information presented in the media. Readers think that approximately of media tend to create general opinion that the sources want, driven by their political concerns.This is true since politic, in its nature, is capable to influence and condition e rattlingones life and lifestyles, and has always in the spotlight. As society gets wiser, attention on politics has never been this scrutiny. With very fibrous people or party played their hands in it, politics has been one of the strongest reasons why the role of media as a trustworthy courier is questioned. In line with the idea, Lynden Johnson saysreporters are puppet, they simply respond to the pull of the most powerful strings.In this paper, we will discuss the role of media in lay the political agenda. We light upon into account the 1964s subject area parvenue York quantify vs. Sullivan in describing the topic. Prior to the discussion, we will develop the idea of media power, and the framing, priming, and agenda lotting. saucy York multiplication vs. SullivanFactBack to the 1964 where the feud between new York measure and Sullivan existed, we witnessed that the case has gradually changed the maneuver of U.S. newspapers. Nowadays, we witness that U.S. media are paying a great attention on Paris Hilton than on Capitol Hill. The reason is that at onces media are less concerned to expose the misdeeds and motivations of powerful people or human race ex officios.According to Goldman (2004), the case of New York propagation v. Sullivan begun when New York measure published a full-page ad that suspected the exigency of the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. for per jury in Alabama was part of a contrive effort to tear down Kings efforts to integrate in the public eye(predicate) facilities and encourage blacks to vote.The ad soon arouses the ire of a public official named L. B. Sullivan, the Montgomery city commissioner. The commissioner then filed a libel action against the Times and brought four black ministers who supported the ad into the court for claiming that the allegations against the Montgomery police defamed him personally (Goldman). on a lower floor the auspices of the Alabama law, Sullivan finally won the case and received $500,000. This was happened since under the states law Sullivan did non even get to to prove that he had been harmed. In contrast, Times defense state the ad was invalid since the ad contained factual errors (Goldman).2.2 Learning from the case of New York Times v. SullivanThe decision of the Court that favored Sullivan was based on the setoff Amendment, which protects the pub lication of all statements, even false ones, about the conduct of public officials except when statements are made with actual malice with knowledge that they are false or in reckless disregard of their truth or falsity (Goldman).Furthermore, Goldman explains the new belief, in effect to this day, says it is not enough for a plaintiff to show that a printed or televised account is false and defamatory. Under such circumstances, the plaintiff call for to show that the media has reported erroneous and recklessly ignoring facts.The actual malice rule at a minimum encourages newspapers to take risks defaming people they otherwise would not take. The new ruling makes media to concur the outdo defense when dealing with sue by a public figure. He adds that such defense would make it very difficult to sue newspapers and idiot box stations even if they got an entire stage wrong. Unfortunately, the case of Times vs. Sullivan have driven the press a little more arrogant than it needs to be when c everywhereing politicians or public figures.III. How Powerful Is Media?Mc Combs and Shaw in their book the Emergence of American Political Issue, state that todays media have the powerful function to organize how the world looks for us. They might not successfully control our minds, but they are undeniably capable to enjoin our everyday thoughts.In similar tone, Shanto Iyengar and Donald Kinder in his book News That Matters, says that by paying attention to one issue and neglecting others, television is able to nail down what American believed to be the most important issue to think about.For instance, Israel Palestinian lifetime conflict has been Americas most important concerns in 2003, and judging from the nature of the issue (e.g. atrocities, suicide bombing, etc), it is newsworthy, but as the media rhythm their focus to the Iraq war, Schwarzeneggers governor election and the California Wildfires, the Israel-Palestinian issue is in some ma nner diminished, although the debacle is not even approaching a win-win solution (anti Propaganda Watch).Framing, Priming and agenda SettingFraming is the process of devising a meaning out of incidents or stories. In the effort of expression a line of comprehension between journalists and the readers, the frames are often pull from. It is said to often chosen unintentionally. As an example, when a journalist is fashioning a story about the high rising rate of scantiness in a state, he or she will have to do what is called thematic framing, which means that eventually, a connection will have to be made between the increasing rate of poverty and the state presidencys policies. While in periodic framing, the routine nature of the story derive journalists to put the blame on individual actors, preventing audience from devising a generalization of the stories (London).Priming is make when a journalist gives an special weight onto an issue or an opinion, allowing peoples min d to have a change in their opinion. This is usually done by natural endowment extra amount of insurance coverage, making an issue salient while others not.Agenda Setting is even more conspicuous than the two terms we have mentioned before. It is a process of giving a certain theme over incidents that happens in a coverage area. By using materials that are crude to society, journalist can properly put in ideas on peoples head. For example, research shows that a single exposure on a violent crime-related news can heightened peoples idolize of being victimized, which then gave the idea that violent crime is a very important issue (Media Effects).One of the most attractive issue on priming and agenda setting is the LA Times anti-Israel Propaganda. In the join the boycott web lay, there are enough reasons to make visitors of the site hate the LA Times. According to the website, the boycott is due the intolerable solidus on news coverage relating Israel-Palestinian endless debacle. Furthermore, it shows that LA times has done all of the three forbidden acts of journalism we have addressed before. This locating also applies to the case of New York Times v. Sullivan in which the Times has set up a political agenda about Black biotic community to vote.ConclusionThe role of media in our society is unbelievably important. Truthful coverage is always a worthy achievement. Politics does not come in the form of campaigns, elections, and the affairs of big government, but also the press as mind setters of the society.Furthermore, the new ruling, in effect since the case of New York Times v. Sullivan to this day, favors media to expose the misdeeds conducted by politicians or public figures in which the new ruling enables media to cover politicians aggressively without fear of lawsuits.However, the audiences still have absolute control to choose what they want or do not want to rate what journalists distinguish as important. Nevertheless, the psychological implicatio ns of framing, priming and agenda setting are less significant. The existence of a picture and the atmosphere of the language can be a gentle but powerful way to vary opinions to the preferred direction.BibliographyGoldman, Jerry. New York Times v. Sullivan. OYEZ. 2004. Retrieved April 2, 2005 <http//> How Public Is the NPR? Retrieved work on 19, 2005 from <http//>Iyengar, Shanto. Media Effects. 1998. Retrieved April 2, 2005 fromLA Times Israel anti-propaganda Watch. 2004. Retrieved April 2, 2005 from <>London, Scott. How Media Frames Political Issues. 1993. Retrieved April 2, 2005 from <http//>Pulle, Matt. Dont Kill the Messenger. Nashville Scene. 2005. Retrieved April 2, 2005 from <http// ing_the_Messenger>U.S. Supreme Court. New York Times v. Sullivan. Retrieved April 2, 2005 from <http//>
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Strength of Association
Strength of Association In research. Several principles have been shown to allude the strength of connectedness between stimuli. Based on your own experiences in learning, provide an example of each of the following principles of association contiguity, frequency, and intensity. Select single of your examples. Describe how a deferent principle of association might relieve this example. Contiguity- Association by contiguity refers to the belief that our ideas, memories and experiences are link unitedly when Is frequently experienced with the another(prenominal), because tit contiguity the closer in period two events occurred. He to a greater extent likely or strongly they would be associated. (Lieberman, 2012). When I was a little girl I would get into my engenders piece and use her lipstick to draw on the bathroom wall. This upset my mother so she told me to stop doing this, simply oddly enough I continued. As time went on she to spank me and say No when I did this, alone when she would inflame up and tint the bathroom walls clean tort my graphics work she would smile and say fair girl. Then she would reward me with markers and other art supplies.I began to understand that if did what she said she would be happy and think I was a good girl and I would get art supplies for my good behavior. Frequency- With frequency this is an event or situation that would happen repeatedly. The frequency of association states that the more often two or more things occur unitedly the more they will be associated together. An example that comes to mind Is that as a teen my mother would wake me up early In the sunup everyday, which Is pretty hard, but In doing so she would get me a french vanilla cappuccino.I begin to feel every time I wake up n the morning I would get my lovely French vanilla cappuccino. I associated mornings and I guess my mother with a drinking chocolate beverage. Intensity- With intensity it involves stimuli. It is associations involving emot ional or traumatic events. It occurs when I see places from the away that remind me of a traumatic event. Trauma and memory knead a generalization of fear as stimuli, which resembles those present during a traumatic event. (Lessee, Rabin, Heeler, Laughing, Garage, Pine, Grilling, 2010). When AAAS II years old my hip slipped out of place and AAAS in so such pang.I had been diagnosed for hip dysphasia. I was in tears form the incommode that had increased over the previous year. By time got to the hospital was at my worst and I was put in the waiting room form six in the morning to 12 in the afternoon, before I was seen, then had x-rays done. By six in the evening I was ply up with the hospital and the staff and just wanted to go home, but I was forced to stay for emergency surgery the next mooring. later on this situation I never really liked going to the hospital, because It reminds me of the pain I felt as a child.With my first example I would say it could fall into frequency , because the more I did one thing the more I did one thing such as drawing on the wall I would get spanked. So because of the frequency of the two together I begin to associate one with the other due to it mishap do often. Reference Lieberman, D. A. (2012). Psychology of learning. San Diego, CA Bridgeport Education Off C. (2010). Personalization of well-read fear as a pathogenic marker of panic disorder. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 167(1), 47-55. Retrieved from the Protest database.
Monday, January 28, 2019
Janis Groupthink
Have you ever thought about speaking up in a meeting and then decided against it because you did non exigency to appear unsupportive of the sort outs efforts? If so, you have probably been a victim of Groupthink. Irving Lester Janis (26 may 1918 15 November 1990) was a research psychologist at Yale University and close to famous for his scheme of convocationthink which draw the systematic errors made by groups when taking collective decisivenesss(Wikipedia). Janis described groupthink as a mode of thinking that people engage in when they be deeply involved in a cohesive in-group.When the members air for unanimity override their motivation to realistically appraise alternative courses of sue(Janis,1972,p. 8). Janis identified eight symptoms(features) of groupthink. They were- 1)Illusion of Invulnerability-This leads the group to unwarranted optimism, over confidence lead them to take extraordinary risks. It may also lead them to fire surface signs of risks. 2)Collective Rationalization-Victims of groupthink construct rationalizations and discount and discredit negative feedback and advice from the oppositions. )Illusion of morality-Group members often tend to ignore the ethical and moral consequences of their decisions. 4)Stereotyped views of others-Victims of Groupthink have a stereotyped view towards opponents who succumb different depressions. They consider them to be too stupid or weakened to handle the problem. 5)Pressure on Dissent-Group members apply direct pressure on anyone who opposes the fancy or validity supporting a decision or opinion favored by the legal age. Example-Body language,Voice tone. 6)Self-censorship-They tend to censor themselves when they have opinions opposing the majority of the group.This minimizes the members doubts and opinions to themselves and not to the group. They withhold dissenting views and counter arguments. Example-Keeping quiet and not boastful an opinion due to opposing views. 7)Illusion of unanimit y-Victims of groupthink have an illusion that the whole group is in unanimity. This symptom is caused by the preceding symptom. This is due to the false presumptuousness that anybody who doesnt give an opinion is in unanimity with the groups decision. Silence is taken as consent. )Mindguarding-A few group members take up the role of mind-guards so as to protect the other members of the group from excessive information and facts that might destroy the majority decision. They stand up to establish the information wrong and label them stupid(stereotyped). This type of dysfunctional operation of an geological formation has many opportunities for go againsture. The basic fundamentals of this process are the beginnings of failure as groups seeks conformity and unity as they sacrifice everything in order to confirm peace within the group.These eight symptoms of groupthink identified by Janis leads to sorry decision making. Victims of grouthink never consider all the alternatives,they do not re-examine the alternatives,they cull negative information and have no calamity plans. The above are due to the stereotyped view of the victims and they act in this way to not disrupt the idea of the majority. This is what the organizations should be careful of. A real tone example of groupthink leading to a defective decision making is competitor Space Shuttle disaster.This occurred on January 28,1986 reared from John F. Kennedy space centre. It was considered to be the most tragic event after John F. Kennedys assassination. The presidential committee that investigated the accident showed that defective decision making was the main cause. MTI engineers presented that the mission would fail as the shuttle would not succeed in such parky temperatures. But,the flight officials put forward technical rationalizations faulting MTIs analysis. One of these rationalizations was that the information was incohensive showing their stereotyped view.The officials also forced Thio kol officials to change their recommendation from avoiding confine to the launch. This shows pressure on dissent. Hence,as expected the mission failed after 73 seconds of the launch killing 7 astronauts aboard. This example shows us how the officials had symptoms of groupthink and how it lead them to a defective decision making process. The challenge for any team or group leader is to create a working environment in which Groupthink is incredible to happen.Hence we could avoid groupthink by exploring objectives,exploring alternatives,encouraging ideas to be challenged without reprisal,examining the risks if the preferred choice is chosen,testing assumptions,gathering applicable information from outside sources,processing this information objectively,have at least one contingency plan. References 1)Moorhead,Gregory,Ference,Richard and Neck,Chris P. 1991 Group decision fiascos continueShuttle challenger and a rewrite groupthink framework. Human Relations 44/6 539-550. 2)Wikipedia.
Friday, January 25, 2019
Cari’s Story Essay
A) How could an transmittance in Caris nasal passages and pharynx spread into her sinuses? Mucous membranes of the nose, paranasal sinuses, pharynx and middle ear argon connected by ducts in the throat.B) What is a cough automatic? Describe the process that Caris respiratory schema is using to clear her lungs by coughing? A cough reflex has both sensory (afferent) and motor (efferent) components. Pulmonary irritant receptors (cough receptors) in the epithelium of the respiratory packet are sensitive to both mechanical and chemical stimuli. Stimulation of the cough receptors by dust or other external particles produces a cough, which is necessary to study the foreign material from the respiratory tract before it reaches the lungs. A long drawn and deep inhalation followed by a complete closure of the glottis, which results in a strong going that suddenly punches the glottis on the loose(p) and sends a blast of air through the pep pill respiratory passages.C) Which structure found in the terminal bronchioles and alveoli normally would harbor Caris lungs from infectious pathogens and particulate matter? Macrophages are present (wandering phagocytes) that remove dust particles and other debris from the alveolar space.D) How would the resistance of Caris airways be affected by excess mucus and facile in her lungs? The lung contentedness is lessen because the air space is already filled with mucus and fluids hence she cant take in enough group O. The extra mucus and fluids put extra pressure on the lungs.E) How would Caris lungs compliance (the cause required to expand the lungs) be commuteed as her alveoli fill with fluid due to pneumonia? The fluid makes it harder to expand the lungs because the fluid makes the alveoli steaming and unable to open/expand.F) How would fluid in Caris lungs affect her total lung force? Her lung capacity would go down because the air space is already being interpreted up by fluid.G) How does the elevation of Ca ris respiratory rate alter her minute ventilation? The elevation of Caris respiratory rate should ontogeny her minute ventilation.H) Normal blood atomic number 8 saturation levels are greater than 94 percent Caris blood oxygen saturation level was 90 percent at the time of her exam and an initial arterial blood gas analysis done when she was admitted to the hospital revealed her arterial Po2 was 54 mmHg. How do these clinical findings related to the internal respiration in Caris body? Caris oxygen saturation level was 90% and the Po2 of would assign that her arteries are having too much oxygen. A normal resenting mmHg is 40% and exercises displace Po2 level. A normal resting oxygen level is 94%.I) Which of the symptoms Cari has described are due to lack of oxygen and reduced oxygen exchange at her tissues? Cari said she is panting like a dog is from the lack of oxygen and reduces her oxygen exchange.J) As Caris PCO2 rose how was oxygen carrying capacity of haemoglobin affected? As Caris Pco2 rose, how was the oxygen-carrying capacity of hemoglobin affected? The oxygen carrying of hemoglobin volume with the rise of Pco2 give decrease since the Co2 will take O2s.? Caris pH and Pco2 will decrease and her rate of alert will to a fault be decreasing.K) How would you have expected Caris decreased PCO2 and alkaline blood PH to have affected her breathing? Caris pH and Pco2 will decrease and her rate of breathing will also be decreasing. L) How would administration of oxygen enhance Caris central submit to breathe? The fluid in her lungs makes it hard to expand because the fluid makes the alveoli sticky and it cant expand and open. Cari will breathe better when oxygen was administered to her.M) Which anatomical structures in Caris respiratory system were initially tortuous? The structures involved are the trachea, nasal, pharynx, and larynx, and the lungs.N) Why was Cari plagued with a chronic smokers cough?Cari is plagued with a chronic smokers cough bec ause she has a 20 social class history of smoking.O) Which damaging effects of tobacco smoke led to Caris impaired respiratory defenses mechanisms? There are indemnification to the epithelial with those damages comes the bodys repair process.P) How did pneumonia affect Caris lung function?Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs that can be caused by nearly any class of organism known to cause human infections, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. It results in an inflammatory response at heart the small air spaces of the lung (alveoli).
Aspects of the Tragiccomedy As I Lay Dying Essay
William Faulkners As I move Dying is both(prenominal) comic and tragic in many rooms without this bind. This is a story of a family who carts their dead mother, Addie, to be buried in her hometown in Jefferson. There are fifteen monologues from this book including one from Addie. The family goes through awful obstacles in beau monde to complete their trip. Addie is the heart and soul of this family yet she neer wanted this life.Addies father would tell her, The reason for living was to run ready to stay dead a long time. 169. So she took Anse for a husband and gave him change and Darl. After she had Darl she made Anse promise to bury her in Jefferson when she died. But Anse wanted more kids. Addie had an affair with Mr. Whitfield and had treasure. She gave Anse Dewey dell for the negative of stone and last Vardaman. Addie is bitter about her life and doesnt show the wonder and affection towards her kids except to Jewel her favorite. As long as she is near this family the more suffering she will bring to them.All her children except Jewel want her love and kindness hardly she rebukes them. In the beginning of their move Jewel takes sawbuck with him, but Anse is once mo lodge this because he feels it is disrespectful towards Addie. Jewel should be riding in the station wagon with e verybody else. They come to a bridge which has rightful(prenominal) collapsed because of the weather and the river is moving very fast. It will take the trip lifelong if they go around so the Bundren family makes up a plan and goes through it. Cash and Darl make their way across the low-toned bridge when the wagon tips.Darl was supposed to hold on the coffin but sooner lets it go hoping that God will take care of her and that would end their trip. However, Jewel went into the river to turn in his dead mother from the river and foiled Darls plans. Cash has a broken stick but hes lucky because it was the same leg he had broken before so he is not begrudging it. Cas h holds off on medical treatment until they bury Addie. When they come to relaxation method at Mr. Gillippsies barn Darl has had enough of this trip all he wants to do is end it and send Addie on her way, peaceful like in her sleep.So Darl sets the barn on fire, livestock and all. However, Jewel comes to the rescue again and saves the coffin from being burnt. Vardaman knows Darl set the barn on fire but lke a good brother he keeps it to himself and doesnt tell anybody. The rest of the family suspects it is Darl and are going to deal with him after they bury Addie. Darl introspectively has an insight to his familys secrets. He has discovered that Dewey Dell is pregnant and is going into town to enamor a treatment for an abortion Jewel is not Anses son, and by that thought he taunts Jewel to no end.He knows Anse is going to Jefferson for a new set of teeth even if he has to beg, steal or borrow. Anse takes money from Cash and Dewey Dell, and then he sells Jewels horse to pay for a n ew mule team to get them to Jefferson. When they do reach Jefferson Addie is passed due and ready for the ground. Anse borrows a couple spades in order to dig the grave and they lay her to rest. Betrayed by Dewey Dell and assaulted by Jewel, Darl is taken away to the asylum. Only Cash understands him only Cash and Vardaman pity him.Referring to himself in the third person, a sign of extreme self-estrangement, Darl says Darl is our brother, our brother Darl. Our brother Darl is in a cage in Jackson where, his grimed hands lying weightlessness in the quiet interstices, looking out he foams. Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes. To the end it is a search for kinship that obsesses Darl, and his cryptic row of affirmatives may signify a last, pathetic effort to proclaim his brotherhood. Howe The characters in As I Lay Dying do not clearly communicate to one another. a bit goes and does whatever they need to do for themselves with low regard for the other. Addie Bundren was a very private woman and would not have it any other way I believe she passed that quality to her kids. Because, if they did talk to each other by chance there would be a better bond with all of them instead of guessing and tip toeing around the matter. In this tragic comedy book the irony is seeing what you hate inside multiply itself by 5. This is what Addie Bundren created.Dewey Dell is in the same place her mom was only a little worse off because she is not married. Darl is goes mad and heads to an insane asylum. Vardaman is trying to piece everything together and still believes his mom is a fish. Jewel is kinder to his mother in death then he was when she was alive and I believe he regrets that. Cash has one good leg and still has his work tools, hell make it through somehow. Anse cannot live without a wife so when gets his teeth in Jefferson he introduces the children to their new mother.
Thursday, January 24, 2019
Capital Budgeting Case Essay
This week, Learning team up C, has completed capital budgeting on Corporation A and Corporation B. We were given $250,000.000 to acquire a corporation. We distinguishable to choose Corporation B. To ensure that our finality was the best, this week, we positiond, breakd, and taken the send away register Value and the Internal Rate of Return for twain Corporations. We made the conclusiveness based on more(prenominal) financial sense. Below, we have outlined our decision making process.DefinedWhat we have done first to help define our Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return was to honk 5 years in advance the income and cashflow would potentially look like. mind that Corporation A has a ten percent tax write-off site each year and Corporation B has an eleven percent discount rate, Learning Team C was able to an income statement and cashflow statement shaping the detailed financial statements on how our company would operate the two corporations. The near step in ou r decision making process would be to analyze what we have detailed.Analyze arriveTo be able to compare the two corporations the police squad reviewed the projected cash flows for each corporation. What the team learned was that both corporations had a negative Net Present Value, Corporation A NPV is $-966.580.90, whereas B is $-633, 959, 95. Reviewing this report Team C identified that Corporation B began to generate revenue in the coming fourth and fifth years. In plus to the revenue turning oer, but so did Corporation Bs Cashflow. Corporation B began to see cashflow by the fourth and fifth year. The team has analyzed, that as the corporation continues to grow due to the Net Present Value. The coterminous step would be to interpret what we just analyzed.InterpretHow Learning Team C came up in choosing Corporation B was through the Net Present Value. Corporation B will be giving the company, over five years, a current value cash return of nearly $-633, 959, 95 above the eleven percent return. In conclusion, making it the more favorable choice.ConclusionThis week Learning Team C has defined, analyzed, and interpreted two corporations by completing a capital budgeting exercise. They have agree that Corporation B would be the company that they would acquire from a argument standpoint. Net Present Value was used to help influence and gear up this decision.
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Classroom Management Essay
Introduction This paper testament present the impressiveness of differentiateting standards in spite of appearance the conditionroom. Transitioning is one the most of import part of planning. Without a classroom management students testament not understand the role that they bout inside the classroom community. I believe the one of the most important details in the development of slighton planning is implementing effective transitioning to minimize appearance problems. Students need to in a positive and encouraging environment for them to abide by and setting high expectations for them.Establishment of rules The purpose of setting classroom rules is to clear a safe yet ch every last(predicate)enging environment. I believe that educators should arrive at daily to meet the needs of students spiritually, socially and mentally. The theoretical foundation apply by an educator is like a roadmap that enables the students to arrive at their mean educational expectations. An e ducators theoretical foundation should be precise, incorporated and complete. Such a model should consider individually aspect of students beingness. When theology created man, He do man in His own image.Man is a spiritual being, who possesses a soul that lives inside a body. And yes, having an established streak class makes it all possible. Gaining students trust and respect is a very unfavourable offshoot step in creatinine a positive learning environment. If I tush adopt respect for my students as well as having them respecting each other, I believe this leads to a safe environment where learning ground represent flummox place. I believe that students should be a part of creating the classroom rules because they go forth be more likely to comply. By creating the rules they get out have a personal and moral connection.In kindergarten the students learned the shoal rules and of ply they would have to be implemented throughout their school day c areer as a student. The first come in daily rules impart be affix at the appropriate eye level so that students have behind access to the rules. The rules will be posted and consistently followed throughout the school year. I will discuss the rules, consequences, and rewards with the class daily. It is imperative that I set the expectations of the classroom immediately. This will be ongoing practice throughout the school year.I will also encourage the evokes to go everywhere the classroom expectations at pedestal. As we begin to create the classroom rules, I will model/discuss with the students what a good classroom rule looks like. For interpreter creating mini lesson that include possible scenarios along with consequences as a result of the unwarranted behaviors. This way they understand what is expected of them when creating the rules. I will explain to the students that I will develop the first five of the six classroom rules. I will write all the rules of the board and in a student centere d discussion ask why they compute this rule is important.The first rule is to follow directions the first time that they are given. Second, listen when others are talking at all times. Third, raise your sight and wait to be called on before responding. Fourth, work quietly and do not disturb others. Fifth, you must keep our hands to yourself at all times. individually day students will have a chance to earn smile sticks. Smile sticks can easily be earned whenever a student is displaying appropriate behavior by succeeding(a) directions, walking quietly in the hallway, helping others, etc.At the residual of each week, smile sticks are counted and each student with 8 or more sticks will shit a chance to pull from the entertain chest. Parents will be notified daily of positive and negative experiences. Daily minute On the second day of school will go over the rules discussed on the first day and revisit the class cristal. On this day, I will go over the morning routine that is displayed daily inwardly the classroom. The students will be asked to come in and immediately select their breakfast and begin to eat.The students as well as parents will receive randomness on the time breakfast is served, and the amount of time provided to students. Next, I will discuss and model the appropriate items to bring into the classroom from the lockers located within the classrooms. I will next discuss the importance of attendance and being tardy to school. Then I will discuss/model and train appropriate procedures for sharpening pencils, restroom, and turning in assignments. Parents will receive a pleasurable letter that tells active me. The parents will also receive a school handbook and classroom expectations.Setting daily routines is important for all grade level students but especially lower L students. On the trine day we will get to know each other and I will provide an assignment getting to know me the students will take this assignment home for homework. T his sheet will allow them to go home and complete with their parents and come to school ready to share. I will keep the assignment within their file so that I can continuously use it as a reference guide. The classroom tour Each day within the first week of school it is important that students get comfor dodge with their smart environment.We will take a classroom tour and learn where all resources and materials are within the classroom. Once we have bypast through a tour and I explained as well the demographics of things, we will do a quick ratement. I will choose a student by pulling Popsicle sticks randomly. An ex angstromerele of this assessment is to exclusively ask wonders. For example If I need to find my writing journal, where would I go to retain it? This exercise would give students moving about within the classroom and getting comfor slacken and familiar with the placement of various tools and resources.Transitions Students often find it difficult to transitions between assignments and changes class periods. I have witnessed difficulties at all age levels and it is a task that must be made smooth by all teachers. According to Kellough & Jarolimek, smooth transitions can be facilitated by implementing structured activities that help students make these transitions. Transitions are less trouble when teachers plan them carefully during their preactive phase of instruction and write them into their lesson plan.(Kellough & Jarolimek, 2013) A significant stumbling block to the flow of instruction is in care to transitions between activities, lessons, subjects, or class periods. It is here that teachers are likely to feeling that they are less effective in remarking the flow of instruction. Effective transitions are structured to move students from one activity to another, both physically and cognitively. The object of smooth transitions is to ensure that all students have the materials and mind-sets they need for a new activity The start of the day students will begin their bell work assignment on a daily basis.Once bell-work is completed then(prenominal) students will begin journal writing based on a selected topic. During transition periods the student will be able to earn table points. The table with the most points at the end of the week have to luck to pick a prize from the treasure box. The transition procedure will be explained throughout the school year. Once we complete the lesson the students have two legal proceeding to prepare for the table point game. Preparation includes putting out their current supplies and sitting as an effective leader and finally pause.The table that is prepared in this manner first, gets an opportunity to answer the first question in the point game. With this activity I am able to assess the students knowledge of the prior lesson as well engage them in a fun activity. Using transitions as a tool to help maintain the flow of instruction will ensure meaning instruction. During the transition for lunch, I will set clear and concise directions through-out our daily interactions. Twenty minutes before lunch the students will wrap up their math lesson and intoxicate reading material from their baskets (DEAR).Students will begin to line up in one case their table is called and will proceed to the lunchroom. Conclusion Today most classrooms admit do to a lack of effective planning in the theatre of classroom management. A classroom prevention plan is imperative to having a prosperous year and students reaching the goals set forth by educators. I believe that if students are a part of creating the classroom rules, they will be less likely to fall short of following the rules. On the first day of school first graders are for of energy, nervous and anxious of whats to come ahead.Parents are standing in the door way fearful to say goodbye but excited for the journey that their first grader is about to embark on. Establishing a structured environment in the be ginning and allowing the parent and students to have access to clear rules and expectation is the recipe for a successful school year References Van Brummelen, H. (2009). Walking with God in the classroom Christian Approaches to Teaching and Learning. Colorado Springs, CO Purposeful Design Publications. Kellough, R. D. , & Jarolimek J. (2005). Teaching and learning K-8 a guide to methods and resources (9th ed. ). New York Macmillan.
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
The Prevalence of Teenage Suicides Nowadays
During the teen years, adolescents go by dint of some(prenominal) different changes. These changes perk up many teens to flavour as though they are the only ones that convey these feelings and that no one can patron them. The teen that develops these types of mentality generally has little help from friends and family to overcome the feelings that could possibly lead to self-annihilation. Suicide is when someone tries to charge himself or herself.Teen self-destruction is based on the resembling idea, but it is for people that are teenagers. virtually 5,000 teenagers kill themselves e genuinely year. That makes teen suicide the third leading cause of death for teenagers next to accidents and crime. The thought of killing oneself as a ascendent for problems at school is common for variant school and college youngsters. On the grade school side, 9% think of suicide, 2% seriously consider suicide, and 1-% elbow greases it. On the college side, the numbers multiply by ta ilfin times. A whopping 43% think about it, 15% seriously consider it, and 5% attempt it (1).The actual number of suicides is higher than the estimated one because they are not sort as suicides. They are classified as accidents or victims of crime. A automobile that crashed into a tree could be called an accident, but if the car was working perfectly and the driver was not under the influence of drugs or intoxicant it would be called a suicide.Young males are five times more seeming to commit suicide than young females. Females are more unsuccessful when committing suicide because they are more apt to ingest drugs or cut their wrists. Doctors settle down have time to save them. On the other hand, boys more commonly hang themselves or jump off tall buildings. The use of firearms in teen suicides is about the same for both sexes. By the time that doctors bring to them, theyre dead. It has been found that thither are more white teenagers than black teenagers who kill themselv es and that teenagers in the western area of the United States are more plausibly to be suicidal because more people own firearms in the tungsten (2).Teens are in a transitional period between childishness and adulthood, and this can lead to confusion and anxiety at times. Teens with an adequate certification network of friends, family, religious affiliation, peer groups, or extracurricular activities may have an outlet to deal with their everyday frustrations. Teens without an adequate support network, however, may feel disconnected and isolated from their family and peer group. Its these teens who are at increased fortune for suicide if they are unable to deal with their problems.Sheslow further emphasizes the importance of a support network for teens who have suffered physical or sexual pace and those who have very poor relationships with their parents.Doctors at the American Psychiatric affiliation (APA) say that teens considering suicide often face problems that are ou t of their pull strings -divorce, alcoholism of a family member, or exposure to domestic violence, for example. A family memorial of depression or suicide is another preindicationificant risk factor in. Since depressive illnesses may have a genetic component, some teens may be incline to suffer major depression. Feelings of helplessness and worthlessness may accompany the depression.Feelings of inadequacy and worthlessness are major risk factors for suicide. A teen, for example, who experiences repeated failures at school, who is overwhelmed by violence at home, who is isolated from peers, or who faces the social fall guy of homosexuality alone is likely to experience such feelings. If he sees himself as inadequate and worthless and he believes the future is unchangeable, these are clear precedent signs of possible trouble, says Dr. Sheslow (3).Sometimes teens will attempt to numb the pain of those feelings with alcohol or drugs. Substance abuse is a major risk factor for su icide, says the APA, along with the expression of violent feelings (4).There are about five signs for suicide. The first one is depression. They may be gloomy about getting an F on their math test or have had a death in the family. The second sign is talking about suicide. They may say things like Im want to kill myself, or You wont have to flummox about me much longer. The third sign is giving some of their virtually prized possessions away or writing out their will. Some people realize away their favorite clothes, stereo systems, or even their cars. The fourth sign is that they start taking extremely dangerous risks. They may go quarrel without a life preserver, try to fix electrical appliances by themselves, throw in the towel wearing their seat belt, and go driving while they are drunk. The ordinal sign for suicide is being unexplainable cheerful or happy. By this time they probably have made up their minds about suicide (5).Anyone can be a victim of teen suicide. It cou ld be the all-star of the football team, the girl who has the cutest guy in school, or the hyper-accelerated really smart kid down the street. Everyone has stress and everyone has to deal with it, but not everyone deals with stress the same way. For example one-person may play a sport to going and relieve their tensions, but another may start being depressed and being self-destructive.As you may see there are many different things involved when talking to teens about suicide. Some of these things involved need to be looked are items such as social stature of the adolescent, if there is apparent substance abuse, and how the child is performing in school. If an adolescent ever contemplates suicide the parent or guardian should immediately seek help. unconnected to popular belief, people who talk about suicide are likely to follow through. Pay attention to phrases such as, Its no use, Id be discover off dead. Also be suspicious if a child who has been very depressed suddenly becomes cheerful or hopeful. This intense mood jive may indicate that he believes suicide will be a solution to all his problems.
Emotional Marketing: Necessity of Today’s Marketing Management
The purpose of this paper is to write an analysis of an article that discusses an aspect of merchandise management. During my research I was attracted to an article by James Cooper Titled, delirious selling as the Basis of Your Promotions after reading Coopers article I found turned on(p) Marketing to be interesting, but his article did not fork up adequacy data to satisfy my interest in Emotional Marketing . So, sort of than write ab go forth a single article, I have elect to write about the topic of Emotional Marketing and its necessity in todays Marketing concern.Marketing mangers mustiness understand that if the consumers emotions argon addressed in the right way they could get more incorruptible guests. This has unlashed the approach to food market which was termed as Emotional Marketing (Drypen). Cooper points out that, Marketing to todays consumers is a challenging business because you atomic number 18 no acheer listing the specifications of harvest- times an d service. Instead you are meeting plurality on an stirred up level to break into their consumer awareness.As touch off of a phoners market strategy producers need to date that in that location is a strong mad connect between consumers / customers and the products they use. Brands that dont lay down horny connections with their prospects and customers will eventually lose out to those that do. The practice of steamy marketing as it relates to value proposition is all about get your target audience to connect with your product, service, and brand at a rattling basic and fundamental level the level of emotions.When building customer value, emotional marketing can be used in influencing customer comprehend value and total customer benefit. Some examples of unassailables that are successful in this natural covering can be seen with top brands such as Starbucks, Porsche, and so on. These products and services make an emotional connection with the people they serve. They have met the scrap of identifying how its products/services can connect emotionally. They have explored what type of experience their product can offer its customers and the perceived value to customer above the firms competitors.Emotional marketing can only frivol away aim once the company delivers a user experience that represents its purpose. Once the company is able to deliver on that promise, it can market the experience to consumer prospects. Companies must leverage customer testimonials, word-of-mouth, discussion forums, and trials (marketingscoop). Ideally the company wants its products or services to deliver an experience, and gets prospects to participate along with having the experience themselves.Emotional marketing is a powerful strategy if you can deliver a strong customer experience, thus, leveraging the experience to maximize customer satisfaction in the long run. On the other hand, there are the companies that use emotional marketing when customers are having a n ot so positive customer experience. These companies take advantage during times of crisis and turmoil. An example of this is charming to the public during an epidemic or natural disaster and offering short term solutions.Many times the products or services offered are not even effective, nor do they provide the experience the customer desires. Furthermore, the customers negative experience is just the opportunity that slightly companies are looking for to capitalize on short run returns maximization. Leveraging emotional marketing can help in evaluating and selecting market segments to exploit. If and when the marketing/promotion appeals to the emotional aspects of customers the companies, in some cases, can hunt down toward targeting a supersegment.For example, many symphony orchestras target people who have bountiful cultural interests, rather than those who only regularly attend concerts (Kotler &038 Keller pg 229). The product appeal is more toward a cultural or emotion int erest rather than that of a physiological need. Emotion acts as a catalyst in the engine of the purchase decision process. Through experience and learning, people check attitudes. These in turn influence buying behavior (Kotler &038 Keller, pg 170). This is important since favorable and unfavorable experiences trigger emotional feeling toward a product or service being marketed.Coopers article, Emotional Marketing as the Basis of Your Promotions only touched on promotion of the product as it appeals to emotional marketing. After further research I found that emotional marketing throughout the marketing process is important in its application to marketing strategy, customer value, target markets, brands, market segment, customer satisfaction and acquire decisions. In conclusion, marketing managers must understand that costumers get attracted to products which effect there feelings.Companies which want to stand above the competition have to leverage emotional marketing so as to inc rease market share. Effective nurture in emotional marketing can shift a marketing challenger or market follower to position of market leader. Thus, making emotional marketing a necessity of todays marketing management. References Cooper, J. , (Feb. 2008) Emotional Marketing As The Basis Of Your Promotions , Written for Marketinglinx. com, retrevied from the World encompassing Web on 14 May 2009 at http//www. articlesbase. com/marketing-articles/emotional-marketing-as-the-basis-of-your-promotions-325335. tml Kotler, P. , &038 Keller, K. ,(2006), Marketing Management 13th edition, Pearson Prentice Hall. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey Drypen, (Nov. 2008),Emotional Marketing to Play the Emotional Tune is the Necessity of Todays Marketing, written for Drypen. com, retrevied from the World enormous Web on 14 May 2009 at http//www. articlesbase. com/authors/drypen/73887. htm Unknown, (2009), Making an Emotional Connection with Your Customers, written for marketingscoop. com, retrevied from the World Wide Web on 14 May 2009 at http//www. marketingscoop. com/emotional-marketing. htm
Monday, January 21, 2019
Culture and Love Essay
The judgment of have it off is perhaps of the widely determined and yet loosely habituated that concrete meaning. This is due to the fact that on that point are many shipway that people define what love is in as much as there are many ways that people force out disposition love. One of the strongest influences on love is culture. The way we show love can depend on our culture so that how we reciprocate love is likewise dictated by culture. Indeed, love and culture has defined meaning to apiece(prenominal) other and have, in many ways certain connectivity that adds meaning to all(prenominal) other.This is the reason why, the culture of love in many countries differ from each other. There would always be distinct features of love and of culture that define love in these countries. For example, in an article by Nevitt entitled, Art and coating of passionateness in Seventeenth-Century Holland, he defined how the culture of love was during the seventeenth century in Holland by examining texts and artworks that described how love was manifested during that time, including courtship and how love is manifested.The concept of courtship is perhaps one that differs from one culture to the other. This is professedly because as one culture believes in the concept and importance of courtship, others barely do not. Nevitt interpreted these works which according to him show how they both muse and shaped the experience of love. The thing portrayed in the paintings for example, is taken in the context of the contemporary culture of love which manifested itself in the social practices of courtship and in a variety of amatory texts (Nevitt).These paintings are very(prenominal) significant as it would have no inspiration for its contents if there would be no true meaning to it as shown and seen in the biotic community that shower each other with love. Work Cited Nevitt, Rodney. Art and the Culture of Love in Seventeenth-Century Holland. 24 June 2009 <http//w ww. cup. cam. ac. uk/uk/catalogue/catalogue. asp? isbn=9780521643290>.
Friday, January 18, 2019
Technology Today
Todays technology is progressing faster than any one has constantly anticipate and is changing the way that we live our lives. Technology is sponsoring us in some shipway, exactly it is also hurting us in early(a) ways. The biggest change that we argon experiencing is the way that we communicate. We begin more disparate ways to communicate with each some other, especi onlyy comp bed to 20 years ago. We now encounter cell sounds that give the gate do just about anything and that make our day-to-day lives much easier and assist us to get things preceptore in a more orderly fashion.The top three things changed communications be the texting, sociable networking, and the Smart phones. In my opinion the pros outweigh the flimflams in the new ways of communication. It is not only a broad(a) way to keep in edge with friends and family, but it give the gate benefactor save lives in emergencies. Texting is becoming one of the intimately common forms of communication. I t is truly convenient because it makes getting in meeting with person very simple and you dont stir to interrupt hoi polloi eon they are having conversations.You pot see pictures and videos that your friends or family wanted you to see that they recorded, just by having them choose the picture and and wherefore having them send it to your phone, where you set up then view the pictures or watch the video. Texting is very basic, when you want to talk to psyche you use your phone key pad and you simply hit the earn on the keys to spell the word. Then you just continue from there to screw what message you need to send to that person. It takes magazine to authentically get good at texting, but once you get it your going to be hooked.Texting can be good in some(prenominal) ways and many parents comparable texting because it is one of the quickest ways to get a transmit of one of their children. A locoweed of kids do not answer their phone for calls because they are in c lass or they are having a conversation and they do not want to be rude and interrupt the person that they are talking to, so they just ignore the call and often epoch forget to get back to whoever was calling them. If they would have texted them they would have gotten a text back within minutes depending upon what the question.It allows nation to be complaisant and not have to answer calls when in a room of multitude that maybe trying to focus on studying or in a office. There are also times when you cant make voice calls because you dont have enough reception, but you have enough to send a text to one of your friends. This sometimes can be very important because lets scan you wreaked your car and you cant get reception to make a call and you can use a text and alert someone that you need sponsor. Some plurality feel less scared to match someone if they can just text them and this sometimes can help kids who are afraid to talk to pack to help them build self-esteem. genera l if we didnt have text messaging we would be limited to a lot less options in order to get in contact with people that we need to contact. Social networking is a big part of the menstruum generation and is being used by most kids to keep in contact with their friend and to provide people with the entertainment of seeing what others are doing and seeing what they are talking about with others. There are many different sites for social networking, the most habitual are Facebook, MySpace, and twitter.Facebook is more popular amongst college students and Myspace is more toward the grade school students. Twitter is a different than the others because it allows you hook up with what people are doing and thinking about more than any of the other social networking sites. The people that are on twitter are unremarkably posting what they are thinking about and what they are currently experiencing. They usually post a lot more stuff than on Facebook or Myspace. Twitter is very cool for the reason that you can hook up with jazzn people and see what it is that they are doing or thinking about.It helps people follow their favorite people and it helps them to better get to know what they go through in their daily life. Each social networking site offers something a itty-bitty different, but they all offer some form of communication. Social networking is a enceinte place to build social skills and self-esteem. Those who are not as forthcoming as others can build social skill and can help them in the future. There are a lot of people that are too shy to be able to make friends and then in the future they dont have people skills and in most jobs these skill are very important to succeed.Social networking sites can also motivate people to do well because some people see that their friends are working hard to shade a story and they realize that they are not the only person that has a cover to work on. Then they have more motivation to work harder. throng can commu nicate with family and friends that they have not seen in a foresighted time. There are many situations that would cause people to not have seen their friends and family and social networking helps them to keep in contact. It provides a lot of entertainment to those who dont have anything to do.It familiarizes people with how to do basic html and how to transfer photos to the internet. It teaches those who are not as good with computers as others to get to know how to do basic html and other basic programming. Social networking teaches people a lot of things, which can help people to better construe computers. Smart phones are the most powerful cell phones on the market and they basically make your phone into a computer because you can do a lot of stuff that your computer can do on a smart phone. They are very useful for being fat while being on the go.They make life a lot easier because while youre out, you can conveniently check your email, check your facebook, and appear up what you need to bring on a business trip. The most popular smart phone is the Iphone. It is the best smart phone that is currently on the market, and has set up a menu of great applications to really be ready for your day. The menu is very user friendly and is considered a digital assistant. These phones are very popular amongst business people because it is very helpful to get documents on the go.They are the most high-priced of phones because of their advanced features. Smart phones are great because they have many features to help your productivity a lot. The smart phone has features that help people finish their work while they are not in reach of a computer. This is really good because it helps people with time management and it can help people become better at writing because they will have more time to correct their mistakes if they have not wasted time school term around at an airport or while sitting on a bus.Smart phones can be educational because as many people do the y spend a lot of time learning and asking questions on the internet about how to do things and why things work the way they do. People can keep in contact better with smart phones because there are so many different types of communications. They can help people to make friends because of the various forms of communications. These phones can help you save money because of the built in GPS features. If someone gets lost all they have to do is type in where they need to be and the phone will tell the person where they need to go.Then you wont waste gas drive further out of your way. Smart phones are very helpful in many ways and are very educational to those who are looking for knowledge. Communication is changing in many ways and it is only enhancing our lives for the better. Communications are very important to our future. They hold the secret to many problems our country is suffering from. If we can use these great options, it could really advance how the world functions. The world is changing faster than ever and we should reap the benefits of it.
Thursday, January 17, 2019
The Characteristics and Nature of Organisations
THE CHARACTERISTICS AND temperament OF ORGANISATIONS LEARNING OBJECTIVES on completion of this topic you will bugger off essential sagaciousness of the nature and characteristics of organisations Identified generic organisational features An understanding of the different instances of organisations An understanding of the role of the organisation as a goals-led, open system An cargo deck of environmental impacts on organisations Developed understanding of the process of organising Be adequate to(p) to distinguish between formal and informal organisation IntroductionOrganisations, or more simply, organised activities, are a central feature of every facial gesture of life. Indeed, it is extremely difficult if not impossible to conceive of any application which does not involve the input of one or more organisations at some or some other stage. Think for a moment just about of us, for example, were born in hospitals, live in a family or other social unit, attend or have a ttended educational institutions, and have found, or seek, employment with an organisation. Small wonder, then, that the study of organisations has attracted so much solicitude over the yearsEvery organisation differs in terms of nature, purpose, size, goals and objectives, social station and so on (the list is almost endless ). However, a subject of core features and characteristics of organisational life can be identified. These form the focus for the discussions inwardly this chapter. Organisations also form the context for all management activity in fact, it could be argued that one of the main reasons why we need managers is the fact that we act on in so much organised activity. So an understanding of the nature, type and purpose of organisations is an essential prerequisite in order to manage in effect and efficiently.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
“Neat People vs Sloppy People†analysis Essay
Neat People vs. Sloppy People, by Suzanne britt compares the periodic tone and habits of cloudy community to nonorious congruous pot. Britts point of view leans towards the inert person, causing the reader to conclude that the antecedent is about likely muddied in her own life. The meanings of the adjectives neat and spongy seem to be flipped around when defined and exemplified. Some wizard reading this clause is either going to be bothitherd by the context or is going to agree with the view of the messy side. The antecedents take to is probably for others to appreciate the morals and intentions of the devil different types of masses.Read much Good people short story assayThe author of this essay, Suzanne Britt is a poet, essayist, and teacher. Her essay Neat People vs. Sloppy People is from one of her books Show and Tell. The persona of her essay is to highlight the differences of neat people and sloppy people by changing the meaning and designings around th is topic. The shadowiness of her essay is humorous, yet straightforward. She is able to make jokes about both sides, period being assertive in her meaning of these two styles of life. Through distinguish the two types of people in this essay, Britt is able to convey her purpose of recognizing neat people as lazier and meaner than sloppy people(para. 1). She also states that sloppy people live in Never-Never Land because they never countenance anything done, since they depend on some twenty-four hours to purport their task accomplished (para. 3). By looking at these two contrasting lifestyles, it is seems that she favors the sloppy side of life. so far though she talks about the sloppy life as put things off and collecting clutter, she recognizes it as a good thing. It is as though she switches the meanings of the two characteristics to make sloppy positive and neat negative, showing the author has a preference. This odd exchange of the two types of traits makes this article i nteresting since most would associate being sloppy as a negative. When analyzing these two traits it is seems that the characteristics that would normally disembowel a neat person describes a sloppy person. When stating, neat people are bums and clods at heart, the author uses derogative voice communication to describe the person (para. 6). The barrier neat usually means nonionised and put together, which is what she means by the term sloppy. Sloppy people are stated to give loving attention to every detail. When sloppy people say theyre going to tackle the surface of the desk, they sincerely mean it. Britt makes the neat people seem bothersome and uncaring, season the sloppy people seem determined and nurturing. As stated previously, the term someday is used repetitively in the second paragraph to describe when the goals of a sloppy person will be made. It is evident that sloppy people never get anything accomplished in their lives, because they are held mainstay by the word someday. However, the author seems to think someday is not always a bad thing. Britt states sloppy people sewert bear to part with anything, which creates the sense of possible hoarding problems by sloppy people. They never know when they just might need something and it would be a waste to have to rebuy something that they had previously. So, I guess she thinks that they are stinting and not wasteful people. Neat people get rid of things as well as quick and can be uneconomical in the long run.This essay Neat People vs. Sloppy People analyzes two opposite lifestyles. By switching their meanings around, Britt is able to show just how different these two lifestyles are. She seems to imply that sloppy people are caring and will get to things done when needed. They are laid back and want to enjoy life by not worrying about keeping everything perfect. Sloppy people do not get caught up in the day to day rush of life and enjoy what they do. Neat people are not relaxed and worry a bout what others think too much. The author seems to feel that thither is more to life than being spick-and-span. One can insinuate establish on how she describes both neat and sloppy that Britt favors the messy side. The purpose of her essay is to convey how different each lifestyle is and how they cant be one without the other. She uses humor almost in a satirical way in order to get her point across turn being completely forward with the reader in her feelings towards both sides. By incorporating different techniques throughout her essay, Britt is able to portray her thoughts and feelings on the drug-addicted of neat verses sloppy people. After reading her article, a neat person might consider relaxing a bit and recognize that there just might be more to life than being spotless.
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Greek Mythology Essay Essay
There be many another(prenominal) similarities and differences between Grecian myths and what coevals says. One display case is the cosmea of man and the universe. Another example is how the first woman was created and what she was meant for. The last example is the Hellenics key of the overspill compared to the Genesis account.The universe was created by thunder according to classical myth. But in reality it was created by the voice of graven image construction in Genesis, Let there be, and it was. The word of matinee idol was distorted in the Greek myth by formula everything was created with thunder when really deitys voice was like thunder as it says in barter 409 Do you attain an arm like Gods, and can your voice thunder like his?.Over time, the playscript saying Gods voice sounds like thunder may reach been perceived as scarcely thunder in the Greek account. This is what may have caused the Greek myths of earthly concern to become so distorted.There are als o some(prenominal) similarities and differences between the Genesis and Greek account of the creation of woman. The first woman, Eve, was created erupt of Adams rib as Genesis says in chapter 20 verse 22 Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. Genises also states that Eve was a gift from God to Adam, however, the Greek account states that the first woman, Pandora, was a punishment by God. These are just some of the distortions between the Genises account and the Greek myth.There are many similarities and differences between what the Genises account states and what the Greek account states about the flood. In the Greek account, Zues got angry at the world because of humanitys sins and wanted to crush it. He was going to eradicate the world with a thunder poop out when he dicided to flood it instead because otherwise heaven would light on fire.Really God never debated how to destroy the world, he just straightaway c hoose to do it with a flood as it says in Genises 617, I am going to bring floodwaters on the earth to destroy all intent under the heavens, every creature that has breath of life in it. Everything on earth will perish.God told Noah to build an ark and to establish all living creatures, male and female, onto the ark for he was going to flood the earth. However, in the Greek account Zues never warned humanity of the flood, he just had Posiden flood it and Hades create earthquakes. Two humans found refuge on a mountain that the waters didnt reach. These are just some examples of the distortions between Greek myth and the Genises account.In conclusion, the Greek account of the creation of man, how the first woman was created and what she was meant for, and their account of the flood compared to the Genises account all have many similarities and differences. One thing that may have caused these distortions of the Genises account is the bibles use of figurative language and people perceiving it the wrong way.
Business Law in Accounting
Accounting is the system of recording, reporting and verifying pecuniary data for individuals and businesses, including income, expenses, value of assets, and so on. However, Business Law I, debates what is normally known of accountancy and moves into another arna, one which includes civil and criminal liabilities, contract law, ethics and the Sarbanes-Oxley bout of 2002. By establishing the basics in Business Law, controllers be able to find the ventures of their particular transaction.Accountants are faced with civil and criminal liabilities which are base on the accountants ability to do his or her problem effectively and legally. Accountants face civil liabilities when they do not complete the represent satisfactorially to what was agreed to. Even Codes of Ethics urge accountants to not agree to do work that they know they do not mystify the knowledge or time to complete. Competency is a key element to being a successful accountant, and not meeting competency goal s can cause problems for preadolescent accountants entering the field.By recogniseing the basics of contract law, it is easier for accountants to find the requirement information to allow them to do their jobs competently. If accountants know that it takes mutual consideration, or a meeting of the minds, to begin contract negotiations, then they can figure if they are reviewing a contract, some type of mutual consideration essential have occurred, as well as a proposal and acceptance deal of the conversation. Also, if an accountant knows that the contract is for the sale of goods, then the accountant would know that the UCC hold 2 has to be used, instead of simple contract law.Knowing this would assistance the accountant understand how the asset or products purchased directed to be accounted for, because without precise information in the contract, UCC Article I possibility filling procedures take place. These procedures are an attempt to take vagueness and give it some de tail, but the gap filling detail is not much better than the master copy, thus the accountant can still be stuck, lost, not knowing how to account for a particular product, and not knowing at which time responsibility and risk of exposure for the product exchanges hands. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act was signed into law in 2002 by George W. Bush.The original thought behind SOX was to regulate the accounting profession, imputable to the greed that had resulted in huge economic crashes amongst top corporations such as Enron and WorldCom. SOX assisted in setting up regulatory organizations for each facet of the accounting process. These organizations are designed to ensure that accounting practices and auditing practices are ethical, legal and professional for semipublic U. S. companies. Unfortunately, SOX does not regulate private companies, but private companies cannot create pecuniary hardships for outside investors, so private companies are not in need of these type of regulations.Bus iness Law I helped create an understanding amongst the students regarding what is real expected of them once work as an accountant begins. A frank accountant would believe that all he or she needed to do was ensure that the data being entered in is correct and if not, fix it through with(predicate) a series of journal entries. However, after taking this class, it is apparent that this is an ill-advised assumption. Understanding the civil and criminal liabilities that can be charged due to negligence or fraud, whether intentional or not, is incredibly important to accountants and certified public accountants.Without understanding these potential problems, an accountant would not be able to understand the level of the problem, or be able to assess the gravity of the situation, any(prenominal) that situation may be. Even though accounting is a financial profession that takes the value of income, expenses, assets, and other items, and reports, analyzes, records and verifies these am ounts, Business Law allows for the review of the profession in general. Accountants have to understand what is legally expected of them when working with nodes records and reports, and how these legal expectations can be brought upon them, and what their rights are.Without understanding the responsibility and risk that takes place for a company, an accountant would not understand why it is so important to establish ownership and when that particular ownership exchanges hands. Accountants also must understand what risks and responsibilities their particular profession run as well, and ensure that they are competently performing their jobs so that there is no question as to if an accountant was negligent, or was derilect in the performance of his or her duty.
Monday, January 14, 2019
K+12 Program in the Philippines : Necessary or Not?
K+12 Program in the Philippines Necessary or Not? Education is the nigh powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. (Mandela,2010). This quote states that development develops our world to more powerful. This is one of a reason why others ask the K+12 program on the Philippines. Some ar non in favor of this because they say that it is not the weeklong education is the consequence and it is the improving of quality of education. Some say that K+12 in the Philippines is not necessary while I as a savant agree for this program.There are many reasons why I agree to stomach a K+12 Program in our countrified moreover there are three things that I think the most significant. firstly is to elevate the quality of education. This important because we all kip down that we have execrable quality of education compared to the other countries. According to Isagani Cruz(2010)The poor quality of primary education is reflected in the low achievement scores of Filipino studen ts. adept reason is that students do not get adequate instructional sequence or clock on task. He state that our current bite of years in school are not enough to implement the main objective of the lessons in school. We can see that some are graduated in high school but they still not ready to take their college life. Longer years of education can increment the preparedness of students on their career. Second is to inspire the students to study harder. International judge results consistently show Filipino students lagging way behind a lot everybody else in the world.In the 2008 mathematics exam, for example, we came in dead last. (Cruz,2010). Some students graduated slow forgets what they have learned from their teachers. When they are ask by their younger family process or friend they fail to recall what the answer or if its a mathematical problem they already forgot how to solve it. Longer years in school can help us to not to be gangrenous when someone is asking thin gs that we have studied. Third is according to Joe Padre near graduates are too young to enter the labor force. He said that most of our graduates is not on their right age to work. Some cannot catch out a job suited for him. If we leave have a K+12 Program the problem intimately age will be disappeared and it can be easy for them to find a intelligent job. These reasons why K+3 program in the Philppines is necessary can be a great help in improving our knowledge about it. For me it is necessary in the philippines even though we will spend practically more money for this.Money is not a reason to refuse this program, time will come after I graduated from college I know that I will have a good life. Many wad refuse this program, most of them tell that it is the quality of education not the longer years in school but how can we have good quality of education if the years in school are not enough for what they want to have. K+12 program is necesary in our country because it is th e only way to improve the quality of education in our country. Now, we will have a more productive people in the Philipppines.
Saturday, January 12, 2019
Does the Labor Law Encourage or Discourage Unionization Essay
Yes they do. And the pursuit is in support of that study Often described as the fancy of the bend, section 7 of the statute reflects the truths basic patterns. It provides that employees shall kick in the even off to self-establishment, to form, join, or assist diligence organizations, to dicker bodiedly through congresswomans of their own choosing, and to soak up in different concerted activities for the determination of incorporated negotiate or just ab push through early(a) mutual aid and trade protection (Kohler, 2004). In addition, the labor legal philosophys hunt down to favor employee and mating relationships.Labor laws do provide protection for conglutination employees against pretend inequality by defining standard minimum wage requirements and they address former(a) workplace sentry duty issues as easy. These labor laws be let at the government train and thence suffer any public employee to non solitary(prenominal) join a union, scarc ely create one (by organizing) should they so desire. And apt(p) the fact that the mass of the employees at due west University be public employees, already in established unions, the organization process for the house physician physician appurtenants (RAs).To help facilitate that process, the Graduate Employee disposal (GEO) was affiliated with the United Auto Workers (UAW) union. Although the workforce at West College is a majority of union employees, the non-union employees ar non call for to join any union due to the fact that Arizona is a right-to-work state. moreover again, the labor laws to prevail and allow a group of employees to legally organization under(a) State and Federal laws.2 Do you call back teaching assistants should be considered employees?If they atomic number 18 on a loptleroll as a W2 individual, and work a educate amount of hours then I bottomlandt any reason why they would not be considered employees. Similar to the resident physici an adjuvants, I would mean that the inform Assistants atomic number 18 in any case students who attend the college as well. base upon the in shaping provided, the Teaching Assistants ar in any case unionized employees.Education aside, the skill level of the Teaching Assistant should not be a factor when it comes to joining a union, there should be rough educational requirements for the job of a Teaching Assistant however. Although a Teaching Assistant does not imbibe teaching credentials, hence theyre not on the aforementioned(prenominal) pay grade, but there is a median(a) amount of experience that a Teaching Assistant is pass judgment to have to execute their job effectively. This does not mean that a Teaching Assistant could not handle the job of teaching a course of study if they had to, they just do not have the official credentials and could present to the University should they be put into a teaching position.For further clarification, there is a difference th at should be noted between an assistant and an intern. Per the sideline example Intern a psyche who works as an apprentice or trainee in an occupation or product line to gain practical experience, and roundtimes in addition to satisfy legal or other requirements for being licensed or true professionally. Whereas Assistant serving in an straightaway subordinate position of secondary grossgenerally not in tuition for another role. ( Do you conceptualize managements reaction to employee have-to doe with in unionization differs if the employer already has a high union density among other employee groups?If a majority of the employees are already organised in some part of a union setup, then unfortunately, the alone reaction that watchfulness plunder have is to ascertain to other groups wanting to organization. That is unless Management potentiometer come up with some reasons why organization should not take place.This fictitious character of a bal ance has its pros and cons. If this is a type of an environment where a majority of union employees makes much sense, then this type of an arrangement can be profitable if even more employees wanted to organize. And it mightiness be best if management did agree to that because there is always the fairness issue that can come up of a group of non-union employees receives the resembling treatment that the union employees receives. In this case, that is the argument of the resident Assistants. that at the kindred time, there are situations where it just makes no sense for a particular group of employees to organize.Now it is a great benefit for the employees to be foresighted to a union but on the bedevil side of that argument, transitioning from a non-union environment to a union environment can be a lengthy and expensive process. The cost of running a unionized business can be quite. And the case of a University, those costs are not spillage absorbed as a helpless by the sc hool, but instead depart be passed push down to the consumer, in the case, the student. frankincense the tuition costs will clasp increasing, and the university runs the risk of losing business to the competition. It doesnt progeny if it is a university, is it still a business.4 What are the distinguish factors that led some RAs to have interest in union representation? Do you think that RAs have legitimate job-related concerns, or are the RA complaints overstated?The on the job(p) conditions of the resident Assistants were starting to become a concern for the employees. The nonmigratory Assistants have been depute the task of disciplining their fellow students and were subjected to any pushback. indeed there is a potential involution of interest since the occupier Assistants are overseeing the quick area where they are also ho apply in.Although the occupier Assistants are paid a wage for their services, they are in fact full-time students. Per the labor laws, the Univ ersity is not required to allow a group of full-time students to organize but it is not against the law house physician Assistants to organize.Now, the Resident assistants, do sign an accordance with the University detailing their job description and what is expected of them. This is certainly a valuable service that is being provided to the University, but at the same it does not stock-purchase warrant an organization performance in my opinion. Especially due to the congenital turnover rate of the students (students graduating, etc.), a Resident Assistant is certainly not a long-term position and thus does not really justify signing a union / employee contract for any monumental length of time.In summary, the Resident Assistants do have generally good talking points for organization. However, their job description does not warrant the added expense that the University will take on when that group is organized. Should the Residents Assistants job descriptions increase, then ye s, organization would be a good composition at the University. But find to flirt with here is that the Resident Assistants are full-time students with less than part-time jobs that they want to unionize.5 Do the RAs opposed to unionization have legitimate concerns? How could unionization turn the floriculture of Residence Life?Those concerns are quite legitimate, and in my opinion, more selfless and grounded than the rest of the Resident Assistants. As mentioned above, these are full-time students with a part-time that they are not being forced to do. They chose to arrest for the position, and they signed an agreement of the behavior and expectations (minimum GPA, etc.)The Resident Assistant position should be used as an opportunity to gain some good experience such as what an intern would get but also with a fiscal incentive. By organizing, the Resident Assistants may miss out on the real experience of interaction with the culture of the campus residential environment. In o ther words, the resident Assistant would be focusing more on being an employee vs. being a student and a Resident Assistant. Thus, the Resident assistant could possibly be viewed as more of a security guard duty then someone who is on the same level as the other students.Im sure there was a fair amount of thought that went into purpose the position of the Student Assistant, and it appears that they divided in half(a). One half, being on the same page with the University in wanting to carry through the integrity of the position and the other half wanting to break away from University usance and form a separate. Again, not a bad idea to organize if the students were exhalation to be in these positions for a long time, but theyre not. Its a very transient position.6 How does the law regarding union cite for public employees in this state compare with the NLRA rules regarding union recognition for private-sector employees?There are some similarities. However, component part 7 of the law states the following to ingest in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid and protection, as well as the right to refrain from pleasant in any of those activities. (Kohler, 2004)Lets look at the three key principles of the law as noted by KohlerThere are three key principals on which the NLRA rests 1) the exclusivity principle 2) the notion of exculpate collective bargaining and 3) the structural self-sufficiency of the bargaining representative of the employees (in other words, the liberty of the employees labor union from the employer). (Kohler, 2004) Breaking this down further, Kohler goes on to explainExclusivity Principle. The exclusivity principle is a basic feature of American-style collective bargaining. harmonize to the exclusivity principle, the union representative selected by a majority of employees in a workplace becomes the exclusive (sole) representative of all those employees. (Kohler, 2004) warrant Collect ive Bargaining. Free collective bargaining is the second basic principle of the NLRA. The act leaves the ratiocination whether to organize entirely to employees.(Kohler, 2004) structural Autonomy. The structural autonomy of the employees bargaining representative is the third key principle of the collective bargaining system adopted by the NLRA. This principle anchors the system of free collective bargaining.(Kohler, 2004)In addition, Section 8 of the subject area Labor dealing crop (NLRA) states the following to dominate or interfere with the formation or administration of any labor organization or to contribute financial or other support to it. (Kohler, 2004)7 wherefore did the LRC determine that RAs and CDAs were employees? Do you agree with the LRC finale? Why? Why not?In summary, I do not agree with the decision pass down by the Labor Relations Commission. Resident Assistants are really only student assistants that earn a olive-sized wage through the school category an d depending upon the school schedule will not be working in the summertime. The decision to recognized students as employees is reckless and can have consequences down the road. This is a wily slope. I dont pick out the complete reasoning behind the decision of the Labor Relations Commission but if I had to guess I would imagine that there is a bit of a bias since the Labor Relations Commissions tend to lean pro-union.Another concern that the University should be aware of is that now that they Resident Assistants are organized, there is a possibility that these positions can be abused. Prior to organization, the Resident Assistant applicant would sign a memo of Understanding (MOU) outlining the expectations that they were expected to meet. Being that they are organized now, the Memo of Understanding is nearly likely going to be tossed out the window and a new set of demands may start coming in over the years. Not to mentioned the future surplus labor expenses that the Universit y is going to incur.Works CitedKohler, doubting Thomas C.. National Labor Relations Act (1935). Major Acts of Congress. 2004. Retrieved October 18, 2012 from http//
Friday, January 11, 2019
Analyse the Ethos of Partnership with Parents Essay
The kind betwixt arouse and practician or the assistant that they are on the job(p) at bottom is signifi seatt to the effective outcome for completely those concerned. It straightway seems impossible in modern Britain to opine ontogeny whatever kind of either(a)iance with a kid without taking into authorities none the wider family and the impact it has on that child. Given that this is the fact it is essential to take the nature of that blood and although there squeeze out be much types, the most effective nurture-practitioner relationship is a confederation.Ideally, this would be delimitate by dispensed participation, divided up power, involving the expertise of some(prenominal) supplys, with concord some aims and process, negotiation, plebeian honor and swear, and founder and honest dialogue. In caring for someone elses child, we inevitably work within an emotional framework (BOVE 2001) and need to underwrite that the equivalent expertise o f parents is fully recognised. Although the approximation of partnership is widely accepted in current service policy, its meaning is seldom fully understood.Dictionarys cater a range of meanings from a psyche who takes part with another in doing something to an participator but a parent- practitioner partnership has to be one in which both parties work closely unitedly with dynamical participation and involvement as contradictory to the professional working on (e. g. treating) the parent. A fitting definition of partnership working that sits with this ethos is . cross sector alliance in which individuals, groups or organisations agree to work in concert to fulfil an obligation or get down a specific t solicit share the risks as well as the benefits and check up on the relationship regularly, revising their agreement as necessary. (Quoted in federation made painless a joined-up guide to working together, Harrison R et al, Russell House Publishing, 2003) In reading, the idea of a partnership between parents and practitioners has been around for some years. In the late 1970s the Warnock history reviewed provision for children with special educational unavoidably in England and Wales.The report contained an influential chapter entitle stirs as partners (CEEHCYP, 1978). In 2003 the government published a green paper called every(prenominal) minor Matters (ECM). This started a big repugn about serve for children, little batch and families. There was a wide extension with people working in childrens services, and with parents, children and five-year-old people. The organisations involved with providing services to children and puppylike people from hospitals and schools to police and voluntary groups began to squad up in new ways, overlap information and working together to foster children and unexampled people from harm.Following the consultation, the government published Every child matters the adjoining steps, and passed the Chil dren Act 2004, providing the legal framework for developing much effective and accessible services focused around the needs of children, young people and families. In November 2004, Every child matters change for children was published. This outlines the way local programmes for children, young people and families should be developed. Every Child Matters emphasises a vision for working with families that puts outcomes for children and young people first.It stated that working together as a partnership had a positive effect on parenting. For example, more self-confident adults are likely to be more self-confident parents. Together from the start, worry published in 2003, on which the primaeval Support programme is based, said Parents check rights and responsibilities in relation to the development and forethought of their child. Professionals have a duty to roll in the hay and understand the unique role and relationship each parent has with their child. This focus is shared b y many other and more wide-ranging policy initiatives.The Childrens Plan, mental synthesis brighter futures, which sets out a ten-year Government schedule from 2007, identifies partnership with parents as its unifying chemical group. A partnership needs to respect the special knowledge that each partner brings to the relationship. Parents are the experts on their own children and when a partnership is built upon the well-being and the rights of all concerned and share common goals and shows mutual respect for differing roles and opinions, then children,parents and practitioners will all benefit. There are a trope of basic principles of partnership as defined in theQuality in assortment in Early Learning (Early genteelness Forum 1998). Below is a apprise summary of these principles and how they can be achieved within a setting or any relationship * Respect children/adults as individuals disregarding of ability, disability, race and religion. Encourage individuals to bring in items from home to inform groups/practitioners about their refinement or every day experiences. individualised transition stages. * Respect cultural differences and beliefs in raising a child and research these with open and sensitive dialogue.Speak to the parents about their belief systems and how they differ, explore ideas that whitethorn not be apparent to them. Self-education regarding differing cultures. * give a willingness to relate to children and their parents in several(a) ways and to share the responsibility of the relationship Home/school agreements. Family plan booklets. agree aims and objectives and clear outcome indicators. * Respect parents in their decisions. Set up good parley methods ie. confabulation book. Set up parent councils for settings. rule-governed feed back questionnaires. * generate to communicate regularly and in as many languages as needed.Translators. Literature in differing languages. Parent notice boards. Newsletters. * Commit to bear in mind to parental views and take their concerns into account Regular meetings and open communication. Feedback questionnaires. Parent days. * Clear communication about the ways in which parents can contribute to their childs education and improve the quality of the setting at home as well as outside. Offering parenting groups (i. e. PEEP) Parenting courses (i. e. literature and numeracy) * Clear communication channels between parent and practitioner to share knowledge. Communication book, being comprehendible and listening.Acting on the parents suggestion. Discussing aims and outcomes. * Clear procedures to fend parents becoming involved in the management and day to day life of their children in various settings. Home/school agreements. Parent consultation days. Parent workshops. Open access. Partnership is not a relationship that can develop quickly and naturally it requires time, campaign and skill. It also follows that an effective partnership may not be possible in all cases or at all times it depends upon what the participants bring to the situation, and some may not want or be able to work with others in this way.The ruin the partnership between the parent and practitioner the easier it will become to achieve agree outcomes. Parents will be more in control and motivated and will understand what is expected of them in their role as partner. In sharing the process the parent will feel more appoint and is more likely to draw on lessons learnt in times of future difficulty. Their trust of professionals will also be strengthened and they are more likely to ask for help in other aspects of their lives.
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