Saturday, August 31, 2019
Personal Statment
Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or experience that is important to you. What about this quality or accomplishment makes you proud and how does it relate to the person you are? I have been playing keyboard for about five years, which I really enjoy, I got my keyboard lessons from Melody International School of Music. My music school has recitals each year for it's students show what they have learned over the year.After attending the music school for about two years, my Instructor told me that I was dead for my first recital, which I was really exited for, since I started attending the music school I have always wanted to perform on a stage and have an audience to Impress. But I didn't know the preparation for the recital and the recital Itself would teach me a great life long lesson that I would need In life. It was December when my Instructor told me we were going to have our recital In about three months.He also told me that it was going to be a â€Å"bit†hard for me because I had to perform with al the students, at first I thought to myself he was just joking until he handed me a pile of paper, which were the notes of the songs the students choose to perform at the recital. At last he added I had three months to practice all one hundred and thirteen songs and to master them better than the performer, at that moment I felt so much pressure on myself, and so stressed out like the recital was tomorrow and I wasn't ready.I did what every person would do, panic because this was my first recital, and I had to perform on stage for two hours. But I had no choice I got to work, I practiced everyday for more than two hours each day and in addition to that I had to go to music studios every Sunday to practice with all of the students. There where days that I Just gave up on myself and I felt like I sucked but I still kept practicing, with in a month I saw progress, I could play the notes very well but still need to work on it but most importantly I didn't feel so bad about myself and there was less pressure on me.The three months passed so quick I felt I was sleep the whole time but I had been racketing and I had mastered all of the songs and I was ready to impress my audience. The recital was on March second, all of the students had to dress nice and professional, I wore a white shirt with black pants and black shoes. As my dad was driving me to the auditorium I felt so calm and relaxed because I knew that I was ready and I believe in myself and so did my Instructor.The guests started arriving slowly and by like thirty minutes the auditorium was full of people and the host stepped on to the stage and welcomed the guest and Introduced the Instructors and old to the audience that he wanted to Introduce a special person and at that moment I heard footsteps that were coming toward me and turned back and saw It was my Instructor witch came and grabbed me on my arm and told me to stand up and all of a sud den I heard my name over the speakers and he pulled me on to the stage and Introduced me to the audience and gave me a trophy, as the most valued musician at Melody International School of Music.I felt it was a dream, I could believe for her sit. The recital started and I was in a very good mood I performed very well ring the first session of the recital and the one half was remaining but I wasn't worried about it. After the second half ended they handed each student a trophy and the host finished the program.When everything was finished I felt so blessed that everything went so smooth, and felt the pressure was off me when I got it the day my instructor told me about everything about the recital. Everyone was so proud of me, my parents, my instructor, my family member, even some of the audience member congratulated me, and my family and that's was where I know I made my audience impressed.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Metamorphosis and Existentialism Essay
Existentialism is defined as a modern philosophical movement stressing the importance of one’s experience and accountability. Its focus is the make on the personal reflections that these make on the individual, who is seen as a free agent in a deterministic and seemingly meaningless universe. Its philosophy is meticulous that, in a nutshell, advocates a diverse arsenal of responses and solutions to the ‘existentialist attitude’; which, essentially, is what an individual feels when confronted by the absurdity of life. Throughout humanity, rumination and self-proclaimed ‘ultimate’ truths have assumed various forms: poetry, religion, and numerous other doctrines and textual works. In The Metamorphosis, Franz Kafka narrates the ramifications of a metamorphosis in which the subject and protagonist, a man named Gregor Samsa, is transformed into a bug. Despite the novella’s literary methods and influences, the most prominent being the way Kafka so nonchalantly describes such irregularity in his life, The Metamorphosis is also hailed as a prime textual work of existentialism, the previously mentioned philosophical movement. Both prior and subsequent to the transformation, Kafka portrays Gregor as a man who seems lost within himself, and lacking identity. The reminiscences of his past are neither nostalgic nor poignant: his human life is seen to revolve solely around trivial matters. His social life pays the price from this, his failure to assert a concrete and consistent existence. The extent of his lack of individuality is further exemplified by his reaction to the metamorphosis: finding himself â€Å"transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect†(Kafka, 296), he prioritizes work over all else, even in his newly equated insect form. Furthermore, he panics because â€Å"the next train went at seven o’clock; to catch that he would need to hurry like mad and his samples weren’t even packed up†(297). Gregor’s identity crisis is a device for conveying Kafka’s belief of an impersonal society where individualism is drastically mitigated as a result of excessive materialism. Gregor, in the context of Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s Notes from Underground analogy, would be the ‘ant’ in the anthill thus rendering his metamorphosis ironically. Another dominant theme prevalent throughout the novella is the absurd situation Gregor is confronted by. These nonsensical happenings (296-327) reflect the world as seen from the existentialist perspective: a world absent of a rational and comprehensive objective. Jean-Paul Sartre postulated that ‘every existing thing is born without reason, prolongs itself out of weakness, and dies by chance’. This meaninglessness is precisely what Gregor is victim to in the microcosm of society that Kafka generates: Gregor flounders about, beleaguered by absurdity and helplessness, presumably because he is unaware of Nietzsche and Kierkegaard’s somewhat consoling conclusions that one must devise meaning for one’s own existence ex nihilo. Once again, Kafka utilizes a combination of plot and character to convey his angst concerning an apparently pointless existence. Freedom or rather the lack thereof is another existentialist tenet that Kafka addresses. Gregor is depicted as someone constrained by self-imposed burdens, the most demanding being the role as the financial pillar of the family. Despite having the freedom to repudiate this role, Gregor instead pursues it with feverish ardor to the extent that it becomes his ‘sole desire’ (310). Yet his harangue regarding his career (297-298) reveals that this is not due to personal desire, but rather the belief that he must replace his father financially, regardless of preference. Gregor’s delusion regarding an absence of choice contradicts what Kafka perceives as the truth: that freedom is ubiquitous in spite of any ethical obligations we may be expected to adhere to, and that the individual defines his or herself via one’s decisions. A quasi-motto of existentialism coined by Sartre, ‘existence precedes essence’. In conclusion, Kafka employs the fictional literary elements he constructs to address the very non-fictional, existentialist aspects of society and life. Akin to Dostoyevsky’s Notes from Underground, it can be interpreted as both a rumination and tirade against impersonal communities, restriction of freedom, and the absurdity of life.
Intercultural Communication and Business Practice
Intercultural Communication and Business Practice: The system of sharing symbolic resources by a group of people is known as culture and communication is basically the practice of making and exchanging these symbolic resources or meanings. Since intercultural communication is basically communication between people of various cultures, intercultural business communication is considered as the communication by people of different cultures between and within businesses (Chen, 2007).The importance of intercultural business communication and impact of intercultural communication in business practice is largely because of diversity in the workplace. Most organization and businesses depend on intercultural communication since cultural differences do not prevent people from working with each other. Actually, in today’s business environment, the need for good intercultural communication skills cannot be underestimated since it results in better business. Revolutionary Shift in Business Practice through Intercultural Communication:As compared to fifteen years ago, business ventures and practice are rapidly becoming more and more globalized (Shively, 2010). This is largely due to the fact that today’s world is characterized by an ever increasing number of interactions between people from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds. International business has begun to develop in more prominent cultures with the exception of only a few regions. Consequently, the revolutionary shift in business practice from an intercultural communication angle is the rapid development of international business ventures across the globe.Business ventures and enterprises are now adopting an international or global perspective that enables them to conduct their business effectively across various cultures. This shift to international business from a global perspective is due to the fact that intercultural communication is a common daily experience, universal phenomenon and has been on-going for thousands of years. The increase of intercultural communication in the twenty-first century is also a factor that has contributed to the revolutionary shift in business practice.From an intercultural communication angle, there are four major developments that were significant to the rapid growth of intercultural communication and revolutionary shift in business practice. These major developments include: 1. Developments in Transportation Technology: The developments in transportation technology has not only helped in shrinking the world to a global village but it has in turn created a means for people to travel anywhere within a period of days (â€Å"Chapter 1†n. d. ).As a result of this easier and quicker traveling, people from different cultural backgrounds communicate in the modern world and engage in business ventures and practices. 2. Improvements in Communication Technology: Improvements in communication technology happened concurrently with those in transportation technology prompting the rapid movement toward a global village. These improvements have resulted in the ability of people to have instant vocal, video, textual and graphic communication. Consequently, conducting international business has also been made easier because of the instant global communication in various forms. . Changes in Patterns of Mass Migration: With the movement of millions of people across national borders, contacts with people from other cultures have now become a normal part of day-to-day life. This has made businesses to strive in attempts to adapt to the cultural diversity including advertising to communities using their respective language. Such efforts enable businesses to communicate effectively to their customers from different cultural backgrounds. 4. Globalization of the World Economy:This is the major development in intercultural communication that has resulted in the revolutionary shift in business practice since international businesses have become a vital economic force for many nations. This development has been brought by the fact that intercultural communication serves as a platform for conducting international business through international communication. The globalization of the world’s economy has challenged business people to become more internationally aware and inter-culturally adept. Revolutionary shift in business practice is also evident in the fact that globalization has promoted mobility and made the abor market more challenging (Espinar, 2010). However, working in an international team and interacting with business partners or customers from different cultural backgrounds has brought challenges and the need for new attitudes and skills. For international businesses to gain competitive advantage, there is need for conscious efforts in acquiring new skills to communicate successfully in a global context (â€Å"Introduction†, n. d. ). Furthermore, the global business environment requires a broad training on intercultural communication because of the cultural diversity and increasing globalization. Cultural Diversity Management:Since the need for communication is a fundamental principle in the success of any business, management of cultural diversity is crucial. This is because intercultural communication may present difficult impediments that cover the whole communication spectrum. These intercultural barriers and conflicts that characterize today’s workplace basically involve verbal and non-verbal communication factors which have a huge impact on communication with people of other cultures. The major intercultural barriers and conflicts include ethnocentricity, jargon and slang, stereotypes, eye contact, time and personal space.Ethnocentricity is basically considered as the assumption that other cultures speak the same language with a person’s culture. This has resulted in businesses conducting their transactions on their language and contributed to the failure of these businesses in foreign markets. While every culture develops unique sets of jargons and slang and use them in their business ventures, people from other cultures do not understand their meanings resulting in intercultural communication barriers. Various cultures have distinct approaches to personal space and a lack of cultural understanding may make certain people uncomfortable (Evans, n. . ). Stereotypes and assumptions across cultures have distinct meanings which significantly impact effective intercultural communication. Understanding cultural norms concerning eye contact and time is essential in effective intercultural business communication. This is due to the divergent approaches to eye contact and time across various cultures. Throughout the history of management of cultural diversity in businesses, there have been significant changes in which has led to the adoption of new business practices in handling intercultural communication barriers and conflicts.F rom a historical perspective, addressing these barriers and conflicts was based on the predominantly indigenous and homogenous workforce. Intercultural business communication was minimal because of the nature of the business environment that wasn’t culturally diverse. The general cultural diversity management was developed through anti-discrimination, equality legislation, workplace ethics and affirmative action. The management mainly relied on affirmative action and equality policies to handle the intercultural barriers and conflicts in the workplace.This business practice and approach by the management developed in the United States and was intended to conquer the dominance of white males in the business and workplace environment. Generally, there was no strategic approach of addressing intercultural communication barriers and conflicts. Management practices in the handling of intercultural communication barriers and conflicts have changed over time because of the worldâ₠¬â„¢s increasing globalization. Given that people are no longer in an insular marketplace and have become part of the global economy, there is need for interacting with people of divergent cultures.Consequently, management of and importance of workplace diversity has become a fundamental issue for management today (Green et al, n. d. ). One of the major changes in diversity management is the development of the necessary managerial skills to supervise a multicultural work environment. These managerial skills basically involve training on multicultural differences within the organization in order to treat business associates, colleagues, partners and customers with dignity.The current approach in handling intercultural communication obstacles and intercultural conflicts are not confined to compliance driven or rights-based practices. While equality and other diversity management legislations are integral in the process, the current practices involve a holistic approach. This holistic approach is for the strategic use of the diversity of people in the business environment to achieve business and organizational incentives. Instead of focusing on making the individuals fit to institutional values, the holistic approach focuses on valuing the individual.As a result, the management and business objectives are connected since the approach capitalizes on drawing potential from individuals’ diversity. Conclusion: Intercultural business communication is essential to today’s business environment because of the diverse workforce which is a reflection of the changing marketplace and world. While a culturally diverse workforce adds greater value to organizations and businesses, it also brings several challenges and conflicts that need to be addressed. Therefore, it’s important for managers to possess necessary skills in handling these challenges to communicate effectively.References: â€Å"Chapter 1: Introduction to Intercultural Communication. †(n. d. ). Learning Chapters, from www. cflo. edu. cn/jiaocai/109/147/992075/. doc Chen, J. (2007, August 7). International Business Communication, from http://ccomm. bravehost. com/Report1. html Espinar, A. L. (2010). The Use of ICT In The Development of Intercultural Business Communication, from http://www. pixel-online. net/ICT4LL2010/common/download/Proceedings_pdf/LBV06-Larrea_Espinar. pdf Evans, K. (n. d. ). Six Barriers to Intercultural Communication, from http://www. how. com/list_6303080_six-barriers-intercultural-communication. html Green et al (n. d. ). Diversity in the Workplace: Benefits, Challenges and the Required Managerial Tools, from http://edis. ifas. ufl. edu/hr022 â€Å"Introduction. †(n. d. ). Research on Contemporary Diplomacy, from DiploFoundation Education website: http://www. diplomacy. edu/language/communication/main. htm Shively, M. (2010, March 29). Intercultural Business Taboos: What to Avoid, from http://www. associatedcontent. com/article/28199 50/intercultural_business_taboos_what. html
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Entrepreneurship assignment 2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Entrepreneurship 2 - Assignment Example According to the recent phenomenon of the cosmetic industry, a growing interest has been witnessed for the herbal skincare products. Majority of global customers seek to prefer herbal skincare products due to its better effectiveness accumulated with insignificant side-effects than the other derivatives and chemicals used in the cosmetic products (Gediya, Mistry, Patel, Blessy & Jain, 2011). Emphasizing upon the various concerning areas and growing interest of the global consumers towards herbal products, the primary purpose of this report is to prepare an effective business plan to attain advantages in terms of growing opportunities in the herbal cosmetic industry. The proposed business plan will further aim to reflect a clear depiction of the business including its manufacturing of products and/or services, selling and marketing strategies, constructing of management groups and their roles as well as predictions of financial forecasts for a few years that the organization will perf orm. Brief Description of the Venture The proposed business plan is significantly prepared on the basis of sole proprietorship which can enable the entrepreneur to effectively control and manage each function performed within the firm. Notably, the financial benefit is the core factor of sole proprietorship where the owner can enjoy a large amount of monetary benefit from the venture. A sole proprietorship venture can also facilitate the marketer to independently make decisions towards the improvement of the overall processes executed within the organization. In addition, the entrepreneur, as the sole proprietorship can also obtain greater amount of secrecy concerning the organization’s current performance enabling the entrepreneur to possess greater flexibility concerning the operations and other required changes for better effectiveness. Mission Statement of the Venture The mission statement is a long-term and essential attributes which depicts the main purpose of the busin ess. In relation to the proposed business plan, the mission statement of the venture will be focused on revealing the effectiveness of herbal products and its importance to nourish and serve the potential customers. In accordance to this mission statement, the organizational process will further attempt to integrate the quality and effectiveness of its products over the long run. Primary Objectives of the Venture The primary objective of the venture is to obtain recognition as the most preferred and reliable company in terms of offering a wide range of herbal cosmetic products. Moreover, the objective of the venture will further extent to achieve a minimum growth of 10% of its potential customers in each month in the respective market. In addition, attaining the desired sales goals of AUD 100,000 in the first year and augmenting its annual sales around 15% in the 2nd year of the venture have also been considered as its primary objectives. Start-up Summary of the Venture The initial stage of the proposed business plan is focused on procuring raw materials, manufacturing different types of herbal cosmetic products and distributing them in different target markets. The start-up cost of the herbal cosmetics requires a large amount of finance in terms of procuring machinery, raw materials along with various types of
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Jean Roberge - vice president of ABS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Jean Roberge - vice president of ABS - Essay Example The project tends to bring all 3 sub-units (which were previously 3 different businesses) on to one platform so that resources can be shared profitably especially in accounting and human resource management department. Even in marketing department, if the plan of marketing from all three entities is in line with each other due to the presence of an integrated management system, it will prove less costly and more effective. The project will cost $50 million, which Mr. Roberge plan to spread over the period of 24 months. The major targets of ABS from incorporation of this new system are to ensure consistent and reliable data retrieval, harmonization of accounting and financial process, improving process efficiency in HR management and to create an integrated market vision for the new ABS entity. The challenges as identified by Mr. Roberge include the fact that there is a huge amount of information that needs to be sorted out and placed rightly to be accessed when required and this too must be done without a single error. The existing systems and soft wares cannot be considered obsolete for no reason. Instead, the best option is to make as little as possible change to the soft wares in use already. This will help in keeping the system understandable for the users. Also, it is a huge project which will have a direct impact over the way IT department of ABS works. It will have an impact over the future of IT department in ABS. Another great challenge is that Mr. Roberge needs to hire a competent project manager. Case 1: Question 1: There are few other issues which at this point seem that Mr. Roberge has not considered. The biggest issue is reaction of ABS employees to this huge change. It has been mentioned in the case study that IT department staff is already a little uneasy about it as such a system can lead towards downsizing of their department. Such an automated system might result in lower number of jobs in IT department. This thus has an impact over performan ce of staff especially in the IT department. On the same line, the reaction of employees from other departments will also be important. Marketing department for example might not be very comfortable with such an integrated system. They are not used to discussing their micro plans with a huge audience. An important aspect that is thus being overlooked at this stage in my opinion is change management. Case Study 2: Question 1: In my opinion there are a few key points in the presentation which include the following: First of all, the presentation must have included the scope, budget, requirement and justification of having such a huge system in place. This is something which Mr. Roberge’s own presentation to the committee had in detail. The issues which he found a little untouched in his own presentation and was impressed when he saw added to consultant’s presentation are a detailed break up of the additional resources ABS will require for implementation of such a huge sy stem. When ERP is incorporated in any huge corporate of public culture, there is a lot of staff requirement, capital resource requirement and hardware and soft ware requirements to be taken care of by the parent company. Though Mr. Roberge has done thorough cost analysis, the requirement of staff was brought up by the consultant. Other important point that was highlighted in the presentation of the consultant was that change management must be a well planned process. The consultant has been a part of essentially many such ERP incorporations and from his experience he has pointed out that firms see highest turn over rate during the time when such huge changes are taking place. He pointed out that change management should be a well planned process and employees from every tier must be involved so that
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Business Law- Law of Negligence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Business Law- Law of Negligence - Essay Example Helen’s claim for her injuries and lost earnings against Metro plc. The issues in this case is whether Metro Plc owes Helen a duty of care for failing to secure the wood that passersby were supposed to use to cross over the holes they had dug. Furthermore, the other issue found in this case is to ascertain whether it was Metro Plc negligence, which led her to lose her earnings. The law applicable in this case is law of negligence; negligence is defined as the lack of use of reasonable care resulting into causing harm to the other person or property. Negligence occurs either when an individual does something that a reasonable person would not do or failing to do something that a reasonable man would. There are various precedents have been set over the years concerning the law of negligence. One of those precedents is good neighborship that was set in the case of Donoghue vs. Stevenson and another recent precedent, which is relevant to this case, is Caparo vs. Dickman (1990). Me tro Plc is liable for Helens’ injury since they could not have foreseen the accident. This is because they had already taken action into ensuring that the passersby would not suffer injury; however, their action did not prevent Helen from suffering personal injury. In Caparo vs. Dickman (1990), it was held that the principle of neighbourhood involved more than just a person who was in a contract with the defendant. In addition, there are three principles used to determine whether there is duty of care. The first principle is foreseeability of claimant being harmed, it is clear that the defendants had foreseen possible harm and had not taken enough action to ensure that passersby like Helen would not be at risk of harm. The other principle is the proximity between the defendant and the claimant. In this case, there is an aspect of neighbourhood between Helen and Metro plc since the defendants knew claimant and other passersby used the place. In Donoghue vs. Donoghue (1932), ju dge Atkin stated that a neighbour is not a person with whom one has physical closeness but one that is likely to be affected by the other person’s actions. The third principle of Caparo case states that a person can only be held to owe a duty of care if doing so is reasonable, fair and just. In the case of Helen vs. Metro plc, it was reasonable fair and just that the defendant ensured that the claimant and other passersby were not at risk. On the other claim of losing her earnings, Helen cannot blame Metro Plc this is because she spent more time in hospital because she was not served on arrival. Metro Plc could not have foreseen that she could have lost her earnings as a result, of their actions; therefore, they do not owe them a duty of care. In Spartan steel and Alloys Ltd V Martin & Co. Ltd (1873) it was held that economic loss can only be recoverable only if it results from physical damage that was caused by the defendant’s negligence (Harpwood, 2000). Helenâ€℠¢s claim against Hubble & Co. In this case, Helen is the claimant from Hubble & Co for negligence this is because she relied on the report that Hubble & Co prepared to buy more shares, and this led her into losing money since Bubble &Co’s report was wrong. The issues that arise from this case include whether Bubble &Co are liable since they were merely employees of Metro Plc the company that Helen owned shares. The law applicable in this case is pure economic loss negligence (Matthews, 2012).
Monday, August 26, 2019
Article response Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Response - Article Example But the interesting part is that China responded coldly for all this complaints against them. The Chinese spokesperson Liu Weimin who is a representative of China’s foreign ministry stated that the compromise is a needed element in the trade between two nations. After that Chinese commerce ministry announced that China will handle the situation in align with procedures and rules of W.T.O. The author comments that the primary activity in W.T.O consultation is the bilateral consultation which always fails. And the case is later settled down by trade experts. Here the author is altogether attempting to project on the cold shoulder attitude of Chinese government .China is also not giving a chance to Obama to win the presidential election on the basis of free trade dispute. â€Å"China is trying to avoid making trade issues a big theme of the American presidential election campaign†. Here neither the Chinese government nor the Chinese people are bothered about the complaint of U.S. against the increase in the vehicle tariff Bradsher, K. (2012). China Yawns as U.S. Complains About Auto Tariffs. In nytimes. Retrieved July 7, 2012, from
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Mod 3 Pre-trial and trial procedures Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Mod 3 Pre-trial and trial procedures - Assignment Example In December 7 1993, Colin Ferguson from Jamaica started shooting passengers on a commuter train at random killing six and injuries 16 people; after he stopped to reload, the passengers restrained him. When appearing in court, he self-represented himself but the eyewitnesses and the prosecutor managed to convince the magistrate to sentence him to more than 200 jail terms in New York Attica Prison. The critics of this case argue that he was not in his sane mind to stand trial hence the court was wrong to convict and sentence him (People v Ferguson248, N.Y App 1998). In the Poucell v Alabama, 287 U.S case, fourteen African youths were unfairly charged by the court for reportedly raping two white women, the case which was popularly known as the ‘Scottsboro case’ where within two weeks of arrest, they were convicted, tried and sentenced to death; the Supreme Court reversed this conviction. In Indiana a defendant was found competent to self-represent but the trial court did not allow him to, even though he was competent. An attorney was appointed to represent him, but he was sentenced, following a Foreta, a similar case wherein it was held by the Supreme Court that the accused was competent to self-represent. The disposal of petty offenses; these cases guarantee that either a fine or a short jail term is imposed. Cases such as common traffic laws and breaking of local regulations fall into this category. The Preliminary hearing is where the magistrate hears the state’s case and determines if it can appear before the grand jury or not. The functions of grand jury include: preventing baseless, discriminatory and overzealous charges by examining hearings and evidence presented before it. The grand jury also has power to order the witnesses to appear before it, issue immunity or hold the individuals in contempt. The jurisdiction and venue: before a court hears a case and rules, it
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Analyze the BP Oil Spell Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Analyze the BP Oil Spell Case - Essay Example Transparency From a transparency point of view, the response of BP was insufficient because it did not accord the relevant authorities, the information that would help them counter the problem effectively. The slow nature of the BP Company, in giving response to the spill indicated inadequacies in transparency, which was among the causes that made the spill continue for three months, without being effectively addressed. According to CEG, the BP Company hindered the response offered to the oil spin, which was likely to affect the management of further oil spills (1). According to the CEG, the response to the spill was affected by the restrictions imposed on media access to the site, the delay of the disclosure of information from the company – regarding dispersants, and the overall lack of cooperation by the company and the government agencies responsible (1). Further, the BP Company and respective government agencies were very slow in releasing information to the public, regar ding the extent of damage caused, the effects of the spill and the level of transparency offered in the case, by the parties responsible. Lack of transparencies was evident from the reports offered by the BP Company and the company, regarding the volumes spilled on a daily basis. The company and the government reported that the spill was releasing 1,000 barrels a day, but the reports were discredited later after it was estimated by a specialist agency, that the spill was releasing between 11,000 and 25,000 barrels each day (CEG 1). Lack of transparencies was evident from BP’s delays, in providing high-definition video footage, which would facilitate computer analysis. BP wrote, on the 21st of May 2010, most likely after realizing that its lack of transparency was affecting the deployment of corrective measures to address the oil spill. In the account, the company noted that it would offer transparency and openness about the disaster, and its cooperation with organizations to respond to the oil spill. Rationality From a rationality perspective, the BP oil spill exposed a lack of disaster mitigation preparedness and carelessness on the part of the BP Company and the agencies that were supposed to respond to the issue. These agencies include the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and the DHS (Department of Homeland Security). The oil spill exposed the careless of the company because – knowing well, the impacts of leaving the spill open – they left it open, for more than three months. From a rational point of view, it is clear that BP, as well as the government, did not engage the resources they required to mitigate the spill, in the short time they could (Walsh 1). Among the reasons cited as causes for the explosion, include that the BP Company had failed to administer effective risk management, including that they did not inspect the facility, prior to the time of the explosion. Therefore, the nature and the extent of the disaster display ed the company’s ineffective risk mitigation and non-preparedness to address disasters (Walsh 1). Avoiding Extremes From a point of view of avoiding extremes, the BP oil spill was evidently a demonstration of disregard for the extreme effects of disaster. This is evident from the fact that, after the explosion of April 20th the company and
Friday, August 23, 2019
Analysis of Modern US History Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Analysis of Modern US History - Research Paper Example  During the Depression Collier was given permission to change or modify government policies because of their steadfast faith in him. Collier initiated what is called the â€Å"Indian New Deal’ which was a revolutionary approach to Native American reforms. He was a staunch believer of cultural pluralism and understood the importance of ethnic values and community solidarity and therefore adopted an acculturated approach in order to assimilate the Native Americans into the mainstream society. James Stuart clearly describes how Collier attacked the ‘Indian problem’ and finally succeeded in assimilating the Native Americans into the dominant society. In his enlightening book he tells us how Collier met with a lot of opposition from American critics but he firmly believed in his goals and wanted to fulfill them at any cost. The earlier allotment program had been a major social and economic disaster and so he set out to reconstitute the tribes and enhance their trad itional land base. In bringing about other reforms, Collier went a step further in convincing President Roosevelt to abolish the ‘Board of Indian Commissioners as he felt that it was a huge obstacle in the wake of reform. (Pg. 109) Collier wanted the Native Americans to play a more active role in decision making and sent them for specialized training for the management of their land and natural resources. He also insisted that the Federal Government should not in the name of assimilation suppress the culture and tradition of the Native Americans but on the other hand should help in preserving their nativity. Stuart’s book also states that with the full support of President Roosevelt, Collier was in a position to bring about other reforms involving relief measure to the Native Americans. The Congress passed the Pueblo Relief Act on May, 31st, 1933 granting additional payment to the Native Americans who had been inadequately paid by the Pueblo Lands Board. (Pg. 110) He al so implemented the ‘New Deal’ legislation to give relief to the destitute Native Americans who suffered greatly during the Great Depression. (Pg. 110) Stuart’s book is a real eye-opener as it helps us to understand the political situation post-1933 and the reforms that were brought out during the period after the Great Depression. Harold L. Cole and Lee E. Ohanian in their article titled ‘How Government Prolonged the Depression’ shed light on the reforms that were introduced by the Federal government in lieu of putting an end to the crisis of the Great Depression. In addressing the crisis the ‘New Deal’ was introduced and raised hopes that the economic downturn would change its course and work out in their favor. The article tells us that the primary aim of the ‘New Deal’ initiative was to encourage Americans to get back to work. However, According to Harold L. Cole and Lee E Ohanian, this did not happen for the mere fact th at employment was not restored because on an average there was much less work. Â
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Working with and Leading People Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Working with and Leading People - Assignment Example In the absence of effective leadership, companies suffer stagnation in growth and development because there becomes lack of focus for operational growth (Guo and Sanchez, 2005). It is not surprising therefore that Thomas Cook places so much emphasis on leadership and the management of its companies all across the globe. An important aspect of leadership has always been the kind of interpersonal relationship that exists between the leader and his subordinates and how the leader is able to influence subjects to buy into his visions and plans to join hands in the business growth agenda. Once this process takes place, it is said that the act of working with and leading people has been activated (Lutgen-Sandvik, 2010). The approaches different leaders use in working with and leading people are referred to as leadership styles. In the following answers some of the key leadership styles and other leadership related issues about Thomas Cook Group are dealt with into detail. 1. The skills and attributes that Thomas Cook values and cherishes are directly rooted into the collective culture and climate of business operations, practiced within the company. For instance for the fact that the company operates an overseas staffing system, it requires of its managers and leaders to possess the attitude and skill of adaptability to different culture and environments. This of course includes the ability of these leaders and managers to have an interpersonal relationship skill that will make them get along easily with international clients, stakeholders and customers. Apart from adaptability to different cultures and environments, and interpersonal relationship skills, the company also cherishes and values a sense of personal development skills within its managers and leaders. Generally, Thomas Cook has a vision that ensures that employees are able to gain self development and empowerment. So apart from the organized training and induction program for its new staff, the company ex pects that employees will have the self zeal to push themselves up to the ladder. Finally, given the volume of people that managers and leaders work with, the company requires organizational skills among all its leaders and managers. 2. The leadership style encouraged for practice at Thomas Cook is the democratic leadership style, which encourages the involvement of subjects in most decision making processes. Again, this leadership style is preferred and encouraged as part of the organizational culture of the company. It would be noted that Thomas Cook has a culture of giving so much freedom to its employee base into controlling some levels of business operations affair within the company. It is not surprising such events as massive as the organization of fund raisers can be left in the hands and care of employees. Democratic leadership is therefore the most effective style of leadership to ensure that subjects learn directly under their leaders, whiles having their actions and init iations totally checked (Guo and Sanchez, 2005). There are other leadership styles that allow subjects to take charge of decision making such as democratic leadership but this leadership style known as the laissez faire leadership style give too much freedom to subject, not making it ideal for new employees and others whose skills and knowledge have not been adequately tested. 3. The major different between leadership and management is directly linked to the tasks given to leaders and managers respectively. Whereas managers have been said to have the role of organization and coordination, leaders are said to be inspirers and motivators (Lutgen-Sandvik, 2010).
Team Sports Essay Example for Free
Team Sports Essay A team sport includes any sportwhich involves players working together towards a shared objective. It is an activity in which a group of individuals, on the same team, work together to accomplish an ultimate goal which is usually to win. This can be done in a number of ways such as outscoring the opposing team. Team members set goals, make decisions, communicate, manage conflict, and solve problems in a supportive, trusting atmosphere in order to accomplish their objectives. This can be seen in sports such as hockey,football, American football, baseball, association football, basketball, volleyball, tennis, water polo, lacrosse, rowing, rugby league, rugby union, cricket, handball and many others. Different kinds of team sports * Basketball * Volleyball * Baseball * Football * American football * British baseball * Beach volleyball * Sepak takraw * Airsoft * Ultimate * Underwater rugby Volleyball Volleyball is a team sport in which two teams of six players are separated by a net. Each team tries to score points by grounding a ball on the other teams court under organized rules It has been a part of the official program of the Summer Olympic Games since 1964. Objectives of volleyball PUT THE BALL INTO PLAY Every volleyball point starts with one team serving the ball and the other team receiving it. The serving team must clear the ball over the net and in bounds, and the receiving team must return over the net and in bounds before it hits the ground. Before the match begins, the referee will conduct a coin toss to determine which team serves first and on which side of the court each team begins the match. Win the Rally To score a point in volleyball, you must win a rally or have your opponent commit a fault. The rally begins with the serve and ends as soon as the ball hits the ground. If the serving team wins the rally, it receives 1 point and retains service. If the receiving teams wins the rally, it receives 1 point and gains service. Faults occur whenever one team breaks a rule of the game. If both teams commit a fault at the same time, you replay the rally with neither team receiving a point. Win the Set The first team to score 25 points in a set, except for the fifth set, wins that set. You must win a set by at least 2 points, however, so play continues until one team has a lead of two points after reaching 25. Win the Match To win a match, you must win three out of five sets. If each team wins two of the first four sets, your final set will go to 15 points instead of 25. Teams must still win the final set by at least 2 points, so play continues past 15 until one team achieves this. In a tournament, teams will play only three sets, so the first team to win two sets wins the match. If a tournament requires a playoff to determine which team advances, you will play a one-set playoff. Tournament organizers will predetermine whether you play the set to 15 or 25 points and you must win by 2 points. Defense: Rational defense As the name suggests, players rotate into their read position based on how the play is developing. For instance, if the opponent sets to its outside hitter, the middle front and right-side front players block. The outside blocker stays home and covers the rest of the front court. The right back defender edges up behind the blockers to pick up balls tipped over them. The left back is responsible for the deep angle ball. The middle back rotates to the same sideline where the ball was set. The rotation changes if the opponent sets to its right-side hitter or the middle hitter. Perimeter defense In the perimeter defense, players start in the same base position as in rotational defense. But as the play unfolds, there is less movement into the read positions. This is a good defense to dig out hard-driven balls. It is more vulnerable to tips, relying on players to take away those plays with their athletic ability. As such, it is more popular with mens teams with more size and range. Man Up or Red Defense As the name suggests, the man up or red defense moves a back player up to support the front three players. This protects the middle of court from middle attacks and tips. It keeps the wing players deep. This formation minimizes the movement from base position to defensive zone. The deeper base positions allow players to keep most plays in front of them. Fine-Tuning the Schemes Within these basic concepts, countless adjustments can be made to suit the ability of the team. Hybrid defensive schemes are common. As volleyball coaching legend Bill Neville once said, Defense should be designed so that it allows for putting the best diggers in areas that will most often be attacked. Brief history of volleyball In 1995, the sport of Volleyball was 100 years old! The sport originated in the United States, and is now just achieving the type of popularity in the U.S. that it has received on a global basis, where it ranks behind only soccer among participation sports. Today there are more than 800 million players worldwide who play Volleyball at least once a week. In 1895, William G. Morgan, an instructor at the Young Mens Christian Association (YMCA) in Holyoke, Mass., decided to blend elements of basketball, baseball, tennis, and handball to create a game for his classes of businessmen which would demand less physical contact than basketball. He created the game of Volleyball (at that time called mintonette). Morgan borrowed the net from tennis, and raised it 6 feet 6 inches above the floor, just above the average mans head. During a demonstration game, someone remarked to Morgan that the players seemed to be volleying the ball back and forth over the net, and perhaps volleyball would be a more descriptive name for the sport. On July 7, 1896 at Springfield College the first game of volleyball was played. * In 1900, a special ball was designed for the sport. * In 1916, in the Philippines, an offensive style of passing the ball in a high trajectory to be struck by another player (the set and spike) were introduced. * In 1917, the game was changed from 21 to 15 points. * In 1920, three hits per side and back row attack rules were instituted. * In 1930, the first two-man beach game was played. * In 1934, the approval and recognition of national volleyball referees. * In 1947, the Federation Internationale De Volley-Ball (FIVB) was founded. * In 1948, the first two-man beach tournament was held. * In 1949, the initial World Championships were held in Prague, Czechoslovakia. * In 1964, Volleyball was introduced to the Olympic Games in Tokyo. * In 1974, the World Championships in Mexico were telecast in Japan. * In 1987, the FIVB added a Beach Volleyball World Championship Series. * In 1990, the World League was created. * In 1995, the sport of Volleyball was 100 years old! * In 1996, 2-person beach volleyball was added to the Olympics While serving, coaches may make more zones to serve to so that they can make the other team move and force a bad pass. Some people determine zones according to the net. These are where their sets are going to go in the offensive. Basic skills in volleyball Volleyball play is comprised of the following basic components: passing, setting, spiking, blocking, serving, and receiving serve. * Passing is the act of sending the volleyball to a setter so that he or she can, in turn, present the ball to the spiker for an attack. The two primary passing methods are the bump and the dig. * Setting the ball is a critical area of the overall offensive attack. If the set is poorly placed, it can dramatically lower the effectiveness of even versatile spikers, because it limits their hitting options and their likelihood of hitting a kill shot for a point or sideout. Conversely, a well-delivered set gives a hitter a much better chance to avoid blocks and direct the ball strategically. * Spiking is the act of driving the volleyball hard into an area of your opponents court. The two basic power shots are the cross-court shot and the baseline shot.Once an opponent has developed a healthy respect for a teams spiking power, alternative offensive shots such as tips and dinks can be employed with greater effectiveness. * Blocking is the primary defensive skill used to neutralize strong spiking attacks. It involves using players arms to form a wall in front of the spiker, thus making it more difficult for him or her to hit the ball into the opposite court. When properly executed, a good block can be an effective weapon in scoring points or securing sideouts. In high-level competition, teams commonly employ more than one blocker against good spikers. * Serving is a very important element of volleyball. A server who can serve the ball reliably and skillfully will help his or her team far more than will a player who, for instance, is inconsistent with their serving. There are a variety of serves that are employed in competitive volleyball, from floaters that seem to shimmy and shake on their way over the net to hard-driven jump serves. * Receiving the serve is vital to success for any team. Poor reception of service puts teams hoping to get a sideout at a huge disadvantage right from the beginning. If the person receiving the serve is unable to make a good pass to the setter, then the setters task of setting a good ball to the spiker is made that much more difficult. Receiving the serve sets the tone, then, for the whole offensive sequence that follows.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Analysis of Vietnams Logistics Industry
Analysis of Vietnams Logistics Industry Vietnam has developed economy markedly after adopting economic reforms in 1986, becoming one of the fastest growing economies in Asia. The incessant efforts of the state towards international economic integration such as the implements of bilateral trade agreements, achieving memberships of the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) and, most recently, entering to the World Trade Organization (WTO), has made further strong changes in Vietnams trade and economic regime. However, to continue impression by state economic growth, Vietnam needs to pass challenges such as reforming its regulatory environment and legal framework and, equally important, improving the infrastructure for the transportation and logistics sectors. Transportation and logistics have important role in Vietnams development. This study will focus on Viet Nams logistics industry that can continue to be facilitators of countrys economic progress, however there are a number of potential challenges that must first be addressed. 1. Introduction Vietnam is one of fastest-growing sourcing and manufacturing locations in the world average export growth rate was the highest in the region during the last decade. The country has become a focal point for off-shore purchase for global manufacturers looking for even lower cost locations than others in Area. By favorable conditions, there are opportunities as well as challenges for the transport and logistics sector in Viet Nam. This research will analyze Vietnam logistics industry through models such as Porters five force, PESTLE analysis and Product life cycle to introduce recommendations for development of logistics industry in Vietnam 2. Porters five force analysis Source: Threats of new entrants High Threat of new entry can be characterized as high due to Vietnam must entirely open the logistics market for foreign companies in 2012 following its commitment to the World Trade Organization (WTO). This is a big difficulty for Vietnamese logistics businesses that have to compete with foreign companies that have greater capital and better competitiveness. Threat of substitutes Medium E-commerce will open a new market for players in the logistics field. Logistics and distribution systems that function efficiently and effectively in all respects will be crucial for the success of the companies involved. This implies that manufacturing companies, and especially logistics companies, must identify and create effective logistics solutions in order to compete on the marketplace. Bargaining power of suppliers Medium The inefficiencies of the air and ocean transportation system and a lack of supporting infrastructure on the landside, including warehousing and depot facilities are hampering the growth of efficient logistics practices in the country. However, Government initiatives to improve logistics infrastructure and increased participation of international operators are expected to improve the logistics landscape in Vietnam. Bargaining power of buyers Medium/High The Vietnamese logistics industry has great potential for development, which domestic businesses have not yet made the most of. At this time, domestic companies handle just 18 percent of total import-exports, with the rest being catered for by foreign logistics companies. Inadequate logistics infrastructure including incomplete road systems running to seaports, warehouses, and airports has resulted in increased logistics costs. This disadvantage has hampered the development of the Vietnamese logistics sector. Rivalry among existing firms High There are more than 800 mostly small-sized logistics businesses in Vietnam, and they remain modest in terms of capital, technology and manpower. In addition, logistics infrastructure is inadequate, and there are many legal barriers hindering the development of logistics in Vietnam. Leading international logistics companies are expected to expand their presence in Vietnam through direct investment and joint ventures. The operating environment for service providers is likely to improve as the understanding of the benefits of an integrated logistics system increases among policy makers and end-users. Presently, the Vietnam shipping industry is dominated by international carriers who are able to provide global coverage and a wide range of services. The local carriers are largely focused on domestic and regional shipping services within South East Asia. As a result of the terms for accession to the WTO, Vietnam has allowed foreign shipping companies to establish joint ventures with majority foreign ownership. 2. Analysis on PESTLE of Vietnamese logistics industry PESTLE analysis is used to identify factors of macro environments of Viet Nam in logistics industrial development relying on five basic elements such as Politics, Economy, Society, Technology, Legal and Environment. Political factor Laws and regulations effected within the logistics industry are dependent on the political environment which formulates such laws and regulations. Governmental policies and regulations of Viet Nam on the logistics industry are not clear enough to create conditions for the countrys fledgling logistics industry to develop. Recently, favorable policies for industrial activity have led to the growth of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) flows and the establishment of more privately-owned Vietnamese enterprises. This has given great momentum to the nations industrial sector and resulted in the multi-fold growth of its international trade. Table 1 Strength of investor protection index (0-10) Indicator Vietnam East Asia Pacific OECD Average Extent of disclosure index (0-10) 6 5.1 5.9 Extent of director liability index (0-10) 0 4.6 5.0 Ease of shareholder suits index (0-10) 2 6.3 6.6 Strength of investor protection index (0-10) 2.7 5.3 5.8 Source: Economic scale The businesses expanded beyond national boundaries and extended their global reach to take advantage of new markets and cheaper resources, so the movements of goods created new demands for the transportation and logistics industry. Rising inflation and global competition gave rise to greater pressures on businesses to minimise the costs of operation, including implementation of just-in-time inventory management systems, etc., and also created demands for speed and accuracy in all aspects of business. Vietnams imports and exports have been consistently increasing and the economy has shown a healthy growth rate of on average 7.6 percent per annum between 2001- 2006. The countrys exports and imports for the year 2008 totalled US$ 144 billion, a 21 percent increase from 2007. The increased trading activity had created strong demand and huge opportunity to the logistics service providers, especially in the freight forwarding sector. Figure 1 Viet Nam total exports and imports 1990 2008 (Unit: Millions of USD) Source: General statistics office of Viet Nam Moreover, foreign investment has also been rising steadily in the Vietnamese logistics sector and is expected to increase further with the countrys entry to the WTO. There are a large number of foreign logistics companies which are in the process of obtaining or have already obtained their licences to operate as a wholly foreign owned companies or joint ventures in Vietnam. With the increasing penetration of multinationals, the market is expected to grow during the next five years, with service levels reaching international standards. In Vietnam, the Government aims to invest as much as 10 percent of its GDP on infrastructure including the transport, energy and telecommunications sectors. The private sector is expected to play an expanded role in financing the highway, seaport and airport projects. Improved infrastructure developments and ancillary services such as warehousing, depots and distribution centres will further boost the demand for logistics services and create huge business opportunities for the existing logistics service providers. Figure 2 Foreign direct investment projects licensed in period 1988 2008 Source: General statistics office of Viet Nam Social force The inadequate human resources for logistics services have not been well-trained and enterprises suffer a shortage of qualified logistics experts. In an effort to keep pace with these demands, as well as cater to the needs of the worlds 13th largest population, the Vietnamese Government has invested heavily in upgrading its transport infrastructure. However overall, its record of success can best be described as mixed. While Vietnams vast network of inland waterways transport goods efficiently throughout the country, an inadequate road network less than 20% paved and limited railway capacity have prevented Vietnam from meeting its full transport potential. On the other hand, Vietnams rapidly growing air and seaport industry has facilitated a higher volume of trade, lending hope that improvements across all transport networks will have a similar effect. Technological force The inadequate information system of Viet Nam logistics industry is leading to be ineffective. Vietnam is legging behind others countries in the Region in EDI and E- Commerce applications. A number of ASEAN countries have made substantial efforts to build up a public- private EDI, inter- ministry network to share the logistics information and to improve the industrys operations. VICT (Vietnam Internal of Commercial Technology) system of Vietnam is the only port operator using the EDI system, on standalone basis, which processes automated container billing, automated inventory management (container yard operation), automated gate operation (truck arrival and departure check), automated vessel operation (container loading and unloading management), and CFS stock management. Legal force In Vietnam, the regulatory and legislative standards such as customs clearance, ground handling, and terminal operations are highly complicated and not always consistent. The multiple layers of administration at district and provincial levels have also led to some reports of corruption and subsequent increase in both lead times and the cost of processing freight. Many seaports and airports also lack supporting logistics distribution centres, which can result in increased inventory and idle time for trucks, ships and planes.  Currently, the boundaries between the operations of various businesses such as freight forwarders, warehouse operators, fleet operators and integrated logistics companies are not well defined. They are often fragmented and do not generally complement each others business offerings, which can lead to duplication of effort, higher costs and lead times. The lack of information sharing, clarity on roles and responsibilities pose great challenge and can further hamper the growth of the logistics industry in Vietnam. Environmental factor The Vietnamese logistics industry also lacks experienced logistics professionals. This is a major challenge and drawback for the local as well as multinational logistics companies since they find it difficult to hire the right talent. Insufficient training and education in the field of logistics is also a major contributor to the scarcity of skilled personnel. The transport infrastructure is actually in bad condition and a corridor for multimodal transport has not been created while the needs for quality transport of goods between various means of transport are growing increasingly. Figure 3 Cargo transport of Viet Nam in 2009 Source: General statistics office of Viet Nam 4. The Drivers of change of the Logistics industry The regulations of government, national transportation and infrastructure system, business environment, cost and time of services are defined main forces that dives change of logistics industry in Viet Nam. Regulations of governments relevant policies Vietnam had acquired about US$ 80 billion (2008 state est.) in FDI, directed towards more than 6,000 projects. The FDI inflow will continue as more investors realise the potential opportunities that the country has to offer. However, the complex legal and regulatory environment, arising from an uncoordinated model of policy implementation, is a major concern for private and foreign investors. This is a significant reason for the low participation of private investors in critical sectors such as infrastructure development. National transportation and infrastructure system The road, rail and air transportation network lag significantly behind international standards and hence account for a low share of the overall transportation market. The improvement of these networks will greatly enhance the countrys ability to develop its domestic and international connectivity. This will bring significant benefits to its trade growth as well as the transportation, logistics and tourism industries. Trade environment Vietnam has good potential to develop into a major Asian shipping hub. However, the lack of world-class deep water port facilities is limiting its potential to fully develop shipping and related industries. Encouraging the participation of international shipping and port operators would add great momentum to the sector. However, there will be a need for greater transparency in policy making and to place greater emphasis on economic considerations over political expediency. In the past decade, Vietnams containerized volumes have grown every year by almost 20 percent, but the delay in upgrading and expanding of ports has resulted in continued inefficiency and potential congestion problems. Weak landside infrastructure is another major concern for both service providers and users. Table 2 Trading across borders in 2009 Region or Economy Documents to export (number) Time to export (days) Cost to export (US$ per container) Documents to import (number) Time to import (days) Cost to import (US$ per container) East Asia Pacific 6.7 23.1 909.3 7.1 24.3 952.8 Eastern Europe Central Asia 6.5 26.8 1,581.8 7.8 28.4 1,773.5 Latin America Caribbean 6.8 18.6 1,243.6 7.3 20.9 1,481.0 Middle East North Africa 6.4 22.5 1,034.8 7.4 25.9 1,221.7 OECD 4.3 10.5 1,089.7 4.9 11.0 1,145.9 South Asia 8.5 32.4 1,364.1 9.0 32.2 1,509.1 Sub-Saharan Africa 7.8 33.6 1,941.8 8.8 39.4 2,365.4 Viet Nam 6 22 756 8 21 940 Source: Costs and time Lastly, the development of its logistics industry will significantly enhance Vietnams competitiveness through the reduction of transportation and inventory costs, shorter lead times for delivery to destination markets and an overall improvement in the efficiency and security of the movement of goods and materials. Currently, logistics costs are a significant contributor to the high cost of doing business in Vietnam. Over the last 10 years, increased competition and the improved level of logistics services has significantly reduced this cost. 5. The life-cycle model Source: Vietnams economy is expected to continue to grow at above 6% for the next five years and between 5 and 6% in the following five years. The share of the industrial and services sectors within GDP composition will continue to grow. Vietnamese logistics industry is considered stand between growth and shakeout stages (X). The experience of its neighbours (Singapore, China, and Hong Kong) will serve as useful examples of how to develop logistics industry. Government policies focus on transforming Vietnam into a market economy and continuing international economic integration. There is an opportunity to improve this further through investment in new infrastructure as well as new processes and technology to meet international standards. This will support for main national industries, including transportation and logistics to continue growth in the future. 6. Scenario Analysis Redesigning of regulations and business laws based on association of small units to facilitate trade operations faster, cheaper and more effective The industry is highly fragmented with an estimated 800 operators competing for business. Most operate on a small scale and have limited coverage, service range and information technology (IT) capabilities. Service providers face several challenges, including inconsistent regulations across various levels of administration and a lack of skilled manpower. It is necessary to encourage members to work in collaboration with each other on the basis of utilising enterprises advantages (physical facilities, information systems, and othersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦) for one-stop shop provision of services, and expanding domestic and overseas range of business operations. Improvement of technology, the national transportation system as development of roads, infrastructure, landside and international airport. There is a critical need, however, to develop road and landside infrastructure in order to facilitate the efficient movement of the increased volume of goods. Upgrading of the existing airports at Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi to support larger volumes of cargo is also urgently required. The increased emphasis placed on developing the electronics and hi-tech sectors by the Government will give renewed impetus to further develop its air facilities, as these products require more sophisticated and secure modes of delivery and shorter transit times. Proposed new ports around the two major economic centres of Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi could result in a significant improvement of infrastructure. The development of deep water ports is also likely to significantly boost international cargo activity linked with Vietnam and decrease overloaded flows of goods at two bigger ports as Ho Chi Minh and Hai Phong. The earlier development of the new international airport at Long Thanh, in the province of Dong Nai next to Ho Chi Minh City will bring about much needed additional capacity. Again, the concurrent development of an improved road network to connect to the new airport will be required to avoid the creation of new bottlenecks. Training and human resources The process of getting aware of the importance of logistics, building logistics management skills and enhancing the ability to translate logistics theory into logistics practice needs some amount of time. The Government is to have a policy to assist enterprises and schools in order to step up the task of training under various flexible forms, providing human resources for the industry. On their part, enterprises need to seek funding and cooperation in human resource training from foreign countries.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Karl Rahner And The Anonymous Christian Theology Religion Essay
Karl Rahner And The Anonymous Christian Theology Religion Essay Before we go into talking about Karl Rahners idea of the anonymous Christian, let me tell you a little bit about Karl Rahner himself. Most of my information about Karl Rahner comes from the Karl Rahner Society. When you get a chance, you should check out the website. There is a lot more information on there about his life and some of his works. Karl Rahner was born in Freiburg, Germany on March 5, 1904 and died in Innsbruck, Austria, March 30, 1984. In 1922, Rahner entered the Jesuit order and he was soon one of the most influential Roman Catholic theologians in the Vatican II era. He wrote many essays that covered a broad range of topics. Most of these essays were on what concerned the Catholics from the 1940s to the 1980s. His essays provided many resources for both academic and pastoral theology. Karl Rahner was very popular in his native German-speaking countries. He became popular through his teaching, lectures, editorial labors and membership in learned societies. Rahner was published in international publications like Concilium and he had a large collection of works. Rahner also enjoyed a positive reception of his contributions by many Protestant thinkers. After Rahners service as an official papal theological expert from 1960 to 1965, his influence became more evident. The term anonymous Christian was thought up by Karl Rahner in an attempt to explain how non-Christians could still be saved by the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ. To better understand how Rahner arrives at his concept of the anonymous Christian, it is important to first understand the basis of Rahners ideas. Karl Rahner was greatly influenced by Immanuel Kant and two contemporary Thomists, Joseph Marà ©chal and Pierre Rousselot. Marà ©chal and Rousselot were said to play a major role in the influence Rahners understanding of Thomas Aquinas. The basis of Rahners thoughts comes from his belief of Gods self-communication. Rahner says the self-communication of God is transcendent. It transcends all of the tangible means in history by which we have known God, such as holy people, places, and things. He says we all know God when he communicates to us. God communicates by becoming immediate to us. We recognize God as a supporter, or someone who fills an emptiness when we need help because God hears our unconscious call and fills that emptiness. Through this communication God offers people forgiveness. This thinking process is what leads Karl Rahner to the idea of the anonymous Christian. Rahners first two books were Spirit in the Word and Hearer of the Word. Through these books and in Rahners essays, it shows his way of thinking and believing. Rahner believes that God is in all things and he shows a deep devotion to Jesus and the Catholic doctrine. Rahner talks about the anonymous Christian in an interview provided to Rev. Norman Wong Cheong Sau in an article titled Karl Rahners Concepts of the Anonymous Christian an Inclusivist View of Religions; in this article, Rahner provided his personal definition of an anonymous Christian: We prefer the terminology according to which a man is called anonymous Christian who on the one hand has de facto accepted of his freedom this gracious self-offering on Gods part through faith, hope and love, while on the other he is absolutely not yet a Christian at the social level (through baptism and membership of the Church) or in the sense of having consciously objectified his Christianity to himself in his own mind (by explicit Christian faith resulting from having hearkened to the explicit message.) We might therefore, put it as follows: the anonymous Christian in our sense of the term is the pagan after the beginning of the Christian mission, who lives in the state of Christs grace through faith, hope, and love, yet who has no explicit knowledge of the fact that his life is orientated in grace-given salvation to Jesus Christ. In another interview with the State of Catholic Theology Today, Karl Rahner answers a question about his anonymous Christian idea. Interviewer: Tell us something about your ideas on what you call anonymous Christianity. Rahner: Anonymous Christianity means that a person lives in the grace of God and attains salvation outside of explicitly constituted Christianityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Let us say, a Buddhist monkà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ who, because he follows his conscience, attains salvation and lives in the grace of God; of him I must say that he is an anonymous Christian; if not, I would have to presuppose that there is a genuine path to salvation that really attains that goal, but that simply has nothing to do with Jesus Christ. But I cannot do that. And so, if I hold if everyone depends upon Jesus Christ for salvation, and if at the same time I hold that many live in the world who have not expressly recognized Jesus Christ, then there remains in my opinion nothing else but to take up this postulate of an anonymous Christianity. A non-anonymous Christian is someone who has accepted Christ into their lives. Someone who lives with the grace of Gods grace, love, hope and understanding. A person who declares themselves a Christian is someone who has been baptized and lives by Gods laws. Rahner basis his belief in the anonymous Christian as someone who lives a Christian lifestyle, but has not yet declared himself a true Christian. According to Rahner, to declare yourself a true Christian, you must be baptized, attend mass, and pray in the traditional standard way. A true Christian should live in a Christ like manner and follow Gods laws. This type of person declares themselves a Christian in every way possible: the way they talk, the way they pray, and their absolution from original sin. Think of Mother Teresa, she would be a good example of a declared Christian. She followed Gods words and teachings and accepted Jesus in her life. Rahner accepts the idea that there is more than one way to reach God. He says through Jesus is only but one way. Gandi can be an example of an anonymous Christian. Although, he did not call himself a Christian by name, he lived in a Christ like manner. Gandhi followed his religion faithfully and lived by Gods laws. On page 75 of the Rahner Reader there is a quote that describes how Gandhi could be called an anonymous Christian, The mind of even the anonymous Christian is raised to the supernatural order by the grace of Christ, philosophy is not purely secular activity. The best of modern philosophy should be considered the self-reflection of a mind to which God has revealed himself implicitly through his grace. Through Gandhis self-awareness and through his though process, he has Christian like beliefs. Though Gandhi is not a declared Christian, he would be considered an anonymous Christian because his lifestyle and beliefs brought him into the grace of God. Can just anyone become an anonymous Christian The answer is yes, but the answer to this question is also based on a persons beliefs, their way of thinking, and their supernatural salvation. God denies no man. Gods grace is open to all men, according to Rahner. Jesus Christ died on the cross for all mens salvation. Even the ones who dont realize it will still be saved. This must mean that the non-Christians who end up in heaven must have received the grace of Christ without their realizing it. Again, this is where we get the term, Anonymous Christian. This idea and thinking can cause some mind-boggling issues. Upon doing my research on this subject on the internet, I came across some other peoples point of view on the subject. The main question that really stood out to me was If I am going to be saved anyway, then why should I convert to Christianity? While this is a good question and made me do some further research. When you take a minute and actually think about the question at hand, it is a horrible way for someone to think. Yes, you will probably get into heaven anyway because Jesus already died on the cross for our sins, but wouldnt you want to convert to Christianity to give yourself an even better chance of getting into heaven And there again, it all depends on the person and their personal beliefs. The Catholic Church believes that, although Christ is the Savior of the human race, a person does not have to know him personally to be saved. I think Rahner is just trying to get that message across to people through his works and his idea of the anonymous Christian. Salvation can only come through Christ, but God makes offers of salvation to non-Christians through their culture and own religion. Those who accept this offer are these anonymous Christians. Rahner says that even though they are not aware of Christ, they are saved by accepting Gods supernatural offer of grace through Christ. I can believe in this. If someone shows that they are a good person and does good things for themselves and other people (Think back to Gandhi and Mother Teresa) then I believe they will get into heaven regardless of their religion. I believe this because God sees that they are good people and that they have accepted Gods grace (knowingly or un-knowingly) into their lives. A persons actions determine whether or no they are worthy of Gods grace. The world is full of anonymous Christians. Some are people we walk by every day. In a summary, the term anonymous Christian to Karl Rahner could refer to a person who believes in the teachings of Jesus Christ, but is also someone who is not associated with any organized religion. Anonymous Christian could also be a term used for someone who does not wish to reveal their religious identity. Basically Karl Rahner is keeping to the Catholic religion in his belief that ALL people have a chance to be saved because Christ is the Savior of the human race. A person does not have to know Him personally to be saved. Rahner also insists that people should not give up on all missionary efforts. A persons chances at salvation are better if that person has an understanding of the Christian offer of grace.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Kant: The Pursuit of Fundamental Freedom Essay -- essays research pape
Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are the signs that all men deserve a fundamental freedom. The fact that man has the ability of reasoning calls for the need of a self-government. Reasoning will help the world progress towards an ideal society. Â Â Â Â Â Mankind declares its independence from other species of animals through the use of reason. The mind of man creates all the difference as he is able to choose his own way of life. However, with this gift from nature comes a negative factor that each individual human must face. As discussed by other philosophers, man is a self-interested creature. If every man does whatever he wants in life, society would be destroyed. In order to keep society away from chaos, a government needs to be enforced in order to keep m...
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Rhetoric in Violence as Entertainment by Folisi Essay -- videogames, cr
It is shocking to believe that just because you like videogames and crime shows you are a bad person. This article is one in which talks about people being obsess with violences. What would happen if just because you went to a story and got the the latest Grand Theft Auto videogame people would run for the hill and accuse you of being crazy.In this artical we are given the idea that if a person liked violent video games, and crime shows, then the person is up to no good.In his article, Violence as Entertainment, Folisi employs a variety of rhetorical devices to divert the reader's attention away from his lack of empirical evidence. The most effective of these devices is the use of multiple tones. To a lesser degree, Folisi also uses anecdotal evidence. This works directly against the author's goals, exposing the weaknesses in his arguments.Folisi alternates between authoritative and speculative tones throughout the article. This is utilized in several different ways. First, Folisi is able to pass off many of his assumptions as fact. The topic sentences of many paragraphs start with words such as ‘we’ and ‘our’, projecting the author’s personal thoughts and experiences out onto the rest of his audience. In this way, personal observations are subtly transformed into global assumptions. Consider for example the following excerpt: The fact is, these kinds of news stories fascinate us. But why? Does life in a modern technological world breed individuals who are more criminally incited or inclined? Is it somehow more difficult for us to cope with our lives, with our basic instincts and needs, in societies which are cut off from nature? Through disconnecting and dividing us from our true instinctual inner nature, has modern technologi... ...ts and outcasts, maladjusted in schools and in society at large.†Because he is so eager to apply rhetoric from every possible angle, Folisi accidentally provides a counterargument to everything he has said. This goes unaddressed, as the author fails to recognize what he has done. As a result, the reader is left to question the article, possibly more than they would have had no argument been given at all. In all, Folisi has a strong rhetoric but his lack of practical evidence illuminates the shortcomings in his argument. Additionally, his attempt at using pathos to emotionally engage the reader ultimately flounders and in fact works against him. To make his argument stronger, Folisi desperately needs to rethink his use of pathos and develop stronger evidence. In conclusion readers will be able to expand their thinking and ideas about why people commit crimes.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Coke Zero Essay
Describe the specific type of consumer that the Coca- Cola Company is targeting with each of the following products: Diet Coke, Coke Zero, Diet Cola, Plus, Coca- Cola Blak, and Full Throttle Blue Demon. What types of demographic segmentation is each product’s marketing most likely to include? The Coca- Cola Company has many different types of products that are marketed towards certain demographics. One of Coca- Colas most popular carbonated drink is Diet coke. Diet Coke is marketed to consumers concerned with nutrition and looking for a low- calorie drink, specifically men when first introduced. Originally Coca Cola thought to Market the drink towards men, but due to the â€Å"feminine stigma†and aspartame- sweetened after taste that turned some consumers against the product . Diet Coke is currently marketed towards women who want to lose weight. Coke zero is designed to target consumers such as younger people. Coke Zero was designed to offer an alternative low calorie drink to people who didn’t really drink Coca- Cola classic or Diet Coke. Diet coke plus, which is a sweeter version of diet coke is fortified with vitamins and minerals, this drink is marketed towards consumers that want to take in less calories and are health conscious . Coca cola blak, which is a cola with coffee essences is marketed to older, more sophisticated consumers who are willing to pay more. Full throttle blue demon, an energy drink with an azule flavor was designed to market towards Hispanic men. Most of the demographic segmentation that is most likely included in each products marketing for each type of drink is Gender, Age, Income level, and life style. Each demographic segmentation such as Gender and life style was described while reading about each product. One good example is Diet Coke. Since the word â€Å"diet†is used in the product name â€Å"Diet Coke†that attracts females because the word â€Å"diet†is used, but tended to turn away males, due to the drink having a reputation of a female image. When Coke Zero was created Coca Cola decided to not use the word â€Å"Diet†since it would most likely scare away males, who were the target consumer for this new drink. Using Demographic segmentation can really help make or break a product.
Operations Research Smu-de Mba Sem 2
Spring 2013 Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 1 MB0048 –Operations Research- 4 Credits (Book ID: B1631) Assignment Set – 1 (60 Marks) Note: Assignment Set -1 must be written within 6-8 pages. Answer all questions. Q1. Explain the scope of Operations Research. What are the features of Operations Research? 10 marks (300 – 350 words each) Q2. Six Operators are to be assigned to five jobs with the cost of assignment in Rs. given in the matrix below. Determine the optimal assignment.Which operator will have no assignment? Operators Jobs 1 2 3 4 5 1 6 2 5 2 6 2 2 5 8 7 7 3 7 8 6 9 8 4 6 2 3 4 5 5 9 3 8 9 7 6 4 7 4 6 8 10 marks Q3. a. Explain the Monte Carlo Simulation. b. A Company produces 150 cars. But the production rate varies with the distribution. Production Rate 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 Probability 0. 05 0. 10 0. 15 0. 20 0. 30 0. 15 0. 05 At present the track will hold 150 cars. Using the following random numbers etermine the average number of cars waiting for shipment in the company and average number of empty space in the truck. Random Numbers 82, 54, 50, 96, 85, 34, 30, 02, 64, 47. 5 +5 = 10 marks (200 – 250 words each) Q4. Explain the Characteristics and Constituents of a Queuing System. 10 marks (300 – 350 words each) Spring 2013 Q5. a. What do you mean by dominance? State the dominance rules for rows and columns. b. Find the saddle point of the following game and state the optimum strategies for layers A and B A B 1 2 3 4 5 1 9 3 1 8 0 2 6 5 4 6 7 3 2 4 4 3 8 4 5 6 2 2 1 5 +5 = 10 marks (200 – 250 words each) Q6. a What are the differences between PERT and CPM? b. A project has eleven activities whose duration is given in the following table: Activity 0-1 1-2 1-3 2-4 2-5 3-4 3-6 4-7 5-7 6-7 7-8 Duration (days) 2 8 10 6 3 3 7 5 2 8 3 i. Draw the network ii. Identify the critical activities and critical path. 5 +5 = 10 marks (200 – 250 words each)
Friday, August 16, 2019
Machinery Of The Fume Scrubber Engineering Essay
The geographic expedition in this undertaking evolves about the designing of the components in the machinery of the FUME SCRUBBER in the present twenty-four hours universe. Furthermore, the principal characteristics besides include significance of fume scrubber and its applications in the modern epoch. At the same minute is besides reveals about the facts of distinct parts of the machine and the operation of the machine. Following, it besides explores the design computations in order for the successful completion of the undertaking. It besides does include information about the basic survey of the Fume Scrubber that how it is created. The research besides reveals about the distinguishable types of smoke scrubbers available in today ‘s period. Consequently, it besides comprises of the CAD Model of the needed Fume Scrubber via utilizing PRO-E. In add-on, the theoretical account was re-done in order to obtain the Computation Fluid Dynamic Analysis for the flow of fluids inside the Fume Scrubber. As a consequence, of the applications, as elaborated in the undermentioned study the FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS has besides been justified. Therefore, the undertaking FUME SCRUBBER is illustrated in this study with the easiness of CAD Model. Introduction In the modern universe today, promotion in engineering via industries is at its highs. This sweetening of universe has its ain advantages and disadvantages. The advantages consider the amenitiess of the world and the possible disadvantage is menace to conventional environment conditions. Therefore, the endurance of world is influenced by the environment and hence, protection of the environment is of extreme importance in today ‘s epoch. As a effect, FUME SCRUBBER has been introduced to protect the nature from the harmful milieus created due to human activities ( e.g. mineral extraction, metal processing etc ) Mounting pollution of the environment from industries has anticipated to the speedy augment in environmental wellness and authorities ordinances, the milieus are really parlous for the species on Earth to digest, hence to heighten the environmental conditions the subsequent smoke scrubber were utilised. Scrubbers are intended to proficiently extravagancy and extinguish toxic exhausts from the concern bring forthing toxic gases which bring about decrease in ozone bed and green-house consequence. Scrubbers are miniature in volume and can be positioned where appropriate. Making usage of a typical tubing surrounded by a tubing propose, it has been built from plastic acid and base immune stuff that permits it denominate expeditiously indulged and extinguish up to 95 % of fumes gases. The specifications of the fume scrubber discussed in this study comprise of: – Large figure of holes for spraying the liquid 289cm tallness of the scrubber 143litres/min scouring liquid flow 5.08cm tubing OD Scrubbers are significantly utilized in industrial furnaces, hotel, chemicals procedure works, fabric Millss, boilers, metalworks and cement workss. In add-on, they are operated in air pollution monitoring equipments, allied industries and vacuity wadding. Scrubbers have apparent advantages which consist of: – Low force per unit area depletion and least energy necessity Easy flexibleness and high turn down Maintenance free and noiseless operation No adult male power required Therefore, the undermentioned study would find the operations of the fume scrubber, ways of bettering its design in an effectual method and depicts the efficient disposal of the undertaking. The study will show the design process followed in planing the FUME SCRUBBER and it will demo the consequences of CFD analysis and FEA analysis every bit good as discoursing ways of bettering the public presentation. Besides, its constituents aid in adept apprehension of the operation and applications of the fume scrubber. Therefore, the undermentioned study makes possible in emerging out the successful completion of the marks.Aims/objectivesThe main purpose of the undertaking ( FUME SRUBBER ) is to plan the constituents that exist in the machinery of Fume Scrubber. In add-on, analyzing the importance of Fume Scrubber and its applications in the existent universe are besides the chief characteristics of the undertaking. The undertaking design can be achieved via design computations which can fart her be accomplished after the research about the machinery is carried out. Therefore, the research work involves the survey of distinct parts of the machine and the operation of the machinery. Consequently, the design computation leads to the preparation of the needed CAD theoretical account of the machine. Furthermore, enhanced analysis is carried out via executing the Finite Element Analysis of the system as the effects of lading are studied on the components of the setup. As a concluding point, the Computational Fluid Dynamics is besides involved to analyze the consequence of air flow in the Fume Scrubber. Last, the applications of the fume scrubber are to be elaborate via explicating the advantages of FUME SCRUBBERS in the industry.Design and Application of Fume ScrubberThere are assorted types of designs available in the industry for different applications. The primary aim of the fume scrubber is to undertake the caustic exhausts, moist gases and air flows with dust nowadays in an industrial environment. There are three chief types of designs that have been developed in order to undertake the issue of remotion of contaminated air by purification procedure utilizing the appropriate fume scrubber. These are as listed below: Impingement Plate Scrubbers Packed bed Scrubbers Venturi Scrubbers Impingement Plate scrubbers are the scrubbers in which gas is passed vertically through all right perforations in a home base and is collided on marks and contacted with H2O or any other liquid fluxing horizontally across the home base. Pressure bead is one of the premier factors that determine the pick of scrubber. The figure and types of phases in home base scrubbers are specially designed to the conditions ; nevertheless these can be modified depending on alteration in the conditions or demands. Packed bed scrubbers are designed in such a manner that flow of gas rises, counter current to the flow of the scouring liquid through a jammed tower type construction, in which the taint or purification procedure takes topographic point. These types of scrubbers are besides designed in a horizontal alliance. The horizontal designed is used where multiple phase scouring is required or besides used in countries with less ceiling tallness. Venturi Scrubbers consists of an external venture subdivision which is designed to increase the speed of the incoming air before the air is combined with the scouring liquid and centrifuge where the remotion of contaminations take topographic point and hence sublimating the air. This type of scrubber is applied in procedures where condensation of liquid is present or metallic bluess are present or in the presence of chemical reaction which subsequently consequences in production of toxic exhausts for illustration ammonium chloride. Particle aggregation chiefly takes topographic point due to impaction as the fumes gas which is exhausted from the procedure and base on ballss through spray. The turbulency happening due to this causes the atoms to come in contact with the wet droplets and hence get collected. The efficiency of aggregation of atom additions with the nozzle force per unit area increasing which gives rise to an addition in liquid to gas ratio. This will besides ensue in an addition in force per unit area bead, which once more causes a rise to coerce bead. This type of scouring system has some restrictions every bit good such as care job. Venturi scrubbers are subjected scratch job in the high-speed countries such as the recess and mercantile establishment.3.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of ScrubberIn order to compare the scrubber in footings of working phenomena, the device is usually compared and evaluated with fabric filters and Electrostatic precipitators. The advantages of the scrubber over this device are as listed in the tabular array on the following page:AdvantageDisadvantagesCan work at high temperatures, high humidness Gas StreamsProne to corrosionMinimal exposure to fire and explosive jeopardiesRequires High PowerCan roll up both gases and particulate affairWater disposal jobsNo Secondary dust beginningDifficult merchandise recovery.Requires minimal infinite compared to other control devicesVertical clip demands height clearanceTable Advantages and Disadvantages of Fume Scrubber3.2 Construction MaterialsAs corrosion is one of the major job that could impact the systems behavior, the building of the scrubber is done chiefly in many different stuffs runing from Fibre reinforced plastic, PVC, CPVC, Polypropylene, Polyethylene, Mild steel, Stainless Steel, FRP-lined mild steel, nickel metals and aluminum. The building stuff choice procedure is based on the demands and design footing provided by the client.3.3 Suitable ApplicationsScrubbers can put to death the riddance of acidic, alkalic, soluble organic gasses, bluess, and odours get downing a gas watercourse. The jammed bed engineering scouring comprises the widest array of vapor and gas scouring maps. When fabrication of smoke scrubbers, it permit to choose the finest stuffs of production, in add-on to choose the finest wadding for the intent. Fume scrubber designed for the subsequent intents: Metal Pickling Lines Chemical Cleaning/Milling Lines Acid Etching Lines Acid /Chemical Bulk Storage Solvent Bulk Storage Metal Finishing Lines Metal Plating Lines Chemical Mixing Operations Chemical Processing Equipment Food Processing Pharmaceutical Blending Pharmaceutical Production3.4 EfficiencyScrubbers include a acute measure of vigorous surface country with arbitrary dumped packing. The packing stuff elected is sourced on the maps ; attesting that it rupture the liquid watercourse into legion, smooth surface movies that generate in-depth gas/liquid familiarity at a low force per unit area diminution. In the class of procedure, gas watercourses rises by agencies of a jammed bed although scouring liquid class down ( by gravitation ) over the packing stuff. The counter-flow lineations standard beliefs most favorable mass transportation.3.5 Benefits of Fume Scrubbers:Very Small Footprint Ease of Installation Variable Packing Height Local or Remote Blower Local or remote control panel Multiple Phases Height & A ; Width FlexibilitySignificance of fume scrubberIt is an air pollution control device that utilizes an inordinate energy liquid spray in order to eliminate aerosol and gaseous pollutants get downing an air watercourse. However, the gases are removed in two ways which are: – By soaking up Chemical reaction Gass are discharge from the burning procedure is conceded by agencies of armored combat vehicle enveloping a lime substance acknowledged as limestone slurry which can restrict and antagonize the S dioxide. Engineers concept and saddle horse high competency, depleted continuance smoke exhaust systems proposed to extinguish H2O soluble contaminations through gas soaking up and mechanical encroachment. These units can be standard-sized or usage built with the purpose of correspond to infinite and height boundaries or outline disposition. Appropriate smokes control setup in add-on necessitates the appropriate mechanism and system incorporation to be the chiefly efficient. In add-on to it, declaration to fume and wash up jobs by agencies of: Entire system design and integrating Automated pH control Performance information for air licenses Professional installing by experient applied scientists Extensive experience in system design Choice of proper stuffs of building Utilize high public presentation Lamtec wadding Flexibility in taking constituents for best public presentation Fume Scrubbers propose: Translating elements in gas watercourse into more effectual substances Geting rid of atoms from gas watercourses A choice of sizes, with the criterion sizes being: 24 †, 30 †, 36 †, 48 †and 60 †diameter scrubbers. Fabrication of both perpendicular and horizontal scrubbers harmonizing to your demands. Materials of creative activity utilised fluctuate depending on the chemical and procedure environments necessitated Fume scrubbers assembled are individually fabricated to extinguish mist, entrained liquid atoms, noxious caustic gases and bluess from the exhaust air watercourse. A jammed bed utilizing Lintec wadding is the bosom of the scrubber. Pollutant gases can normally be eliminated to any needed soaking up to convene confined air pollution ordinances. The pollutants are eliminated by agencies of the followers: Gas Absorption – toxic or otherwise unwanted gasses are captivated into the liquid section. Impingement – Particulate affair is eliminated by agencies of encroachment in the map of it is foremost forced by agencies of a moist packed bed and so by agencies of a stripe blade or mesh tablet filters subdivision.Equations used in fume scouring:The gases normally scrubbed include HCl produced from metal pickling. This is removed by a neutralization reaction with sodium hydrated oxide. The reaction is shown below: Another common smoke gas is azotic oxide every bit good as other N oxides. These will usually respond with the O in the air and the H2O vapor to organize azotic acid. Since it is acidic, azotic acid can be scrubbed by utilizing base. Nitrogen oxides tend to be produced from burning reactions. The reaction for this is: The merchandises of the scouring are so dissolved in the H2O and taken off from the air. Another common pollutant is sulphur dioxide. This is a gas that is produced by assorted industrial procedures such as doing semiconducting materials, batteries, and burning of sulfur incorporating fossil fuels. This gas, like N oxides, dissolves in H2O to organize sulfuric acid which is scrubbed with the usage of base. The undermentioned chemical reactions are known to take topographic point. A closely related pollutant is hydrogen sulphide gas. This is treated in a similar manner to sulfur dioxide. The chemical reactions speaking topographic point in the fume scrubber are: The salt merchandise of the reaction is taken off with the H2O therefore liberating the air from the H sulfide gas. One common gas is carbon dioxide gas. This is produced chiefly by burning and when heating carbonates. It is responsible for planetary heating and can be removed by change overing it into a carbonate that can be dissolved off from the air by the H2O. The chemical used is sodium hydrated oxide and the merchandise of the reaction is baking sodium carbonate, Na carbonate. The reaction is: Unburned hydrocarbons are besides an issue. These are dealt with by oxidizing them utilizing hydrogen peroxide or carboxylic acids. The merchandises are carbon dioxide and H2O. These can be farther scrubbed to bring forth carbonates to acquire rid of the C dioxide. The equations are: AndType of scrubberWet scrubberA development of pollution manipulates engineering. The chief principal of operation of the moisture fume scrubber is the usage of liquids in wetting the air fluxing indoors. The contaminations will fade out into the liquid thereby traveling from the gas stage to the liquid stage. The air that leaves the scrubber is well cleaner than that air which entered it. The wet fume scrubber is able to command the flow of many pollutants including acids and the acidic gases e.g. HCl, SO2 etc that are produced from the assorted industrial procedures when handling metals. Wet scrubber is operated to scour assorted pollutants for case air and dust atoms. The operation of wet scouring involves contact of particulate affair along with the scouring solution for case H2O, complex solutions of reagents that peculiarly aim for house compounds. In add-on to this, the efficiency of the fume scrubber must be high to take all or bulk of the pollutants. In order for this to be achieved, the following techniques could be implemented: Increasing abode clip in the scrubber Increasing the surface country of the scrubber ‘s solution utilizing spray nose, packed towers. Bettering the soaking up of contaminations by taking an appropriate liquid There are two chief types of moisture smoke scrubbers. The first 1 is the venture nozzle type and the 2nd 1 is the jammed bed fume scrubber. An illustration of a wet fume scrubber is shown in figure 1 below. Mention: – Wang, Lawrence K, Pereira, Norman L & A ; Hung, Yung TSE. ( 2004 ) Air Pollution Control Engineering ( Volume1 ) : Wet Scrubber. USA: Human Press IncFigure 1, an illustration of a wet fume scrubber [ 1 ]The venture type moisture fume scrubber uses a individual nose to spray the liquid at really high force per unit area into the reaction chamber. The high force per unit area flow is aimed at the bottleneck of the chamber which is the venture subdivision. An of import and desirable effect of this manner of operation is that the venture wet fume scrubber does non necessitate the usage of a fan or a blower to travel and go around the air in the system as the force per unit area distribution creates the forces necessary for this to go on. Because of this, the venture type moisture fume scrubber is besides called ouster venture scrubber. Another of import facet of the operation is that this type of wet fume scrubber can non straight take contaminations and exhausts with a tom sizes less than a micrometer. Since the ouster venture wet fume scrubber relies on the force per unit area and turbulency to blend the air and the liquid together, so an addition in force per unit area which leads to an addition in turbulency will maximize the commixture of the two flows ( the contaminated air and the liquid ) therefore taking to an addition in efficiency. The 2nd type of wet fume scrubber is known as the jammed bed moisture fume scrubber. Here a blower is used to coerce the air with contaminations to travel to the commixture chamber where the pollutants are removed. This type of wet smoke scrubbers requires less energy to run. However, it can non take atoms less than 5 microns in size. [ 2 ] [ 3 ]Dry scrubberDry scrubbers comprises of a chemical interpolation zone followed by manner of a reaction zone where the pollutant in the gas kernel treated counters with the base. Dry scouring involves two criterion procedures which are at present utilised in industries. First, a dry soaking up which introduces powered alkali soaking up agent addicted to foul gas watercourse. Second, semidry ; this instills resolute slurry into the contaminated gas watercourse and eliminates the liquid by agencies of vaporization, separating the vigorous, dry base soaking up agent. Both the procedures mentioned above eradicate base agent with an electrostatic pr ecipitator. [ 4 ] Mention: – Wang, Lawrence K, Pereira, Norman L & A ; Hung, Yung TSE. ( 2004 ) Air Pollution Control Engineering ( Volume1 ) : Dry Scrubber. USA: Human Press IncStructures of smoke scrubbersVertical smoke scrubberThe perpendicular assembly is a counter-flow type with contaminated gas traveling upwards and reticulating liquid spraying downward into the mixing country. Gaseous contaminations are absorbed by the liquid due to solubility degrees or by chemical reaction. Counter-flow scrubbers can hold higher remotion efficiency than a Horizontal Packed Bed Scrubber. The perpendicular counter-flow design typically provides the best scrubbing efficiency of bluess and is the most common design found in most industries. Figure 2 below shows an illustration.Figure 2 a perpendicular packed bed fume scrubberHorizontal smoke scrubberThis is a cross-flow design where the scouring liquid flows vertically downwards while the gas passes horizontally through the wadding commixture subdivision. A Horizontal Packed Bed Scrubber is used when limited headway is an issue at a installation or when low profile is desired for roof-top applications. Multiple phases can be easy provided in one lodging with separate sumps and pumps if required. The cross-flow design is less susceptible to bed fouling for airstreams that may incorporate solid particulate.Figure 3 A horizontal packed bed fume scrubberComponent of fume scrubberRECIRCULATING Tank CONVERGENT TOP CONE Scrub Tank MIST ELIMINATOR RECIRCULATING Pump Motor WITH BLOWER NOZZLE PIPE HOOD / DUCTFunction of constituentRECIRCULATING Tank: –Bacillus AFigure Water armored combat vehicle in a fume scrubberIt comprises of combination of legion chemical intents for scouring process and H2O provender in the function of put in for the unneeded elements to repair downwards which has been set away through mercantile establishment port. It is utilised to allow efficient use of the trustee. In this undertaking H2O is utilized in such a manner that it will blend with the dust atoms coming from the recess and will settle at the underside of the armored combat vehicle. The armored combat vehicle has a drainage mercantile establishment which will be used when the armored combat vehicle requires emptying and cleaning procedure. This is denoted by missive A in the above figure Letter B denotes at the mercantile establishment of the H2O armored combat vehicle, which is connected to the recirculating pump. This so drives the H2O upward which will be sprinkled in the scouring armored combat vehicle as explained subsequently.Convergent Top cone: –Figure Convergent Top ConeThe above figure is of a convergent cone which is comprises of the top subdivision of the fume scrubber tower. The portion is designed in such a manner that it provides a meeting way to the fluid to flux out of the fume scrubber. The convergent form allows the fluid flow to be extracted at a higher speed ensuing in a lessening in a force per unit area. This is supported by Bernoulli ‘s equation. On the top face of the convergent cone an extractor goon is placed which will make a force per unit area differential resulting in the suction of the pure air.Scrubing armored combat vehicle: –Calciferol C Bacillus AFigure Scrubbing TankThe inner of the armored combat vehicle is enveloped in the thick of acerb cogent evidence for case acid brick and it is a location where scouring development takes topographic point. Scrubing armored combat vehicle interruptions free toxic stuff and gases from air, which so gets assorted with the H2O and is deposited in the H2O armored combat vehicle as mentioned earlier. The armored combat vehicle has three recesss and one mercantile establishment. Letters a‚? , B and C are recesss and Letter is Outlet. Inlet A is the chief recess to the scouring armored combat vehicle this is from where the air enters the scouring armored combat vehicle. The air come ining the scouring armored combat vehicle is a assorted air i.e. with drosss. The elaborate dimensions of all the parts can be found in the undertaking logbook. Inlet B is the recess from which the H2O is sprinkled in to the scouring armored combat vehicle. This sprinkled H2O is will so unite with the drosss or dust and will therefore settle in the H2O armored combat vehicle at the underside of the construction. The sprinkled H2O enters the scouring armored combat vehicle by agencies of the recirculating pump connected externally. Inlet C and Outlet D are the countries where a wadding medium is placed. The ground behind the fond regard of the wadding media is to supply a maximal surface contact between the gas and the scouring liquid by easing uninterrupted formation of droplets throughout the jammed bed. This will ensue in addition in efficiency of a scrubber. The efficiency is besides depended on the tallness of the packing stuff. This maintains a unvarying volume and flow. Besides provides a high liquid to gas ratio.Moisture Eliminator: –Figure Mist EliminatorMist Eliminator is a device that is placed in order to maintain the liquid in the vas. The ground behind add-on of this characteristic is that without this characteristic the droplets become airborne and are carried out of the vas by traveling fluid which causes job as liquid gets collected in the part where it is non meant to be present. This device is besides referred to as Moisture Eliminator or Moisture centrifuges. The image below describes a general procedure of how a wet eliminator works.Figure Working process of a Mist Eliminator [ 5 ]As it can be seen from figure 5 Mist eliminator captures the liquid drains. Mist is carried by vapor. The overhead vapor shown in the figure is free of all the drosss that are being suctioned by the goon.RECIRCULATING Pump: –Figure Recirculation PumpThe chief map of the recirculation pump is to supply H2O to the scouring armored combat vehicle. The pump is driven by the motor which is fixed to the land. The motor provides a impulsive force for the H2O to be pushed into the scouring armored combat vehicle. The H2O from the H2O armored combat vehicle is suctioned by this pump. One of the positive facets of the motor design is that it will non be affected even in the instance of a presence of chemical in the H2O.Blower is a constituent that will force the air to the ambiance. The blower consists of usher vanes that direct the air flow out of the system.Motor with BlowerFigure Moto r with BlowerNozzle Pipe: –Figure Pipe with NozzleThe above diagram is of a pipe holding little pores in it. These pores allow the scattering of H2O which is coming from the recirculating pump. The working of this constituent is in the same mode as that of the sprinkler. The efficiency of this portion will hold an consequence on the efficiency of the fume scrubber. This is because the sum of H2O sprinkled from this pipe will ensue in the sum of dust being collected.Hood: –ABacillusFigure HoodThe goon is a pipe linking the fume scrubber with the blower. Inlet A is connected to the top of the convergent top cone subdivision of the fume scrubber. Mercantile establishment B is connected to the blower which will so steer the air flow out of the system as explained earlier. The decompression sicknesss in the goon will do a difference in the force per unit area and this force per unit area should be overcome by the blower in order for the system to run successfully.615852347O peration of fume scrubber12111491610131Figure Fume Scrubber Set upFigure 10 shows a complete installing set up of the fume scrubber with each of the constituents separately labelled by different Numberss. The maps of each constituent are as explained earlier, but the following description will sketch the working of the fume scrubber in an industrial environment. First, the installing is done either in a perpendicular or horizontal orientation depending on the design specification. The design selected in this scenario is of perpendicular orientation. In this peculiar type of fume scrubber assorted air enters the recess at point 1 from the room, chamber, etc. at a specified value of the volume flow rate. Item 15 are the recesss and mercantile establishments of the packing media. The map of the wadding media is to cut down the speed of the air which is coming from the recess ( item 1 ) . This will blockade the assorted air. The air is so in the assorted province inside the point 2 ( sc ouring armored combat vehicle ) . At this point, the recirculation pump ( item 13 ) is started which will so pull the H2O from the mercantile establishment in H2O armored combat vehicle ( item 10 ) into the recirculation pump and is so discharged into the pipe ( item 6 ) and from this point onward the H2O so enters the scouring armored combat vehicle by agencies of sprinkler ( item 5 ) . The H2O is so assorted with the impure air. The dust atoms in the air so combines with the H2O doing it heavier and therefore deposited at the underside of the H2O armored combat vehicle. Item 3 is the wet eliminator which collects the H2O droplets and eliminates it from the vapor. This will forestall the H2O or wet from traveling into the goon via the top conelike subdivision ( item 4 ) of the scrubber. The pure air is drawn into the goon ( item 7 ) . This suction procedure is done with the assistance of the blower ( item 14 ) . The outlet terminal of the goon is connected to a subdivision of canal which consists of usher vanes ( point 9 ) , set up in such a manner that air is directed in the upward way towards the perpendicular canal ( item 8 ) which so discharges the pure air to the ambiance. The H2O from the H2O armored combat vehicle can be extracted manually detecting the H2O quality through a crystalline screen. After the armored combat vehicle is to the full emptied the H2O can be refilled into the armored combat vehicle by an extra recess which is located at the back terminal of the H2O armored combat vehicle every bit shown as figure 16 in the figure 10. The chief characteristic of the full procedure is the proper recirculation of H2O in the system, which mixes with the impure air to cut down the pollution degrees of the incoming gaseous mixture, therefore supplying a more purified and uncontaminated air to the ambiance leting a control in the air pollution and therefore lending to the decrease in the production of green house gases ensuing in the planetary heating.Cad theoretical account of fume scrubberFigure Isometric ViewThe CAD theoretical account was made of a jammed bed fume scrubber utilizing pro applied scientist. The fume scrubber was designed by piecing together different parts. The parts of the fume scrubber were modelled separately and so assembled together. The diagram above shows a fume scrubber with all parts assembled together. The bluish chamber has been made transparent to enable the reader to see the internal parts of the fume scrubber. The parts were explained separately in a old subdivision. The assembly was made by stipulating the restraints for each portion. For illustration, the bluish chamber is to be steadfastly attached to the ruddy base. Therefore, the restraints were specified that at the junction between the bluish chamber and the ruddy base, an Ten way and Y way restraint was applied. Another illustration is the long ruddy connection tubing that joins the bluish chamber at the top. In that instance, the restraints are that the axes go throughing through the Centres of each must be coinciding i.e. the cross subdivisions of the two tubings must be homocentric. The same can be applied to all the other parts in the assembly. After the basic construction of the fume scrubber has been made by piecing the single parts, the moving parts and the mechanisms had to be specified. The chief moving machine is the blower which made of the fan and the motor. First, the mechanism was specified. The mechanism used was a rotating articulation applied to the shaft of the fan and the blower. Then, the way of rotary motion of the mechanism was specified. Finally, the interaction with other parts of the assembly was specified. This is fundamentally to guarantee that no struggle occurs when the joint rotates e.g. such as the fan clashing with the base or with the ruddy goon. This was a really basic description of the methodological analysis employed in piecing the fume scrubber and making the gesture simulation. The figure 12 on the following page shows the front position of the fume scrubber for better apprehension of the system and besides the construction.Figure Fume ScrubberCFD of fume scrubberThe CFD ( Comp utational Fluid Dynamics ) analysis theoretical accounts the flow of the air through the fume scrubber. This gives a basic thought of the flight of the airstream and helps the interior decorators to modify the construction consequently. The CFD simulates how the watercourse behaves from entry to go out, and bespeaking the countries where the flow looses energy. The airstream used here is simulated at a volume flow rate of 10m3/s fluxing in from the chief recess country. Plots below are of the speed contour secret plans and of Velocity and Velocity in the y-direction.Figure: speed contour secret planFigure: Y – speed counter secret planThe graph shows the speed of the airstream at different countries of the flow inside the chief vas. As can be observed, the speed is the highest at the top of the fume scrubber, bespeaking that the air moves at a high velocity at the top. Areas at a low speed have dveloped whirls, which result due to air at opposite speeds fluxing adjacently, doing the speeds to call off out. Looking at the Y – speed secret plan, it can be seen that some portion of the recess air flow moves upwards straight, while another volume of air moves downwardly. This portion so bounces back in to the upwards traveling air and merges with the flow.Figure: Flow Trajectory of airstreamThe above secret plan gives a clear simulation of the flow forms of the air flow inside the construction signifier recess to outlet. As can be seen, th is trajectory representation mirrors the speed contour secret plans. Air moves from the recess in both the upwards and the downwards way. Upwards speed reaches its upper limit at the top of the mercantile establishment cone, while the other portion of the air flows back from the bottom towards the top. In the diagram, it can be seen that the air from the underside of the fume scrubber merges with the upwards fluxing air, which accelerates it further and tends to travel it towards the top mercantile establishment. The air flow simulated here is wholly disruptive. This means that the streamlines are non laminal and be given to travel in different waies once they exit the controlled infinite of the recess pipe. This pattern is true in the sense that a true complete laminar flow does non be in the existent universe, and to pattern the flight of the air as a turbulent fluid flow will give more accurate readings, which will be helpful in usage for farther computations which can be taken o ut for different parametric quantities.FEA of fume scrubberWhen planing a portion or constituent, it is necessary to analyze the elements and understand the forces impacting the operation of the system, and to set the construction consequently to obtain a successful theoretical account of the concluding merchandise. Transporting out the FEA ( Finite Element Analysis ) of a construction reveals the emphasis degrees, strain undertaken, and the supplanting of the construction under the applied force. There are assorted forces moving on the fume scrubber, nevertheless, the chief forces which apply a important consequence of the construction are the weight of the construction itself, the weight of the H2O in the H2O armored combat vehicle, and the force exerted by the inflowing airstream. However, sing the stuff selected for the fume scrubber, which is unstained steel 304, the initial premise is that the construction will hold a high value of the factor of safety, which is an optimal factor used to depict the dependability and sustainability of the fume scrubber.13.1 CalculationsSee Appendix for measure by measure computation carried out to cipher the weight of the construction. Besides the computation for the Head losingss in the recirculation pump can be found in the Appendix.13.2 AnalysisThe FEA analysis of the fume scrubber is evaluated by sing it being fixed at the base of the theoretical account. This ensures that the fume scrubber does non skid from its base. However some scrubbers might be intended to hold a sliding base, they have different specifications to go to to.Figure: fixture of the base of the H2O armored combat vehicleThe forces being applied on the construction are the weight and the force per unit area due to the H2O and air. However, the air is fluxing at a comparatively low velocity and due to its low denseness, it does non impact a force sufficient plenty to associate to the weight and H2O force per unit area, therefore it is omitted from the computations for the simplification of the modeling. Transporting out engagement of the chief construction, it provides with the values of the emphasis distribution, supplanting and the factor of safety of the construction. These belongingss are really utile when depicting the sum of force that the stuff can defy. It besides suffices as to how much excess burden above the design emphasis can be undertaken by the construction if needed.Figure: emphasis distributionThe figure shows the emphasis distribution across the construction due to the weight of the construction and the force per unit area on the H2O armored combat vehicle due to the H2O contained in it. As can be seen, the maximal emphasis occurs at the Centre of the H2O armored combat vehicle, which is about 39.2 MPa. This occurs because the centreline of the H2O armored combat vehicle experiences weight of the construction from the top and the reaction of the base from the underside, which tends to make a high emphasis at the center of the armored combat vehicle.Figure: supplant ing secret planThe supplanting secret plan mirrors the emphasis secret plan in footings of the critical countries where the supplanting is at a upper limit. Although the supplanting is higher on the armored combat vehicle than at the other countries, the value is comparatively low, approximately 0.09034mm and does non impact the armored combat vehicle in any physical position.Figure: factor of safety secret planAs represented by the factor of safety secret plan, the minimal factor of safety is about 5.27, which occurs at the H2O armored combat vehicle. This means that the construction can at least prolong about more than 5 times the emphasis that it was designed to achieve. This reflects the dependability and sustainability of the construction, which is really important to any company willing to put in it. This besides represents a step of the life-time of the fume scrubber, detailing how long the system will work expeditiously until it is sent to be scrapped.DiscussionThe usage of fume scrubbers in industry is increasing and is being incorporated in different procedures such as metal intervention, metal pickling, and machining. The efficiency of fume scrubbers available today can near 99.9 % . The procedure of smoke scouring is of import for the protection of the environment and for wash uping the gases and contaminated air produced or used by the assorted industrial procedures described above. The design of fume scrubbers is a long and iterative procedure. The demands for fume scrubbers are that they must be able to scour exhausts with atoms that can be less than five micrometers in size. The operation of the fume scrubber will differ harmonizing to the rule employed. These different rules of operation have been discussed in this study in item. Furthermore, a moisture packed bed perpendicular smoke scrubber has been described in inside informations in this study with the design procedure outlined and the analysis of the scrubber. The analysis included transp orting out a CFD analysis to see the public presentation of the scrubber in footings of decelerating down the air and supplying the force per unit area needed for the disruptive commixture of the smoke atoms and gases with the cleansing liquid ( which efficaciously works by fade outing the gases and atoms in the exhausts ) . In this peculiar design although is non shown here, many jobs were encountered in the design of this scrubber to enable the efficient commixture to take topographic point. So, the system was modified several times to make the coveted public presentation. In the CFD analysis, as discussed in the CFD subdivision it is noted that the velocity at the recess to the scrubber of the spray ( the cleansing liquid spray ) was reduced as the country of the cross-section of the fume scrubber increased. This created some jobs in the initial design as it led to †uncontrolled †flow of the liquid spray significance that it is disruptive but, it does non follow the way intended for it to travel through. This job was solved by the aid of CFD analysis together with the fluid kineticss knowledge base. The force per unit area inside the fume scrubber is non high ( at least in this instance as the type used was packed bed type ) . If the design made were a venturi type smoke scrubber, so the force per unit area used will hold to be considered since it can be rather high. However, in the instance of the design presented here the force per unit area was non high and so it was ignored when a emphasis analysis was carried out. There are grounds for this. First, the force per unit area is really little and handling the fume scrubber as a force per unit area vas, it is seen by transporting out a simple computation that the emphasis in the walls, which will be maximal as a hoop emphasis, will non be high to be of importance. However, the perpendicular smoke scrubber besides acts a column or a prance and is subjected to a burden due to its ain weight that acts as a compaction burden ( ideally ) which can do buckling of the scrubber. Buckling is an utmost instance as the wall thickness has to be really little and the tallness of the fume scrubber really big or the stuff from which it is made is holding a low snap modulus. The FEA showed that no buckling was at that place and so the compaction strength of the scrubber was equal. There is a safety factor for the scrubber and this besides takes into history the little force per unit area rise inside the scrubber. Again, the emphasiss in the walls due to the internal force per unit area have been ignored because these are little plenty to be neglected but for a venture type, these would hold been basically included in the emphasis analysis of the scrubber.DecisionThe decision from the above is that the usage of fume scrubber is a really cost effectual method of cleaning procedure air from the exhausts and suspended atoms in the air. The concern director or the mill which wishes to use fum e scrubbers in its operations will be benefit from improved pureness of the fumes gases and better working environment in welding and metal machining premises. The clean air is an indispensable legal demand today and the usage of fume scrubbers helps make the set aims. Furthermore, the fume scrubber reduces environmental pollution that arises due to the particulates every bit good as the acidic and caustic gases produced in the exhausts. The chief issues to see are the type of fume scrubber to use, the constellation, and the cost of the scrubber. The type will be dictated by the energy supply available to run the scrubber as the venture type scrubbers need to bring forth a high force per unit area spray which requires a big energy input. The jammed bed type has lower energy demands. The constellation to utilize i.e. horizontal or perpendicular will be dictated by the infinite available in the premises where the fume scrubber will be installed. The concluding factor is the cost of th e scrubber which can be justified by transporting a cost analysis to compare the different types of the scrubbers to utilize.Mentions: –Kingston University, ( Internet ) Available at & lt ; & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // accessed 18/04/2010 & gt ; & gt ; Kingston University, ( Internet ) Available at hypertext transfer protocol: // accessed on 18/04/2010 Kingston University, ( Internet ) available at hypertext transfer protocol: // accessed on 18/04/2010 Wang, Lawrence K, Pereira, Norman L & A ; Hung, Yung TSE. ( 2004 ) Air Pollution Control Engineering ( Volume1 ) : Dry Scrubber. USA: Human Press Inc Kingston University, ( Internet ) Available at hypertext transfer protocol: // accessed on 19/04/2010. Kingston University, ( cyberspace ) Available at & lt ; & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // accessed on 21/04/2010 & gt ; & gt ; Kingston University, ( cyberspace ) available at & lt ; & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // accessed on 22/04/2010 & gt ; & gt ; Kingston University, ( Internet ) available at hypertext transfer protocol: // % 5C2-Experiments_Losses_in_Pipe_systems.pdf accessed on 22/04/2010. Kingston University, ( Internet ) available at hypertext transfer protocol: // Kingston University, hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // Mention: -Kingston University ( Internet ) , available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //
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